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import { Logger } from "cables-shared-client";
import { ShaderLibMods } from "./cgl_shader_lib.js";
import { now } from "../timer.js";
import { MESH } from "./cgl_mesh.js";
import { CONSTANTS } from "./constants.js";
import { escapeHTML } from "./cgl_utils.js";
import { CgShader } from "../cg/cg_shader.js";
import defaultShaderSrcVert from "./cgl_shader_default_glsl.vert";
import { simpleId } from "../utils.js";
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


proposal default shader variable names:

attrVertex - currently: vPosition
attrVertexIndex - currently: attrVertIndex
attrInstMat - currently: instMat

uProjMatrix - currently: projMatrix
uModelMatrix - currently: modelMatrix
uNormalMatrix - currently: normalMatrix
uCamPosition - currently: camPos


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

let materialIdCounter = 0;

function getDefaultVertexShader()
    return defaultShaderSrcVert;

function getDefaultFragmentShader(r, g, b)
    if (r == undefined)
        r = 0.5;
        g = 0.5;
        b = 0.5;
    return ""
        .endl() + "IN vec2 texCoord;"
        .endl() + "{{MODULES_HEAD}}"
        .endl() + "void main()"
        .endl() + "{"
        .endl() + "    vec4 col=vec4(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + ",1.0);"
        .endl() + "    {{MODULE_COLOR}}"
        .endl() + "    outColor = col;"
        .endl() + "}";

 * @class
 * @namespace external:CGL
 * @hideconstructor
 * @param _cgl
 * @param _name
 * @param _op
 * @example
 * var shader=new CGL.Shader(cgl,'MinimalMaterial');
 * shader.setSource(attachments.shader_vert,attachments.shader_frag);
class Shader extends CgShader
    constructor (_cgl, _name, _op)
        if (!_cgl) throw new Error("shader constructed without cgl " + _name);

        this._log = new Logger("cgl_shader");
        this._cgl = _cgl;

        if (!_name) this._log.stack("no shader name given");
        this._name = _name || "unknown";

        if (_op) this.opId = _op.id;
        this.glslVersion = 0;
        if (_cgl.glVersion > 1) this.glslVersion = 300;

        this._materialId = ++materialIdCounter;

        this._program = null;
        this._uniforms = [];
        this._drawBuffers = [true];

        this._needsRecompile = true;
        this._compileReason = "initial";

        this.ignoreMissingUniforms = false;
        this._projMatrixUniform = null;
        this._mvMatrixUniform = null;
        this._mMatrixUniform = null;
        this._vMatrixUniform = null;
        this._camPosUniform = null;
        this._normalMatrixUniform = null;
        this._inverseViewMatrixUniform = null;
        this._fromUserInteraction = false;

        this._attrVertexPos = -1;
        this.precision = _cgl.patch.config.glslPrecision || "highp";

        this._pMatrixState = -1;
        this._vMatrixState = -1;

        this._countMissingUniforms = 0;
        this._modGroupCount = 0; // not needed anymore...
        this._feedBackNames = [];
        this._attributes = [];

        this.glPrimitive = null;
        this.offScreenPass = false;
        this._extensions = [];
        this.srcVert = getDefaultVertexShader();
        this.srcFrag = getDefaultFragmentShader();
        this.lastCompile = 0;

        this._libs = [];
        this._structNames = [];
        this._structUniformNames = [];
        this._textureStackUni = [];
        this._textureStackTex = [];
        this._textureStackType = [];
        this._textureStackTexCgl = [];

        this._tempNormalMatrix = mat4.create();
        this._tempCamPosMatrix = mat4.create();
        this._tempInverseViewMatrix = mat4.create();
        this._tempInverseProjMatrix = mat4.create();


        return this._isValid;

        return this._cgl;

        return this._name;

     * enable an extension for the shader
     * @function enableExtension
     * @memberof Shader
     * @instance
     * @param name extension name
        this.setWhyCompile("enable extension " + name);
        this._needsRecompile = true;

        return this._attrVertexPos;

        for (let i = 0; i < this._uniforms.length; i++)
            if (this._uniforms[i].getType() == "t") return true;
        return false;

        this._compileReason = why;

     * copy all uniform values from another shader
     * @function copyUniforms
     * @memberof Shader
     * @instance
     * @param origShader uniform values will be copied from this shader
        // console.log(origShader._uniforms);
        for (let i = 0; i < origShader._uniforms.length; i++)
            if (!this._uniforms[i])
                this._log.log("unknown uniform?!");

            // this._log.log(origShader._uniforms[i].getName());
            // this.getUniform(origShader._uniforms[i].)
            // this._uniforms[i].set(origShader._uniforms[i].getValue());

            // if (origShader._uniforms[i].getName().contains("pathPoints"))
            //     console.log("copyUniformValues", origShader._uniforms[i].getName(), origShader._uniforms[i].getValue());


        for (let i = 0; i < origShader._textureStackUni.length; i++)
            this._textureStackUni[i] = origShader._textureStackUni[i];
            this._textureStackTex[i] = origShader._textureStackTex[i];
            this._textureStackType[i] = origShader._textureStackType[i];
            this._textureStackTexCgl[i] = origShader._textureStackTexCgl[i];

        // this._textureStackUni = [];
        // this._textureStackTex = [];
        // this._textureStackType = [];
        // this._textureStackTexCgl = [];

     * copy current shader
     * @function copy
     * @memberof Shader
     * @instance
     * @returns newShader
        const shader = new Shader(this._cgl, this._name + " copy");
        shader.setSource(this.srcVert, this.srcFrag);

        shader._modules = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this._modules));
        shader._defines = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this._defines));

        shader._modGroupCount = this._modGroupCount;
        shader._moduleNames = this._moduleNames;
        shader.glPrimitive = this.glPrimitive;
        shader.offScreenPass = this.offScreenPass;
        shader._extensions = this._extensions;
        shader.wireframe = this.wireframe;
        shader._attributes = this._attributes;

        for (let i = 0; i < this._uniforms.length; i++)
            const u = this._uniforms[i].copy(shader);

        shader._needsRecompile = true;
        return shader;

