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import { Logger } from "cables-shared-client";
import { Uniform } from "./cgl_shader_uniform.js";
import { CONSTANTS } from "./constants.js";
import { extendMeshWithFeedback } from "./cgl_mesh_feedback.js";

const MESH = {};
MESH.lastMesh = null;

 * webgl renderable 3d object
 * @class
 * @namespace external:CGL
 * @hideconstructor
 * @param {Context} _cgl cgl
 * @param {Geometry} __geom geometry
 * @param {Number} _options glPrimitive
 * @example
 * const cgl=this._cgl
 * const mesh=new CGL.Mesh(cgl, geometry);
 * function render()
 * {
 *   mesh.render(cgl.getShader());
 * }
const Mesh = function (_cgl, __geom, _options)
    this._cgl = _cgl;

    let options = _options || {};
    if (CABLES.UTILS.isNumeric(options))options = { "glPrimitive": _options }; // old constructor fallback...
    this._log = new Logger("cgl_mesh");
    this._bufVertexAttrib = null;
    this._bufVerticesIndizes = this._cgl.gl.createBuffer();
    this._indexType = this._cgl.gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT;
    this._attributes = [];
    this._attribLocs = {};
    this._geom = null;
    this._lastShader = null;
    this._numInstances = 0;
    this._glPrimitive = options.glPrimitive;

    this.opId = options.opId || "";
    this._preWireframeGeom = null;
    this.addVertexNumbers = false;
    this._name = "unknown";

    this.feedBackAttributes = [];

    this._feedBacks = [];
    this._feedBacksChanged = false;
    this._transformFeedBackLoc = -1;
    this._lastAttrUpdate = 0;

    this.memFreed = false;

    this._cgl.profileData.addHeavyEvent("mesh constructed", this._name);

    this._queryExt = null;

    Object.defineProperty(this, "numInstances", {
            return this._numInstances;

Mesh.prototype.freeMem = function ()
    this.memFreed = true;

    for (let i = 0; i < this._attributes.length; i++)
        this._attributes[i].floatArray = null;

 * @function updateVertices
 * @memberof Mesh
 * @instance
 * @description update vertices only from a geometry
 * @param {Geometry} geom
Mesh.prototype.updateVertices = function (geom)
    this.setAttribute(CONSTANTS.SHADER.SHADERVAR_VERTEX_POSITION, geom.vertices, 3);
    this._numVerts = geom.vertices.length / 3;

Mesh.prototype.setAttributePointer = function (attrName, name, stride, offset)
    for (let i = 0; i < this._attributes.length; i++)
        if (this._attributes[i].name == attrName)
            if (!this._attributes[i].pointer) this._attributes[i].pointer = [];

                    "loc": -1,
                    "name": name,
                    "stride": stride,
                    "offset": offset,
                    "instanced": attrName == CONSTANTS.SHADER.SHADERVAR_INSTANCE_MMATRIX,

Mesh.prototype.getAttribute = function (name)
    for (let i = 0; i < this._attributes.length; i++) if (this._attributes[i].name == name) return this._attributes[i];

Mesh.prototype.setAttributeRange = function (attr, array, start, end)
    if (!attr) return;
    if (!start && !end) return;

    if (!attr.name)
        this._log.stack("no attrname?!");

    this._cgl.gl.bindBuffer(this._cgl.gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, attr.buffer);
    this._cgl.profileData.profileMeshAttributes += (end - start) || 0;

    this._cgl.profileData.profileSingleMeshAttribute[this._name] = this._cgl.profileData.profileSingleMeshAttribute[this._name] || 0;
    this._cgl.profileData.profileSingleMeshAttribute[this._name] += (end - start) || 0;

    if (attr.numItems < array.length / attr.itemSize)
        this._resizeAttr(array, attr);

    if (end > array.length)
        if (CABLES.platform.isDevEnv())
            this._log.log(this._cgl.canvas.id + " " + attr.name + " buffersubdata out of bounds ?", array.length, end, start, attr);
        // end = array.length - 1;

    if (this._cgl.glVersion == 1) this._cgl.gl.bufferSubData(this._cgl.gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, array); // probably slow/ maybe create and array with only changed size ??
    else this._cgl.gl.bufferSubData(this._cgl.gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, start * 4, array, start, (end - start));

