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export { BoundingBox };

 * bounding box
 * @namespace external:CGL
 * @param {Geometry} geometry or bounding box
class BoundingBox
        this._first = true;
        this._wireMesh = null;

        if (geom) this.apply(geom);

        this._max = [-0, -0, -0];
        this._min = [0, 0, 0];
        this._center = [0, 0, 0];
        this._size = [0, 0, 0];
        this._maxAxis = 0.0;
        this._first = true;

     * get biggest number of maxX,maxY,maxZ
     * @type {Number}
    get maxAxis() { return this._maxAxis || 1; }

     * size of bounding box
     * @type {vec3}
    get size() { return this._size; }

     * center of bounding box
     * @type {vec3}
    get center() { return this._center; }

     * center x
     * @type {Number}
    get x() { return this._center[0]; }

     * center y
     * @type {Number}
    get y() { return this._center[1]; }

     * center z
     * @type {Number}
    get z() { return this._center[2]; }

     * minimum x
     * @type {Number}
    get minX() { return this._min[0]; }

     * minimum y
     * @type {Number}
    get minY() { return this._min[1]; }

     * minimum z
     * @type {Number}
    get minZ() { return this._min[2]; }

     * maximum x
     * @type {Number}
    get maxX() { return this._max[0]; }

     * maximum y
     * @type {Number}
    get maxY() { return this._max[1]; }

     * maximum z
     * @type {Number}
    get maxZ() { return this._max[2]; }

    apply(geom, mat)
        if (!geom)
            // console.warn("[boundingbox] no geom/vertices", geom);

        if (geom instanceof BoundingBox)
            const bb = geom;

            this.applyPos(bb.maxX, bb.maxY, bb.maxZ);
            this.applyPos(bb.minX, bb.minY, bb.minZ);
            for (let i = 0; i < geom.vertices.length; i += 3)
                this.applyPos(geom.vertices[i], geom.vertices[i + 1], geom.vertices[i + 2]);

     * returns a copy of the bounding box
     * @function copy
     * @memberof BoundingBox
     * @instance
        return new BoundingBox(this);

    get changed()
        return !(this._max[0] == -Number.MAX_VALUE && this._max[1] == -Number.MAX_VALUE && this._max[2] == -Number.MAX_VALUE);

    applyPos(x, y, z)
        if (x == Number.MAX_VALUE || x == -Number.MAX_VALUE ||
            y == Number.MAX_VALUE || y == -Number.MAX_VALUE ||
            z == Number.MAX_VALUE || z == -Number.MAX_VALUE) return;

        if (!CABLES.UTILS.isNumeric(x) || !CABLES.UTILS.isNumeric(y) || !CABLES.UTILS.isNumeric(z)) return;

        if (this._first)
            this._max[0] = x;
            this._max[1] = y;
            this._max[2] = z;

            this._min[0] = x;
            this._min[1] = y;
            this._min[2] = z;
            this._first = false;

        this._max[0] = Math.max(this._max[0], x);
        this._max[1] = Math.max(this._max[1], y);
        this._max[2] = Math.max(this._max[2], z);

        this._min[0] = Math.min(this._min[0], x);
        this._min[1] = Math.min(this._min[1], y);
        this._min[2] = Math.min(this._min[2], z);

        if (this._first) return;

        this._size[0] = this._max[0] - this._min[0];
        this._size[1] = this._max[1] - this._min[1];
        this._size[2] = this._max[2] - this._min[2];

        this._center[0] = (this._min[0] + this._max[0]) / 2;
        this._center[1] = (this._min[1] + this._max[1]) / 2;
        this._center[2] = (this._min[2] + this._max[2]) / 2;

        this._maxAxis = Math.max(this._size[2], Math.max(this._size[0], this._size[1]));

        if (this._first)
            this._max[0] = 0;
            this._max[1] = 0;
            this._max[2] = 0;

            this._min[0] = 0;
            this._min[1] = 0;
            this._min[2] = 0;
            this._first = false;
        vec3.transformMat4(this._max, this._max, m);
        vec3.transformMat4(this._min, this._min, m);

    render(cgl, shader, op)
        if (!this._wireMesh) this._wireMesh = new CGL.WireCube(cgl);

        mat4.translate(cgl.mMatrix, cgl.mMatrix, this._center);

        if (CABLES.UI && op)
            CABLES.UI.OverlayMeshes.drawCube(op, this._size[0] / 2, this._size[1] / 2, this._size[2] / 2);