     * set shader source code
     * @function setSource
     * @memberof Shader
     * @instance
     * @param {String} srcVert
     * @param {String} srcFrag
     * @param {Bool} fromUserInteraction
    setSource(srcVert, srcFrag, fromUserInteraction)
        this._fromUserInteraction = fromUserInteraction;
        this.srcVert = srcVert;
        this.srcFrag = srcFrag;
        this.setWhyCompile("Source changed");
        this._needsRecompile = true;
        this._isValid = true;

        for (const id in ShaderLibMods)
            if (src.contains(id))
                const lib = new ShaderLibMods[id]();
                src = src.replace("{{" + id + "}}", lib.srcHeadFrag);
                if (lib.initUniforms)lib.initUniforms(this);

        return src;

        // * create structs
        let structStrFrag = "";
        let structStrVert = ""; // TODO: not used yet

        this._structNames = [];
        // * reset the arrays holding the value each recompile so we don't skip structs
        // * key value mapping so the same struct can be added twice (two times the same modifier)
        this._injectedStringsFrag = {};
        this._injectedStringsVert = {};

        this._structUniformNamesIndicesFrag = [];
        this._structUniformNamesIndicesVert = [];

        for (let i = 0; i < this._uniforms.length; i++)
            // * only add uniforms to struct that are a member of a struct
            if (this._uniforms[i].isStructMember())
                const injectionString = "{{INJECTION_POINT_STRUCT_" + this._uniforms[i]._structName + "}}";

                // * check if struct is not already part of shader
                if (!this._structNames.includes(this._uniforms[i]._structName))
                    // * create struct definition with placeholder string to inject
                    const structDefinition = "struct "
                        + this._uniforms[i]._structName + " {".endl()
                        + injectionString
                        + "};".endl().endl();

                    if (this._uniforms[i].getShaderType() === "both" || this._uniforms[i].getShaderType() === "frag")
                        structStrFrag = structStrFrag.concat(structDefinition);

                    if (this._uniforms[i].getShaderType() === "both" || this._uniforms[i].getShaderType() === "vert")
                        structStrVert = structStrVert.concat(structDefinition);

                    this._injectedStringsFrag[this._uniforms[i]._structName] = [];
                    this._injectedStringsVert[this._uniforms[i]._structName] = [];

                // * create member & comment
                let comment = "";
                if (this._uniforms[i].comment) comment = " // " + this._uniforms[i].comment;

                let stringToInsert = "";
                if (this._uniforms[i].getGlslTypeString() == undefined)stringToInsert += "//";
                stringToInsert += "  " + this._uniforms[i].getGlslTypeString()
                        + " " + this._uniforms[i]._propertyName + ";"
                        + comment;

                if (this._uniforms[i].getShaderType() === "both")
                    // * inject member before {injectionString}
                    if (
                    && !this._injectedStringsVert[this._uniforms[i]._structName].contains(stringToInsert))
                        const insertionIndexFrag = structStrFrag.lastIndexOf(injectionString);
                        const insertionIndexVert = structStrVert.lastIndexOf(injectionString);

                        structStrFrag =
                            structStrFrag.slice(0, insertionIndexFrag)
                            + stringToInsert + structStrFrag.slice(insertionIndexFrag - 1);

                        structStrVert =
                            structStrVert.slice(0, insertionIndexVert)
                            + stringToInsert + structStrVert.slice(insertionIndexVert - 1);


                    if (!this._structUniformNamesIndicesFrag.includes(i)) this._structUniformNamesIndicesFrag.push(i);
                    if (!this._structUniformNamesIndicesVert.includes(i)) this._structUniformNamesIndicesVert.push(i);
                else if (this._uniforms[i].getShaderType() === "frag")
                    // * inject member before {injectionString}
                    if (!this._injectedStringsFrag[this._uniforms[i]._structName].includes(stringToInsert)) //
                        const insertionIndexFrag = structStrFrag.lastIndexOf(injectionString);

                        structStrFrag =
                            structStrFrag.slice(0, insertionIndexFrag)
                            + stringToInsert + structStrFrag.slice(insertionIndexFrag - 1);


                    if (!this._structUniformNamesIndicesFrag.includes(i)) this._structUniformNamesIndicesFrag.push(i);
                else if (this._uniforms[i].getShaderType() === "vert")
                    // * inject member before {injectionString}
                    if (!this._injectedStringsVert[this._uniforms[i]._structName].includes(stringToInsert))
                        const insertionIndexVert = structStrVert.lastIndexOf(injectionString);

                        structStrVert =
                            structStrVert.slice(0, insertionIndexVert)
                            + stringToInsert + structStrVert.slice(insertionIndexVert - 1);


                    if (!this._structUniformNamesIndicesVert.includes(i)) this._structUniformNamesIndicesVert.push(i);

        // * dedupe injected uni declarations
        this._uniDeclarationsFrag = [];
        this._uniDeclarationsVert = [];

        // * remove struct injection points and add uniform in fragment
        for (let i = 0; i < this._structUniformNamesIndicesFrag.length; i += 1)
            const index = this._structUniformNamesIndicesFrag[i];
            const uniDeclarationString = "UNI " + this._uniforms[index]._structName + " " + this._uniforms[index]._structUniformName + ";".endl();

            if (!this._uniDeclarationsFrag.includes(uniDeclarationString))
                const injectionString = "{{INJECTION_POINT_STRUCT_" + this._uniforms[index]._structName + "}}";

                structStrFrag = structStrFrag.replace(injectionString, "");
                structStrFrag += uniDeclarationString;


        // * remove struct injection points and add uniform in vertex
        for (let i = 0; i < this._structUniformNamesIndicesVert.length; i += 1)
            const index = this._structUniformNamesIndicesVert[i];
            const uniDeclarationString = "UNI " + this._uniforms[index]._structName + " " + this._uniforms[index]._structUniformName + ";".endl();

            if (!this._uniDeclarationsVert.includes(uniDeclarationString))
                const injectionString = "{{INJECTION_POINT_STRUCT_" + this._uniforms[index]._structName + "}}";

                structStrVert = structStrVert.replace(injectionString, "");
                structStrVert += uniDeclarationString;

        return [structStrVert, structStrFrag];