Mesh.prototype._resizeAttr = function (array, attr)
    if (attr.buffer)

    attr.buffer = this._cgl.gl.createBuffer();
    this._cgl.gl.bindBuffer(this._cgl.gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, attr.buffer);
    this._bufferArray(array, attr);
    attr.numItems = array.length / attr.itemSize;// numItems;

Mesh.prototype._bufferArray = function (array, attr)
    let floatArray = attr.floatArray || null;
    if (!array) return;

    if (this._cgl.debugOneFrame)
        console.log("_bufferArray", array.length, attr.name); // eslint-disable-line

    if (!(array instanceof Float32Array))
        if (attr && floatArray && floatArray.length == array.length)
            // floatArray = floatArray;
            floatArray = new Float32Array(array);

            if (this._cgl.debugOneFrame)
                console.log("_bufferArray create new float32array", array.length, attr.name); // eslint-disable-line

            if (array.length > 10000)
                this._cgl.profileData.profileNonTypedAttribNames = "(" + this._name + ":" + attr.name + ")";
    else floatArray = array;

    attr.arrayLength = floatArray.length;
    attr.floatArray = null;// floatArray;

    this._cgl.gl.bufferData(this._cgl.gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, floatArray, this._cgl.gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW);

 * @function setAttribute
 * @description update attribute
 * @memberof Mesh
 * @instance
 * @param {String} attribute name
 * @param {Array} data
 * @param {Number} itemSize
 * @param {Object} options
Mesh.prototype.addAttribute = Mesh.prototype.updateAttribute = Mesh.prototype.setAttribute = function (name, array, itemSize, options)
    if (!array)
        this._log.error("mesh addAttribute - no array given! " + name);
        throw new Error();
    let cb = null;
    let instanced = false;
    let i = 0;
    const numItems = array.length / itemSize;

    this._cgl.profileData.profileMeshAttributes += numItems || 0;

    if (typeof options == "function")
        cb = options;

    if (typeof options == "object")
        if (options.cb) cb = options.cb;
        if (options.instanced) instanced = options.instanced;

    if (name == CONSTANTS.SHADER.SHADERVAR_INSTANCE_MMATRIX) instanced = true;

    for (i = 0; i < this._attributes.length; i++)
        const attr = this._attributes[i];
        if (attr.name == name)
            if (attr.numItems === numItems)
                // this._log.log("wrong buffer size", this._geom.name, attr.name, attr.numItems, numItems);
                this._resizeAttr(array, attr);

            this._cgl.gl.bindBuffer(this._cgl.gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, attr.buffer);
            this._bufferArray(array, attr);

            return attr;

    // create new buffer...

    const buffer = this._cgl.gl.createBuffer();

    this._cgl.gl.bindBuffer(this._cgl.gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer);
    // this._cgl.gl.bufferData(this._cgl.gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, floatArray, this._cgl.gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW);

    let type = this._cgl.gl.FLOAT;
    if (options && options.type) type = options.type;
    const attr = {
        "buffer": buffer,
        "name": name,
        "cb": cb,
        "itemSize": itemSize,
        "numItems": numItems,
        "startItem": 0,
        "instanced": instanced,
        "type": type

    this._bufferArray(array, attr);

    if (name == CONSTANTS.SHADER.SHADERVAR_VERTEX_POSITION) this._bufVertexAttrib = attr;
    this._attribLocs = {};

    return attr;

Mesh.prototype.getAttributes = function ()
    return this._attributes;

 * @function updateTexCoords
 * @description update texture coordinates only from a geometry
 * @memberof Mesh
 * @instance
 * @param {Geometry} geom
Mesh.prototype.updateTexCoords = function (geom)
    if (geom.texCoords && geom.texCoords.length > 0)
        this.setAttribute(CONSTANTS.SHADER.SHADERVAR_VERTEX_TEXCOORD, geom.texCoords, 2);
        const tcBuff = new Float32Array(Math.round((geom.vertices.length / 3) * 2));
        this.setAttribute(CONSTANTS.SHADER.SHADERVAR_VERTEX_TEXCOORD, tcBuff, 2);

 * @function updateNormals
 * @description update normals only from a geometry
 * @memberof Mesh
 * @instance
 * @param {Geometry} geom
Mesh.prototype.updateNormals = function (geom)
    if (geom.vertexNormals && geom.vertexNormals.length > 0)
        this.setAttribute(CONSTANTS.SHADER.SHADERVAR_VERTEX_NORMAL, geom.vertexNormals, 3);
        const tcBuff = new Float32Array(Math.round((geom.vertices.length)));
        this.setAttribute(CONSTANTS.SHADER.SHADERVAR_VERTEX_NORMAL, tcBuff, 3);

