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import { Logger } from "cables-shared-client";
import { uuid } from "../utils.js";
import CgTexture from "../cg/cg_texture.js";


 * A Texture
 * @namespace external:CGL
 * @class
 * @param {Context} __cgl cgl
 * @param {Object} options
 * @hideconstructor
 * @example
 * // generate a 256x256 pixel texture of random colors
 * const size=256;
 * const data = new Uint8Array(size*size*4);
 * for(var x=0;x<size*size*4;x++) data[ x*4+3]=255;
 * const tex=new CGL.Texture(cgl);
 * tex.initFromData(data,size,size,CGL.Texture.FILTER_NEAREST,CGL.Texture.WRAP_REPEAT);
class Texture extends CgTexture
    constructor(__cgl, options = {})
        if (!__cgl) throw new Error("no cgl");
        this._log = new Logger("cgl_texture");
        this._cgl = __cgl;
        this.tex = this._cgl.gl.createTexture();
        this.loading = false;
        this.flip = true;
        this.flipped = false;
        this.shadowMap = false;
        this.deleted = false;
        this.image = null;
        this.anisotropic = 0;
        this.filter = Texture.FILTER_NEAREST;
        this.wrap = Texture.WRAP_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
        this.texTarget = this._cgl.gl.TEXTURE_2D;
        if (options && options.type) this.texTarget = options.type;
        this.textureType = Texture.TYPE_DEFAULT;
        this.unpackAlpha = true;
        this._fromData = true;

        this._glDataType = -1;
        this._glInternalFormat = -1;
        this._glDataFormat = -1;

        if (options)
            if (options.isDepthTexture) this.textureType = Texture.TYPE_DEPTH;
            if (options.isFloatingPointTexture === true) this.textureType = Texture.TYPE_FLOAT;

            if ("textureType" in options) this.textureType = options.textureType;
            if ("filter" in options) this.filter = options.filter;
            if ("wrap" in options) this.wrap = options.wrap;
            if ("unpackAlpha" in options) this.unpackAlpha = options.unpackAlpha;
            if ("flip" in options) this.flip = options.flip;
            if ("shadowMap" in options) this.shadowMap = options.shadowMap;
            if ("anisotropic" in options) this.anisotropic = options.anisotropic;
            options = {};

        if (!options.pixelFormat && options.isFloatingPointTexture) this.pixelFormat = Texture.PFORMATSTR_RGBA32F;

        if (this.textureType == Texture.TYPE_DEPTH) this.pixelFormat = Texture.PFORMATSTR_DEPTH;


        this.setFormat(Texture.setUpGlPixelFormat(this._cgl, this.pixelFormat));
        this._cgl.profileData.addHeavyEvent("texture created", this.name, options.width + "x" + options.height);

        this.setSize(options.width, options.height);

        return Texture.isPixelFormatFloat(this.pixelFormat);

     * returns true if otherTexture has same options (width/height/filter/wrap etc)
     * @function compareSettings
     * @memberof Texture
     * @instance
     * @param {Texture} tex otherTexture
     * @returns {Boolean}
    // if (!tex) { this._log.warn("compare: no tex"); return false; }
    // if (tex.width != this.width) this._log.warn("tex.width not equal", tex.width, this.width);
    // if (tex.height != this.height) this._log.warn("tex.height not equal", tex.height, this.height);
    // if (tex.filter != this.filter) this._log.warn("tex.filter not equal");
    // if (tex.wrap != this.wrap) this._log.warn("tex.wrap not equal");
    // if (tex.textureType != this.textureType) this._log.warn("tex.textureType not equal");
    // if (tex.unpackAlpha != this.unpackAlpha) this._log.warn("tex.unpackAlpha not equal");
    // if (tex.anisotropic != this.anisotropic) this._log.warn("tex.anisotropic not equal");
    // if (tex.shadowMap != this.shadowMap) this._log.warn("tex.shadowMap not equal");
    // if (tex.texTarget != this.texTarget) this._log.warn("tex.texTarget not equal");
    // if (tex.flip != this.flip) this._log.warn("tex.flip not equal");