    _getAttrSrc(attr, firstLevel)
        const r = {};
        if (attr.name && attr.type)
            r.srcHeadVert = "";
            if (!firstLevel) r.srcHeadVert += "#ifndef ATTRIB_" + attr.name.endl();
            r.srcHeadVert += "#define ATTRIB_" + attr.name.endl();
            r.srcHeadVert += "IN " + attr.type + " " + attr.name + ";".endl();
            if (!firstLevel) r.srcHeadVert += "#endif".endl();

            if (attr.nameFrag)
                r.srcHeadVert += "";
                if (!firstLevel) r.srcHeadVert += "#ifndef ATTRIB_" + attr.nameFrag.endl();
                r.srcHeadVert += "#define ATTRIB_" + attr.nameFrag.endl();
                r.srcHeadVert += "OUT " + attr.type + " " + attr.nameFrag + ";".endl();
                if (!firstLevel) r.srcHeadVert += "#endif".endl();

                r.srcVert = "".endl() + attr.nameFrag + "=" + attr.name + ";";

                r.srcHeadFrag = "";
                if (!firstLevel) r.srcHeadFrag += "#ifndef ATTRIB_" + attr.nameFrag.endl();
                r.srcHeadFrag += "#define ATTRIB_" + attr.nameFrag.endl();
                r.srcHeadFrag += "IN " + attr.type + " " + attr.nameFrag + ";".endl();
                if (!firstLevel) r.srcHeadFrag += "#endif".endl();
        return r;

        if (this._cgl.aborted) return;
        const startTime = performance.now();

        this._cgl.profileData.profileShaderCompileName = this._name + " [" + this._compileReason + "]";

        let extensionString = "";
        if (this._extensions)
            for (let i = 0; i < this._extensions.length; i++)
                extensionString += "#extension " + this._extensions[i] + " : enable".endl();

        let definesStr = "";
        if (this._defines.length) definesStr = "\n// cgl generated".endl();
        for (let i = 0; i < this._defines.length; i++)
            definesStr += "#define " + this._defines[i][0] + " " + this._defines[i][1] + "".endl();

        const structStrings = this.createStructUniforms();
        this._cgl.profileData.addHeavyEvent("shader compile", this._name + " [" + this._compileReason + "]");
        this._compileReason = "";

        if (this._uniforms)
            // * we create an array of the uniform names to check our indices & an array to save them
            const uniNames = this._uniforms.map((uni) => { return uni._name; });
            const indicesToRemove = [];

            // * we go through our uniforms and check if the same name is contained somewhere further in the array
            // * if so, we add the current index to be removed later
            for (let i = 0; i < this._uniforms.length; i++)
                const uni = this._uniforms[i];
                const nextIndex = uniNames.indexOf(uni._name, i + 1);
                if (nextIndex > -1) indicesToRemove.push(i);

            // * after that, we go through the uniforms backwards (so we keep the order) and remove the indices
            // * also, we reset the locations of all the other valid uniforms
            for (let j = this._uniforms.length - 1; j >= 0; j -= 1)
                if (indicesToRemove.includes(j)) this._uniforms.splice(j, 1);
                else this._uniforms[j].resetLoc();

        this._cgl.printError("uniform resets");

        if (this.hasTextureUniforms()) definesStr += "#define HAS_TEXTURES".endl();

        let vs = "";
        let fs = "";

        if (!this.srcFrag)
            this._log.warn("[cgl shader] has no fragment source!", this._name, this);
            this.srcVert = getDefaultVertexShader();
            this.srcFrag = getDefaultFragmentShader();
            // return;

        if (this.glslVersion == 300)
            vs = "#version 300 es"
                .endl() + "// "
                .endl() + "// vertex shader " + this._name
                .endl() + "// "
                .endl() + "precision " + this.precision + " float;"
                .endl() + "precision " + this.precision + " sampler2D;"
                .endl() + ""
                .endl() + "#define WEBGL2"
                .endl() + "#define texture2D texture"
                .endl() + "#define UNI uniform"
                .endl() + "#define IN in"
                .endl() + "#define OUT out"

            fs = "#version 300 es"
                .endl() + "// "
                .endl() + "// fragment shader " + this._name
                .endl() + "// "
                .endl() + "precision " + this.precision + " float;"
                .endl() + "precision " + this.precision + " sampler2D;"
                .endl() + ""
                .endl() + "#define WEBGL2"
                .endl() + "#define texture2D texture"
                .endl() + "#define IN in"
                .endl() + "#define OUT out"
                .endl() + "#define UNI uniform"
                .endl() + "{{DRAWBUFFER}}"

            fs = ""
                .endl() + "// "
                .endl() + "// fragment shader " + this._name
                .endl() + "// "
                .endl() + "#define WEBGL1"
                .endl() + "#define texture texture2D"
                .endl() + "#define outColor gl_FragColor"
                .endl() + "#define IN varying"
                .endl() + "#define UNI uniform"

            vs = ""
                .endl() + "// "
                .endl() + "// vertex shader " + this._name
                .endl() + "// "
                .endl() + "#define WEBGL1"
                .endl() + "#define texture texture2D"
                .endl() + "#define OUT varying"
                .endl() + "#define IN attribute"
                .endl() + "#define UNI uniform"

        let uniformsStrVert = "\n// cgl generated".endl();
        let uniformsStrFrag = "\n// cgl generated".endl();

        fs += "\n// active mods: --------------- ";
        vs += "\n// active mods: --------------- ";

        let foundModsFrag = false;
        let foundModsVert = false;
        for (let i = 0; i < this._moduleNames.length; i++)
            for (let j = 0; j < this._modules.length; j++)
                if (this._modules[j].name == this._moduleNames[i])
                    if (this._modules[j].srcBodyFrag || this._modules[j].srcHeadFrag)
                        foundModsFrag = true;
                        fs += "\n// " + i + "." + j + ". " + this._modules[j].title + " (" + this._modules[j].name + ")";
                    if (this._modules[j].srcBodyVert || this._modules[j].srcHeadVert)
                        vs += "\n// " + i + "." + j + ". " + this._modules[j].title + " (" + this._modules[j].name + ")";
                        foundModsVert = true;
        if (!foundModsVert)fs += "\n// no mods used...";
        if (!foundModsFrag)fs += "\n// no mods used...";
        fs += "\n";
        vs += "\n";