Mesh.prototype._setVertexNumbers = function (arr)
    if (!this._verticesNumbers || this._verticesNumbers.length != this._numVerts || arr)
        if (arr) this._verticesNumbers = arr;
            this._verticesNumbers = new Float32Array(this._numVerts);
            for (let i = 0; i < this._numVerts; i++) this._verticesNumbers[i] = i;

        this.setAttribute(CONSTANTS.SHADER.SHADERVAR_VERTEX_NUMBER, this._verticesNumbers, 1, (attr, geom, shader) =>
            if (!shader.uniformNumVertices) shader.uniformNumVertices = new Uniform(shader, "f", "numVertices", this._numVerts);

            // console.log("this._numVerts", this._numVerts, attr, shader.uniformNumVertices);

 * @function setVertexIndices
 * @description update vertex indices / faces
 * @memberof Mesh
 * @instance
 * @param {array} vertIndices
Mesh.prototype.setVertexIndices = function (vertIndices)
    if (!this._bufVerticesIndizes)
        this._log.warn("no bufVerticesIndizes: " + this._name);
    if (vertIndices.length > 0)
        if (vertIndices instanceof Float32Array) this._log.warn("vertIndices float32Array: " + this._name);

        for (let i = 0; i < vertIndices.length; i++)
            if (vertIndices[i] >= this._numVerts)
                this._log.warn("invalid index in " + this._name, i, vertIndices[i]);

        this._cgl.gl.bindBuffer(this._cgl.gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this._bufVerticesIndizes);

        // todo cache this ?
        // if(!this.vertIndicesTyped || this.vertIndicesTyped.length!=this._geom.verticesIndices.length)

        if (vertIndices.length > 65535)
            this.vertIndicesTyped = new Uint32Array(vertIndices);
            this._indexType = this._cgl.gl.UNSIGNED_INT;
        if (vertIndices instanceof Uint32Array)
            this.vertIndicesTyped = vertIndices;
            this._indexType = this._cgl.gl.UNSIGNED_INT;
        if (!(vertIndices instanceof Uint16Array))
            this.vertIndicesTyped = new Uint16Array(vertIndices);
            this._indexType = this._cgl.gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT;
        else this.vertIndicesTyped = vertIndices;

        this._cgl.gl.bufferData(this._cgl.gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this.vertIndicesTyped, this._cgl.gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW);
        this._bufVerticesIndizes.itemSize = 1;
        this._bufVerticesIndizes.numItems = vertIndices.length;
    else this._bufVerticesIndizes.numItems = 0;

 * @function setGeom
 * @memberof Mesh
 * @instance
 * @description set geometry for mesh
 * @param {Geometry} geom
 * @param {boolean} removeRef
Mesh.prototype.setGeom = function (geom, removeRef)
    this._geom = geom;
    if (geom.glPrimitive != null) this._glPrimitive = geom.glPrimitive;
    if (this._geom && this._geom.name) this._name = "mesh " + this._geom.name;

    MESH.lastMesh = null;



    if (this.addVertexNumbers) this._setVertexNumbers();

    const geomAttribs = this._geom.getAttributes();

    const attribAssoc = {
        "tangents": "attrTangent",
        "biTangents": "attrBiTangent",

    for (const index in geomAttribs)
        if (geomAttribs[index].data && geomAttribs[index].data.length)
            this.setAttribute(attribAssoc[index] || index, geomAttribs[index].data, geomAttribs[index].itemSize);

    if (removeRef)
        this._geom = null;

Mesh.prototype._preBind = function (shader)
    for (let i = 0; i < this._attributes.length; i++)
        if (this._attributes[i].cb)
            this._attributes[i].cb(this._attributes[i], this._geom, shader);

Mesh.prototype._checkAttrLengths = function ()
    if (this.memFreed) return;
    // check length
    for (let i = 0; i < this._attributes.length; i++)
        if (this._attributes[i].arrayLength / this._attributes[i].itemSize < this._attributes[0].arrayLength / this._attributes[0].itemSize)
            let name = "unknown";
            if (this._geom)name = this._geom.name;
            // this._log.warn(
            //     name + ": " + this._attributes[i].name +
            //     " wrong attr length. is:", this._attributes[i].arrayLength / this._attributes[i].itemSize,
            //     " should be:", this._attributes[0].arrayLength / this._attributes[0].itemSize,
            // );

Mesh.prototype._bind = function (shader)
    if (!shader.isValid()) return;

    let attrLocs = [];
    if (this._attribLocs[shader.id]) attrLocs = this._attribLocs[shader.id];
    else this._attribLocs[shader.id] = attrLocs;

    this._lastShader = shader;
    if (shader.lastCompile > this._lastAttrUpdate || attrLocs.length != this._attributes.length)
        this._lastAttrUpdate = shader.lastCompile;
        for (let i = 0; i < this._attributes.length; i++) attrLocs[i] = -1;

    for (let i = 0; i < this._attributes.length; i++)
        const attribute = this._attributes[i];
        if (attrLocs[i] == -1)
            if (attribute._attrLocationLastShaderTime != shader.lastCompile)
                attribute._attrLocationLastShaderTime = shader.lastCompile;
                attrLocs[i] = this._cgl.glGetAttribLocation(shader.getProgram(), attribute.name);
                // this._log.log('attribloc',attribute.name,attrLocs[i]);

        if (attrLocs[i] != -1)
            this._cgl.gl.bindBuffer(this._cgl.gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, attribute.buffer);

            if (attribute.instanced)
                // todo: easier way to fill mat4 attribs...
                if (attribute.itemSize <= 4)
                    if (!attribute.itemSize || attribute.itemSize == 0) this._log.warn("instanced attrib itemsize error", this._geom.name, attribute);

                    this._cgl.gl.vertexAttribPointer(attrLocs[i], attribute.itemSize, attribute.type, false, attribute.itemSize * 4, 0);
                    this._cgl.gl.vertexAttribDivisor(attrLocs[i], 1);
                else if (attribute.itemSize == 16)
                    const stride = 16 * 4;

                    this._cgl.gl.vertexAttribPointer(attrLocs[i], 4, attribute.type, false, stride, 0);
                    this._cgl.gl.enableVertexAttribArray(attrLocs[i] + 1);
                    this._cgl.gl.vertexAttribPointer(attrLocs[i] + 1, 4, attribute.type, false, stride, 4 * 4 * 1);
                    this._cgl.gl.enableVertexAttribArray(attrLocs[i] + 2);
                    this._cgl.gl.vertexAttribPointer(attrLocs[i] + 2, 4, attribute.type, false, stride, 4 * 4 * 2);
                    this._cgl.gl.enableVertexAttribArray(attrLocs[i] + 3);
                    this._cgl.gl.vertexAttribPointer(attrLocs[i] + 3, 4, attribute.type, false, stride, 4 * 4 * 3);

                    this._cgl.gl.vertexAttribDivisor(attrLocs[i], 1);
                    this._cgl.gl.vertexAttribDivisor(attrLocs[i] + 1, 1);
                    this._cgl.gl.vertexAttribDivisor(attrLocs[i] + 2, 1);
                    this._cgl.gl.vertexAttribDivisor(attrLocs[i] + 3, 1);
                    this._log.warn("unknown instance attrib size", attribute.name);
                if (!attribute.itemSize || attribute.itemSize == 0) this._log.warn("attrib itemsize error", this._name, attribute);
                this._cgl.gl.vertexAttribPointer(attrLocs[i], attribute.itemSize, attribute.type, false, attribute.itemSize * 4, 0);

                if (attribute.pointer)
                    for (let ip = 0; ip < attribute.pointer.length; ip++)
                        const pointer = attribute.pointer[ip];

                        if (pointer.loc == -1)
                            pointer.loc = this._cgl.glGetAttribLocation(shader.getProgram(), pointer.name);


                        this._cgl.gl.vertexAttribPointer(pointer.loc, attribute.itemSize, attribute.type, false, pointer.stride, pointer.offset);

    if (this._bufVerticesIndizes && this._bufVerticesIndizes.numItems !== 0) this._cgl.gl.bindBuffer(this._cgl.gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this._bufVerticesIndizes);

Mesh.prototype.unBind = function ()
    const shader = this._lastShader;
    this._lastShader = null;
    if (!shader) return;

    let attrLocs = [];
    if (this._attribLocs[shader.id]) attrLocs = this._attribLocs[shader.id];
    else this._attribLocs[shader.id] = attrLocs;