        for (let i = 0; i < this._uniforms.length; i++)
            if (this._uniforms[i].shaderType && !this._uniforms[i].isStructMember())
                let uniStr = "";
                if (!this._uniforms[i].getGlslTypeString())uniStr += "// ";
                uniStr += "UNI " + this._uniforms[i].getGlslTypeString() + " " + this._uniforms[i].getName();
                let comment = "";
                if (this._uniforms[i].comment) comment = " // " + this._uniforms[i].comment;

                if (this._uniforms[i].shaderType == "vert" || this._uniforms[i].shaderType == "both")
                    if (!this.srcVert.contains(uniStr) && !this.srcVert.contains("uniform " + this._uniforms[i].getGlslTypeString() + " " + this._uniforms[i].getName()))
                        uniformsStrVert += uniStr + ";" + comment.endl();

                if (this._uniforms[i].shaderType == "frag" || this._uniforms[i].shaderType == "both")
                    if (!this.srcFrag.contains(uniStr) && !this.srcFrag.contains("uniform " + this._uniforms[i].getGlslTypeString() + " " + this._uniforms[i].getName()))
                        uniformsStrFrag += uniStr + ";" + comment.endl();

        let countUniFrag = 0;
        let countUniVert = 0;
        for (let i = 0; i < this._uniforms.length; i++)
            if (this._uniforms[i].shaderType && !this._uniforms[i].isStructMember())
                if (this._uniforms[i].shaderType == "vert" || this._uniforms[i].shaderType == "both") countUniVert++;
                if (this._uniforms[i].shaderType == "frag" || this._uniforms[i].shaderType == "both") countUniFrag++;
        if (countUniFrag >= this._cgl.maxUniformsFrag) this._log.warn("[cgl_shader] num uniforms frag: " + countUniFrag + " / " + this._cgl.maxUniformsFrag);
        if (countUniVert >= this._cgl.maxUniformsVert) this._log.warn("[cgl_shader] num uniforms vert: " + countUniVert + " / " + this._cgl.maxUniformsVert);

        if (!fs.contains("precision")) fs = "precision " + this.precision + " float;".endl() + fs;
        if (!vs.contains("precision")) vs = "precision " + this.precision + " float;".endl() + vs;
        if (/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent))
            fs += "#define MOBILE".endl();
            vs += "#define MOBILE".endl();
        vs = extensionString + vs + definesStr + structStrings[0] + uniformsStrVert + "\n// -- \n" + this.srcVert;
        fs = extensionString + fs + definesStr + structStrings[1] + uniformsStrFrag + "\n// -- \n" + this.srcFrag;

        let srcHeadVert = "";
        let srcHeadFrag = "";

        // testing if this breaks things...
        // this._modules.sort(function (a, b)
        // {
        //     return a.group - b.group;
        // });

        this._modules.sort(function (a, b)
            return a.priority || 0 - b.priority || 0;

        let addedAttribs = false;

        for (let i = 0; i < this._moduleNames.length; i++)
            let srcVert = "";
            let srcFrag = "";

            if (!addedAttribs)
                addedAttribs = true;

                for (let k = 0; k < this._attributes.length; k++)
                    const r = this._getAttrSrc(this._attributes[k], true);
                    if (r.srcHeadVert)srcHeadVert += r.srcHeadVert;
                    if (r.srcVert)srcVert += r.srcVert;
                    if (r.srcHeadFrag)srcHeadFrag += r.srcHeadFrag;

            for (let j = 0; j < this._modules.length; j++)
                const mod = this._modules[j];
                if (mod.name == this._moduleNames[i])
                    srcHeadVert += "\n//---- MOD: group:" + mod.group + ": idx:" + j + " - prfx:" + mod.prefix + " - " + mod.title + " ------\n";
                    srcHeadFrag += "\n//---- MOD: group:" + mod.group + ": idx:" + j + " - prfx:" + mod.prefix + " - " + mod.title + " ------\n";

                    srcVert += "\n\n//---- MOD: " + mod.title + " / " + mod.priority + " ------\n";
                    srcFrag += "\n\n//---- MOD: " + mod.title + " / " + mod.priority + " ------\n";

                    if (mod.attributes)
                        for (let k = 0; k < mod.attributes.length; k++)
                            const r = this._getAttrSrc(mod.attributes[k], false);
                            if (r.srcHeadVert)srcHeadVert += r.srcHeadVert;
                            if (r.srcVert)srcVert += r.srcVert;
                            if (r.srcHeadFrag)srcHeadFrag += r.srcHeadFrag;

                    srcHeadVert += mod.srcHeadVert || "";
                    srcHeadFrag += mod.srcHeadFrag || "";
                    srcVert += mod.srcBodyVert || "";
                    srcFrag += mod.srcBodyFrag || "";

                    srcHeadVert += "\n//---- end mod ------\n";
                    srcHeadFrag += "\n//---- end mod ------\n";

                    srcVert += "\n//---- end mod ------\n";
                    srcFrag += "\n//---- end mod ------\n";

                    srcVert = srcVert.replace(/{{mod}}/g, mod.prefix);
                    srcFrag = srcFrag.replace(/{{mod}}/g, mod.prefix);
                    srcHeadVert = srcHeadVert.replace(/{{mod}}/g, mod.prefix);
                    srcHeadFrag = srcHeadFrag.replace(/{{mod}}/g, mod.prefix);

                    srcVert = srcVert.replace(/MOD_/g, mod.prefix);
                    srcFrag = srcFrag.replace(/MOD_/g, mod.prefix);
                    srcHeadVert = srcHeadVert.replace(/MOD_/g, mod.prefix);
                    srcHeadFrag = srcHeadFrag.replace(/MOD_/g, mod.prefix);

            vs = vs.replace("{{" + this._moduleNames[i] + "}}", srcVert);
            fs = fs.replace("{{" + this._moduleNames[i] + "}}", srcFrag);

        vs = vs.replace("{{MODULES_HEAD}}", srcHeadVert);
        fs = fs.replace("{{MODULES_HEAD}}", srcHeadFrag);

        vs = this._addLibs(vs);
        fs = this._addLibs(fs);

        // SETUP draw buffers / multi texture render targets

        let drawBufferStr = "";
        for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++)
            if (fs.contains("outColor" + i)) this._drawBuffers[i] = true;

        if (this._drawBuffers.length == 1)
            drawBufferStr = "out vec4 outColor;".endl();
            drawBufferStr += "#define gl_FragColor outColor".endl();
            drawBufferStr += "#define MULTI_COLORTARGETS".endl();
            drawBufferStr += "vec4 outColor;".endl();

            let count = 0;
            for (let i = 0; i < this._drawBuffers.length; i++)
                if (count == 0) drawBufferStr += "#define gl_FragColor outColor" + i + "".endl();
                drawBufferStr += "layout(location = " + i + ") out vec4 outColor" + i + ";".endl();

        fs = fs.replace("{{DRAWBUFFER}}", drawBufferStr);
        // //////

        if (!this._program)
            this._program = this._createProgram(vs, fs);
            // this.vshader=createShader(vs, gl.VERTEX_SHADER, this.vshader );
            // this.fshader=createShader(fs, gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER, this.fshader );
            // linkProgram(program);
            this._program = this._createProgram(vs, fs);

            this._projMatrixUniform = null;

            for (let i = 0; i < this._uniforms.length; i++) this._uniforms[i].resetLoc();

        this.finalShaderFrag = fs;
        this.finalShaderVert = vs;

        MESH.lastMesh = null;
        MESH.lastShader = null;

        this._countMissingUniforms = 0;
        this._needsRecompile = false;
        this.lastCompile = now();

        // this._cgl.printError("shader compile");

        this._cgl.profileData.shaderCompileTime += performance.now() - startTime;

        return this._needsRecompile;

        if (!this._isValid || this._cgl.aborted) return;

        MESH.lastShader = this;

        if (!this._program || this._needsRecompile) this.compile();
        if (!this._isValid) return;

        if (!this._projMatrixUniform && !this.ignoreMissingUniforms)
            // if (this._countMissingUniforms == 10)console.log("stopping getlocation of missing uniforms...", this._name);
            if (this._countMissingUniforms < 10)
                this._projMatrixUniform = this._cgl.gl.getUniformLocation(this._program, CONSTANTS.SHADER.SHADERVAR_UNI_PROJMAT);
                this._attrVertexPos = this._cgl.glGetAttribLocation(this._program, CONSTANTS.SHADER.SHADERVAR_VERTEX_POSITION);
                this._mvMatrixUniform = this._cgl.gl.getUniformLocation(this._program, "mvMatrix");
                this._vMatrixUniform = this._cgl.gl.getUniformLocation(this._program, CONSTANTS.SHADER.SHADERVAR_UNI_VIEWMAT);
                this._mMatrixUniform = this._cgl.gl.getUniformLocation(this._program, CONSTANTS.SHADER.SHADERVAR_UNI_MODELMAT);
                this._camPosUniform = this._cgl.gl.getUniformLocation(this._program, CONSTANTS.SHADER.SHADERVAR_UNI_VIEWPOS);
                this._normalMatrixUniform = this._cgl.gl.getUniformLocation(this._program, CONSTANTS.SHADER.SHADERVAR_UNI_NORMALMAT);
                this._inverseViewMatrixUniform = this._cgl.gl.getUniformLocation(this._program, CONSTANTS.SHADER.SHADERVAR_UNI_INVVIEWMAT);
                this._inverseProjMatrixUniform = this._cgl.gl.getUniformLocation(this._program, CONSTANTS.SHADER.SHADERVAR_UNI_INVPROJMAT);
                this._materialIdUniform = this._cgl.gl.getUniformLocation(this._program, CONSTANTS.SHADER.SHADERVAR_UNI_MATERIALID);
                this._objectIdUniform = this._cgl.gl.getUniformLocation(this._program, CONSTANTS.SHADER.SHADERVAR_UNI_OBJECTID);

                for (let i = 0; i < this._uniforms.length; i++) this._uniforms[i].needsUpdate = true;

        if (this._cgl.currentProgram != this._program)
            this._cgl.currentProgram = this._program;

        for (let i = 0; i < this._uniforms.length; i++)
            if (this._uniforms[i].needsUpdate) this._uniforms[i].updateValue();

        if (this._pMatrixState != this._cgl.getProjectionMatrixStateCount())
            this._pMatrixState = this._cgl.getProjectionMatrixStateCount();
            this._cgl.gl.uniformMatrix4fv(this._projMatrixUniform, false, this._cgl.pMatrix);

        if (this._objectIdUniform)
            this._cgl.gl.uniform1f(this._objectIdUniform, ++this._cgl.tempData.objectIdCounter);

        if (this._materialIdUniform)
            this._cgl.gl.uniform1f(this._materialIdUniform, this._materialId);

        if (this._vMatrixUniform)
            if (this._vMatrixState != this._cgl.getViewMatrixStateCount())
                this._cgl.gl.uniformMatrix4fv(this._vMatrixUniform, false, this._cgl.vMatrix);
                this._vMatrixState = this._cgl.getViewMatrixStateCount();

                if (this._inverseViewMatrixUniform)
                    mat4.invert(this._tempInverseViewMatrix, this._cgl.vMatrix);
                    this._cgl.gl.uniformMatrix4fv(this._inverseViewMatrixUniform, false, this._tempInverseViewMatrix);
                if (this._inverseProjMatrixUniform)
                    mat4.invert(this._tempInverseProjMatrix, this._cgl.pMatrix);
                    this._cgl.gl.uniformMatrix4fv(this._inverseProjMatrixUniform, false, this._tempInverseProjMatrix);
            this._cgl.gl.uniformMatrix4fv(this._mMatrixUniform, false, this._cgl.mMatrix);