    MESH.lastMesh = null;

    for (let i = 0; i < this._attributes.length; i++)
        if (this._attributes[i].instanced)
            // todo: easier way to fill mat4 attribs...
            if (this._attributes[i].itemSize <= 4)
                if (attrLocs[i] != -1) this._cgl.gl.vertexAttribDivisor(attrLocs[i], 0);
                if (attrLocs[i] >= 0) this._cgl.gl.disableVertexAttribArray(attrLocs[i]);
                this._cgl.gl.vertexAttribDivisor(attrLocs[i], 0);
                this._cgl.gl.vertexAttribDivisor(attrLocs[i] + 1, 0);
                this._cgl.gl.vertexAttribDivisor(attrLocs[i] + 2, 0);
                this._cgl.gl.vertexAttribDivisor(attrLocs[i] + 3, 0);
                this._cgl.gl.disableVertexAttribArray(attrLocs[i] + 1);
                this._cgl.gl.disableVertexAttribArray(attrLocs[i] + 2);
                this._cgl.gl.disableVertexAttribArray(attrLocs[i] + 3);

        if (attrLocs[i] != -1) this._cgl.gl.disableVertexAttribArray(attrLocs[i]);

Mesh.prototype.meshChanged = function ()
    return this._cgl.lastMesh && this._cgl.lastMesh != this;

Mesh.prototype.printDebug = function (shader)
    for (let i = 0; i < this._attributes.length; i++)
        console.log("attribute " + i + " " + this._attributes[i].name);

Mesh.prototype.setNumVertices = function (num)
    this._bufVertexAttrib.numItems = num;

Mesh.prototype.getNumVertices = function ()
    return this._bufVertexAttrib.numItems;

 * @function render
 * @memberof Mesh
 * @instance
 * @description draw mesh to screen
 * @param {Shader} shader
Mesh.prototype.render = function (shader)
    // TODO: enable/disablevertex only if the mesh has changed... think drawing 10000x the same mesh

    if (!shader || !shader.isValid() || this._cgl.aborted) return;


    if (this._geom)
        if (this._preWireframeGeom && !shader.wireframe && !this._geom.isIndexed())
            this._preWireframeGeom = null;
            // console.log("remove prewireframe geom");

        if (shader.wireframe)
            let changed = false;

            if (this._geom.isIndexed())
                if (!this._preWireframeGeom)
                    this._preWireframeGeom = this._geom;
                    this._geom = this._geom.copy();

                changed = true;

            if (!this._geom.getAttribute("attrBarycentric"))
                if (!this._preWireframeGeom)
                    this._preWireframeGeom = this._geom;
                    this._geom = this._geom.copy();
                changed = true;

            if (changed) this.setGeom(this._geom);
        // if (shader.wireframe)
        // console.log(shader.wireframe, this._geom.isIndexed());

    let needsBind = false;
    if (MESH.lastMesh != this)
        if (MESH.lastMesh) MESH.lastMesh.unBind();
        needsBind = true;

    // var needsBind=false;
    // {
    //     needsBind=true;
    // }
    if (needsBind) this._preBind(shader);

    if (!shader.bind()) return;

    // if(needsBind)
    if (this.addVertexNumbers) this._setVertexNumbers();

    MESH.lastMesh = this;

    let prim = this._cgl.gl.TRIANGLES;
    if (this._glPrimitive !== undefined) prim = this._glPrimitive;
    if (shader.glPrimitive !== null) prim = shader.glPrimitive;

    let elementDiv = 1;
    let doQuery = this._cgl.profileData.doProfileGlQuery;
    let queryStarted = false;
    if (doQuery)
        let id = this._name + " - " + shader.getName() + " #" + shader.id;
        if (this._numInstances) id += " instanced " + this._numInstances + "x";

        let queryProfilerData = this._cgl.profileData.glQueryData[id];

        if (!queryProfilerData) queryProfilerData = { "id": id, "num": 0 };

        if (shader.opId)queryProfilerData.shaderOp = shader.opId;
        if (this.opId)queryProfilerData.meshOp = this.opId;

        this._cgl.profileData.glQueryData[id] = queryProfilerData;

        if (!this._queryExt && this._queryExt !== false) this._queryExt = this._cgl.enableExtension("EXT_disjoint_timer_query_webgl2") || false;
        if (this._queryExt)
            if (queryProfilerData._drawQuery)
                const available = this._cgl.gl.getQueryParameter(queryProfilerData._drawQuery, this._cgl.gl.QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE);
                if (available)
                    const elapsedNanos = this._cgl.gl.getQueryParameter(queryProfilerData._drawQuery, this._cgl.gl.QUERY_RESULT);
                    const currentTimeGPU = elapsedNanos / 1000000;

                    queryProfilerData._times = queryProfilerData._times || 0;
                    queryProfilerData._times += currentTimeGPU;
                    queryProfilerData.when = performance.now();
                    queryProfilerData._drawQuery = null;
                    queryProfilerData.queryStarted = false;

            if (!queryProfilerData.queryStarted)
                queryProfilerData._drawQuery = this._cgl.gl.createQuery();
                this._cgl.gl.beginQuery(this._queryExt.TIME_ELAPSED_EXT, queryProfilerData._drawQuery);
                queryStarted = queryProfilerData.queryStarted = true;

    if (this.hasFeedbacks())
        this.drawFeedbacks(shader, prim);
    else if (!this._bufVerticesIndizes || this._bufVerticesIndizes.numItems === 0)
        // for (let i = 0; i < this._attributes.length; i++)
        // {
        //     if (this._attributes[i].arrayLength / this._attributes[i].itemSize != this._bufVertexAttrib.floatArray.length / 3)
        //     {
        //         this._log.warn("attrib buffer length wrong! ", this._attributes[i].name, this._attributes[i].arrayLength / this._attributes[i].itemSize, this._bufVertexAttrib.floatArray.length / 3, this._attributes[i].itemSize);
        //         // this._log.log(this);
        //         // debugger;
        //         return;
        //     }
        // }

        if (prim == this._cgl.gl.TRIANGLES)elementDiv = 3;
        if (this._numInstances === 0) this._cgl.gl.drawArrays(prim, this._bufVertexAttrib.startItem, this._bufVertexAttrib.numItems - this._bufVertexAttrib.startItem);
        else this._cgl.gl.drawArraysInstanced(prim, this._bufVertexAttrib.startItem, this._bufVertexAttrib.numItems, this._numInstances);
        if (prim == this._cgl.gl.TRIANGLES)elementDiv = 3;
        if (this._numInstances === 0)
            // console.log("la", this._bufVerticesIndizes.numItems);

            this._cgl.gl.drawElements(prim, this._bufVerticesIndizes.numItems, this._indexType, 0);
            this._cgl.gl.drawElementsInstanced(prim, this._bufVerticesIndizes.numItems, this._indexType, 0, this._numInstances);

    if (this._cgl.debugOneFrame && this._cgl.gl.getError() != this._cgl.gl.NO_ERROR)
        this._log.error("mesh draw gl error");
        this._log.error("mesh", this);
        this._log.error("shader", shader);

        const attribNames = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < this._cgl.gl.getProgramParameter(shader.getProgram(), this._cgl.gl.ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES); i++)
            const name = this._cgl.gl.getActiveAttrib(shader.getProgram(), i).name;
            this._log.error("attrib ", name);

    this._cgl.profileData.profileMeshNumElements += (this._bufVertexAttrib.numItems / elementDiv) * (this._numInstances || 1);

    if (doQuery && queryStarted)

    this._cgl.printError("mesh render " + this._name);


Mesh.prototype.setNumInstances = function (n)
    n = Math.max(0, n);
    if (this._numInstances != n)
        this._numInstances = n;
        const indexArr = new Float32Array(n);
        for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) indexArr[i] = i;
        this.setAttribute(CONSTANTS.SHADER.SHADERVAR_INSTANCE_INDEX, indexArr, 1, { "instanced": true });

Mesh.prototype._disposeAttributes = function ()
    if (!this._attributes) return;

    for (let i = 0; i < this._attributes.length; i++)
        if (this._attributes[i].buffer)
            this._attributes[i].buffer = null;
    this._attributes.length = 0;

Mesh.prototype.dispose = function ()
    if (this._bufVertexAttrib && this._bufVertexAttrib.buffer) this._cgl.gl.deleteBuffer(this._bufVertexAttrib.buffer);
    if (this._bufVerticesIndizes) this._cgl.gl.deleteBuffer(this._bufVerticesIndizes);
    this._bufVerticesIndizes = null;



export { Mesh, MESH };