            if (this._camPosUniform)
                mat4.invert(this._tempCamPosMatrix, this._cgl.vMatrix);
                this._cgl.gl.uniform3f(this._camPosUniform, this._tempCamPosMatrix[12], this._tempCamPosMatrix[13], this._tempCamPosMatrix[14]);
            // mvmatrix deprecated....
            const tempmv = mat4.create();

            mat4.mul(tempmv, this._cgl.vMatrix, this._cgl.mMatrix);
            this._cgl.gl.uniformMatrix4fv(this._mvMatrixUniform, false, tempmv);

        if (this._normalMatrixUniform)
            // mat4.mul(this._tempNormalMatrix, this._cgl.vMatrix, this._cgl.mMatrix);
            mat4.invert(this._tempNormalMatrix, this._cgl.mMatrix);
            mat4.transpose(this._tempNormalMatrix, this._tempNormalMatrix);

            this._cgl.gl.uniformMatrix4fv(this._normalMatrixUniform, false, this._tempNormalMatrix);

        for (let i = 0; i < this._libs.length; i++)
            if (this._libs[i].onBind) this._libs[i].onBind.bind(this._libs[i])(this._cgl, this);


        return this._isValid;



        return this._needsRecompile;

        console.log("useless drawbuffers...?!");
        // if (this._drawBuffers.length !== arr.length)
        // {
        //     this._drawBuffers = arr;
        //     this._needsRecompile = true;
        //     this.setWhyCompile("setDrawBuffers");
        //     return;
        // }
        // for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
        // {
        //     if (arr[i] !== this._drawBuffers[i])
        //     {
        //         this._drawBuffers = arr;
        //         this._needsRecompile = true;
        //         this.setWhyCompile("setDrawBuffers");
        //         return;
        //     }
        // }

        return this._uniforms;

        for (let i = 0; i < this._uniforms.length; i++)
            if (this._uniforms[i].getName() == name)
                return this._uniforms[i];
        return null;

        this._uniforms = [];
        // for (let i = 0; i < this._uniforms.length; i++)
        //     this.removeUniform(this._uniforms[i].name);

        for (let i = 0; i < this._uniforms.length; i++)
            if (this._uniforms[i].getName() == name)
                this._uniforms.splice(i, 1);
        this._needsRecompile = true;
        this.setWhyCompile("remove uniform " + name);

        this.setWhyCompile("add uniform " + name);
        this._needsRecompile = true;

     * add a uniform to the fragment shader
     * @param {String} type ['f','t', etc]
     * @param {String} name
     * @param {any} valueOrPort value or port
     * @param p2
     * @param p3
     * @param p4
     * @memberof Shader
     * @instance
     * @function addUniformFrag
     * @returns {CGL.Uniform}
    addUniformFrag(type, name, valueOrPort, p2, p3, p4)
        const uni = new CGL.Uniform(this, type, name, valueOrPort, p2, p3, p4);
        uni.shaderType = "frag";
        return uni;

     * add a uniform to the vertex shader
     * @param {String} type ['f','t', etc]
     * @param {String} name
     * @param {any} valueOrPort value or port
     * @param p2
     * @param p3
     * @param p4
     * @memberof Shader
     * @instance
     * @function addUniformVert
     * @returns {CGL.Uniform}
    addUniformVert(type, name, valueOrPort, p2, p3, p4)
        const uni = new CGL.Uniform(this, type, name, valueOrPort, p2, p3, p4);
        uni.shaderType = "vert";
        return uni;
     * add a uniform to both shaders
     * @param {String} type ['f','t', etc]
     * @param {String} name
     * @param {any} valueOrPort value or port
     * @param p2
     * @param p3
     * @param p4
     * @memberof Shader
     * @instance
     * @function addUniformBoth
     * @returns {CGL.Uniform}
    addUniformBoth(type, name, valueOrPort, p2, p3, p4)
        const uni = new CGL.Uniform(this, type, name, valueOrPort, p2, p3, p4);
        uni.shaderType = "both";
        return uni;

     * add a struct & its uniforms to the fragment shader
     * @param {String} structName name of the struct, i.e.: LightStruct
     * @param {String} uniformName name of the struct uniform in the shader, i.e.: lightUni
     * @param {Array} members array of objects containing the struct members. see example for structure

     * @memberof Shader
     * @instance
     * @function addUniformStructFrag
     * @returns {Object}
     * @example
     * const shader = new CGL.Shader(cgl, 'MinimalMaterial');
     * shader.setSource(attachments.shader_vert, attachments.shader_frag);
     * shader.addUniformStructFrag("Light", "uniformLight", [
     * { "type": "3f", "name": "position", "v1": null },
     * { "type": "4f", "name": "color", "v1": inR, v2: inG, v3: inB, v4: inAlpha }
     * ]);
    addUniformStructFrag(structName, uniformName, members)
        const uniforms = {};

        if (!members) return uniforms;

        for (let i = 0; i < members.length; i += 1)
            const member = members[i];
            if (!this.hasUniform(uniformName + "." + member.name))
                const uni = new CGL.Uniform(this, member.type, uniformName + "." + member.name, member.v1, member.v2, member.v3, member.v4, uniformName, structName, member.name);
                uni.shaderType = "frag";
                uniforms[uniformName + "." + member.name] = uni;

        return uniforms;

     * add a struct & its uniforms to the vertex shader
     * @param {String} structName name of the struct, i.e.: LightStruct
     * @param {String} uniformName name of the struct uniform in the shader, i.e.: lightUni
     * @param {Array} members array of objects containing the struct members. see example for structure

     * @memberof Shader
     * @instance
     * @function addUniformStructVert
     * @returns {CGL.Uniform}
     * @example
     * const shader = new CGL.Shader(cgl, 'MinimalMaterial');
     * shader.setSource(attachments.shader_vert, attachments.shader_frag);
     * shader.addUniformStructVert("Light", "uniformLight", [
     * { "type": "3f", "name": "position", "v1": null },
     * { "type": "4f", "name": "color", "v1": inR, v2: inG, v3: inB, v4: inAlpha }
     * ]);
    addUniformStructVert(structName, uniformName, members)
        const uniforms = {};

        if (!members) return uniforms;

        for (let i = 0; i < members.length; i += 1)
            const member = members[i];
            if (!this.hasUniform(uniformName + "." + member.name))
                const uni = new CGL.Uniform(this, member.type, uniformName + "." + member.name, member.v1, member.v2, member.v3, member.v4, uniformName, structName, member.name);
                uni.shaderType = "vert";
                uniforms[uniformName + "." + member.name] = uni;

        return uniforms;

     * add a struct & its uniforms to the both shaders. PLEASE NOTE: it is not possible to add the same struct to both shaders when it contains ANY integer members.
     * @param {String} structName name of the struct, i.e.: LightStruct
     * @param {String} uniformName name of the struct uniform in the shader, i.e.: lightUni
     * @param {Array} members array of objects containing the struct members. see example for structure

     * @memberof Shader
     * @instance
     * @function addUniformStructBoth
     * @returns {Object}
     * @example
     * const shader = new CGL.Shader(cgl, 'MinimalMaterial');
     * shader.setSource(attachments.shader_vert, attachments.shader_frag);
     * shader.addUniformStructBoth("Light", "uniformLight", [
     * { "type": "3f", "name": "position", "v1": null },
     * { "type": "4f", "name": "color", "v1": inR, v2: inG, v3: inB, v4: inAlpha }
     * ]);
    addUniformStructBoth(structName, uniformName, members)
        const uniforms = {};

        if (!members) return uniforms;

        for (let i = 0; i < members.length; i += 1)
            const member = members[i];
            if ((member.type === "2i" || member.type === "i" || member.type === "3i"))
                this._log.error("Adding an integer struct member to both shaders can potentially error. Please use different structs for each shader. Error occured in struct:", structName, " with member:", member.name, " of type:", member.type, ".");
            if (!this.hasUniform(uniformName + "." + member.name))
                const uni = new CGL.Uniform(this, member.type, uniformName + "." + member.name, member.v1, member.v2, member.v3, member.v4, uniformName, structName, member.name);
                uni.shaderType = "both";
                uniforms[uniformName + "." + member.name] = uni;

        return uniforms;

        for (let i = 0; i < this._uniforms.length; i++)
            if (this._uniforms[i].getName() == name) return true;
        return false;

    _createProgram(vstr, fstr)
        this._cgl.printError("before _createprogram");

        const program = this._cgl.gl.createProgram();

        this.vshader = Shader.createShader(this._cgl, vstr, this._cgl.gl.VERTEX_SHADER, this);
        this.fshader = Shader.createShader(this._cgl, fstr, this._cgl.gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER, this);

        if (this.vshader && this.fshader)
            this._cgl.gl.attachShader(program, this.vshader);
            this._cgl.gl.attachShader(program, this.fshader);

            this._linkProgram(program, vstr, fstr);
            this._isValid = false;
            this._cgl.printError("shader _createProgram");
            this._log.error("could not link shaderprogram");
            return null;

        this._cgl.printError("shader _createProgram");
        return program;

        return this._hasErrors;

    _linkProgram(program, vstr, fstr)
        this._cgl.printError("before _linkprogram");

        if (this._feedBackNames.length > 0)
            this._cgl.gl.transformFeedbackVaryings(program, this._feedBackNames, this._cgl.gl.SEPARATE_ATTRIBS);
            // SEPARATE_ATTRIBS

        this._isValid = true;

        this._hasErrors = false;

        if (this._cgl.patch.config.glValidateShader !== false)

            if (!this._cgl.gl.getProgramParameter(program, this._cgl.gl.VALIDATE_STATUS))
                // validation failed
                console.log("shaderprogram validation failed...");
                console.log(this._name + " programinfo: ", this._cgl.gl.getProgramInfoLog(program));

            if (!this._cgl.gl.getProgramParameter(program, this._cgl.gl.LINK_STATUS))
                this._hasErrors = true;

                const infoLogFrag = this._cgl.gl.getShaderInfoLog(this.fshader);
                const infoLogVert = this._cgl.gl.getShaderInfoLog(this.vshader);

                if (infoLogFrag) this._log.warn(this._cgl.gl.getShaderInfoLog(this.fshader));
                if (infoLogVert) this._log.warn(this._cgl.gl.getShaderInfoLog(this.vshader));

                this._log.error(this._name + " shader linking fail...");

                console.log(this._name + " programinfo: ", this._cgl.gl.getProgramInfoLog(program));
                this._isValid = false;

                this._name = "errorshader";
                this.setSource(Shader.getDefaultVertexShader(), Shader.getErrorFragmentShader());
                this._cgl.printError("shader link err");

        return this._program;

        this._needsRecompile = true;
        this._feedBackNames = names;

    // getDefaultVertexShader()
    // {
    //     return defaultShaderSrcVert;
    // }

    // getDefaultFragmentShader()
    // {
    //     return this.getDefaultFragmentShader()
    // }

      * adds attribute definition to shader header without colliding with other shader modules...
     * when attrFrag is defined, vertex shader will output this attribute to the fragment shader
     * @function
     * @memberof Shader
     * @instance
     * @param {Object} attr {type:x,name:x,[nameFrag:x]}
     * @return {Object}
    addAttribute = function (attr)
        for (let i = 0; i < this._attributes.length; i++)
            if (this._attributes[i].name == attr.name && this._attributes[i].nameFrag == attr.nameFrag) return;
        this._needsRecompile = true;

        if (this._textureStackTex.length > this._cgl.maxTextureUnits)
            this._log.warn("[shader._bindTextures] too many textures bound", this._textureStackTex.length + "/" + this._cgl.maxTextureUnits);

        // for (let i = this._textureStackTex.length + 1; i < this._cgl.maxTextureUnits; i++) this._cgl.setTexture(i, null);

        for (let i = 0; i < this._textureStackTex.length; i++)
            // console.log(this._textureStackTex.length, i);
            if (!this._textureStackTex[i] && !this._textureStackTexCgl[i])
                this._log.warn("no texture for pushtexture", this._name);
                let t = this._textureStackTex[i];
                if (this._textureStackTexCgl[i])
                    t = this._textureStackTexCgl[i].tex || CGL.Texture.getEmptyTexture(this._cgl).tex;

                let bindOk = true;

                if (!this._textureStackUni[i])
                    // throw(new Error('no uniform given to texturestack'));
                    this._log.warn("no uniform for pushtexture", this._name);
                    bindOk = this._cgl.setTexture(i, t, this._textureStackType[i]);
                    bindOk = this._cgl.setTexture(i, t, this._textureStackType[i]);

                    // console.log(bindOk, i, t, this._textureStackType[i]);
                if (!bindOk) console.warn("tex bind failed", this.getName(), this._textureStackUni[i]);

    setUniformTexture = function (uni, tex)
        tex = tex || CGL.Texture.getTempTexture(this._cgl);
        for (let i = 0; i < this._textureStackUni.length; i++)
            if (this._textureStackUni[i] == uni)
                const old = this._textureStackTex[i] || this._textureStackTexCgl[i];
                if (tex.hasOwnProperty("tex"))
                    this._textureStackTexCgl[i] = tex;
                    this._textureStackTex[i] = null;
                    this._textureStackTexCgl[i] = null;
                    this._textureStackTex[i] = tex;

                // this._textureStackTex[i] = tex;
                // this._cgl.setTexture(i, tex, this._textureStackType[i]);
                return old;
        return null;

     * push a texture on the stack. those textures will be bound when binding the shader. texture slots are automatically set
     * @param {uniform} uniform texture uniform
     * @param {texture} t texture
     * @param {type} type texture type, can be ignored when TEXTURE_2D
     * @function pushTexture
     * @memberof Shader
     * @instance
    pushTexture = function (uniform, t, type)
        if (!uniform)
            // console.log("pushtexture: no uniform given to texturestack", "shader:"+this._name,uniform,t,type);
        if (!t)
            // if(uniform)this._log.warn("pushtexture: no tex","shader:"+this._name," uniform:"+uniform.name);
        if (!t.hasOwnProperty("tex") && !(t instanceof WebGLTexture))
            this._log.warn(new Error("invalid texture").stack);

            this._log.warn("[cgl_shader] invalid texture...", t);


        if (t.hasOwnProperty("tex"))


     * pop last texture
     * @function popTexture
     * @memberof Shader
     * @instance
    popTexture = function ()

     * pop all textures
     * @function popTextures
     * @memberof Shader
     * @instance
    popTextures = function ()
        this._textureStackTex.length =
        this._textureStackTexCgl.length =
        this._textureStackType.length =
        this._textureStackUni.length = 0;

        return this._materialId;

        const info = {};
        info.name = this._name;
        // info.modules = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this._modules));
        // info.defines = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this._defines));
        info.defines = this.getDefines();
        info.hasErrors = this.hasErrors();

        return info;

        return getDefaultFragmentShader(r,g,b,a);

        return getDefaultVertexShader();


// --------------------------


Shader.getErrorFragmentShader = function ()
    return ""
        .endl() + "void main()"
        .endl() + "{"
        .endl() + "   float g=mod((gl_FragCoord.y+gl_FragCoord.x),50.0)/50.0;"
        .endl() + "   g= step(0.1,g);"
        .endl() + "   outColor = vec4( g+0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);"
        .endl() + "}";

Shader.createShader = function (cgl, str, type, cglShader)
    if (cgl.aborted) return;

    // cgl.printError("[Shader.createShader] ", cglShader._name);

    function getBadLines(infoLog)
        const basLines = [];
        const lines = infoLog.split("\n");
        for (const i in lines)
            const divide = lines[i].split(":");
            if (parseInt(divide[2], 10)) basLines.push(parseInt(divide[2], 10));
        return basLines;

    const shader = cgl.gl.createShader(type);
    cgl.gl.shaderSource(shader, str);

    if (!cgl.gl.getShaderParameter(shader, cgl.gl.COMPILE_STATUS))
        let infoLog = cgl.gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader);
        if (!infoLog)
            console.warn("empty shader info log", this._name);

        const badLines = getBadLines(infoLog);
        let htmlWarning = "<pre style=\"margin-bottom:0px;\"><code class=\"shaderErrorCode language-glsl\" style=\"padding-bottom:0px;max-height: initial;max-width: initial;\">";
        const lines = str.match(/^.*((\r\n|\n|\r)|$)/gm);

        if (!cgl.aborted && infoLog)
            if (type == cgl.gl.VERTEX_SHADER) console.log("VERTEX_SHADER");
            if (type == cgl.gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER) console.log("FRAGMENT_SHADER");

            for (const i in lines)
                const j = parseInt(i, 10) + 1;
                const line = j + ": " + lines[i];

                let isBadLine = false;
                for (const bj in badLines)
                    if (badLines[bj] == j) isBadLine = true;

                if (isBadLine)
                    htmlWarning += "</code></pre>";
                    htmlWarning += "<pre style=\"margin:0\"><code class=\"language-glsl\" style=\"background-color:#660000;padding-top:0px;padding-bottom:0px\">";

                    cglShader._log.log("bad line: `" + line + "`");
                htmlWarning += escapeHTML(line);

                if (isBadLine)
                    htmlWarning += "</code></pre>";
                    htmlWarning += "<pre style=\"margin:0\"><code class=\"language-glsl\" style=\";padding-top:0px;padding-bottom:0px\">";

        infoLog = infoLog.replace(/\n/g, "<br/>");
        if (cgl.patch.isEditorMode())console.log("Shader error ", cglShader._name, infoLog, this);

        htmlWarning = infoLog + "<br/>" + htmlWarning + "<br/><br/>";
        htmlWarning += "</code></pre>";

        if (this._fromUserInteraction)
            // console.log("todo show modal?");
            // cgl.patch.emitEvent("criticalError", { "title": "Shader error " + cglShader._name, "text": htmlWarning, "exception": { "message": infoLog } });

        cglShader.setSource(Shader.getDefaultVertexShader(), Shader.getErrorFragmentShader());
        // console.log(name+' shader compiled...');
    // cgl.printError("shader create2");
    return shader;

export { Shader };