        if (!tex) return false;
        return (
            tex.width == this.width &&
            tex.height == this.height &&
            tex.filter == this.filter &&
            tex.wrap == this.wrap &&
            tex.textureType == this.textureType &&
            tex.unpackAlpha == this.unpackAlpha &&
            tex.anisotropic == this.anisotropic &&
            tex.shadowMap == this.shadowMap &&
            tex.texTarget == this.texTarget &&
            tex.flip == this.flip

     * returns a new texture with the same settings (does not copy texture itself)
     * @function clone
     * @memberof Texture
     * @instance
     * @returns {Texture}
        const newTex = new Texture(this._cgl, {
            "name": this.name,
            "filter": this.filter,
            "anisotropic": this.anisotropic,
            "wrap": this.wrap,
            "textureType": this.textureType,
            "pixelFormat": this.pixelFormat,
            "unpackAlpha": this.unpackAlpha,
            "flip": this.flip,
            "width": this.width,
            "height": this.height,

        this._cgl.profileData.addHeavyEvent("texture created", this.name, this.width + "x" + this.height);

        if (!this.compareSettings(newTex))
            this._log.error("Cloned texture settings do not compare!");

        return newTex;

        this.pixelFormat = o.pixelFormat;
        this._glDataFormat = o.glDataFormat;
        this._glInternalFormat = o.glInternalFormat;
        this._glDataType = o.glDataType;

     * set pixel size of texture
     * @function setSize
     * @memberof Texture
     * @instance
     * @param {Number} w width
     * @param {Number} h height
    setSize(w, h)
        if (this._cgl.aborted) return;
        if (w != w || w <= 0 || !w) w = DEFAULT_TEXTURE_SIZE;
        if (h != h || h <= 0 || !h) h = DEFAULT_TEXTURE_SIZE;

        if (w > this._cgl.maxTexSize || h > this._cgl.maxTexSize) this._log.error("texture size too big! " + w + "x" + h + " / max: " + this._cgl.maxTexSize);

        w = Math.min(w, this._cgl.maxTexSize);
        h = Math.min(h, this._cgl.maxTexSize);

        w = Math.floor(w);
        h = Math.floor(h);
        if (this.width == w && this.height == h) return;

        w = this._cgl.checkTextureSize(w);
        h = this._cgl.checkTextureSize(h);

        this.width = w;
        this.height = h;
        this.deleted = false;

        this.setFormat(Texture.setUpGlPixelFormat(this._cgl, this.pixelFormat));

        this.shortInfoString = this.getInfoOneLine();// w + "x" + h + "";

        this._cgl.gl.bindTexture(this.texTarget, this.tex);

        const uarr = null;

        this._cgl.gl.texImage2D(this.texTarget, 0, this._glInternalFormat, w, h, 0, this._glDataFormat, this._glDataType, uarr);



        this._cgl.gl.bindTexture(this.texTarget, null);

     * @function initFromData
     * @memberof Texture
     * @instance
     * @description create texturem from rgb data
     * @param {Array<Number>} data rgb color array [r,g,b,a,r,g,b,a,...]
     * @param {Number} w width
     * @param {Number} h height
     * @param {Number} filter
     * @param {Number} wrap
    initFromData(data, w, h, filter, wrap)
        this.filter = filter;
        this.wrap = wrap;
        if (filter == undefined) this.filter = Texture.FILTER_LINEAR;
        if (wrap == undefined) this.wrap = Texture.WRAP_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
        this.width = w;
        this.height = h;
        this._fromData = true;
        this.deleted = false;

        if (this.height > this._cgl.maxTexSize || this.width > this._cgl.maxTexSize)
            const t = CGL.Texture.getTempTexture(this._cgl);
            this.width = t.width;
            this.height = t.height;
            this.tex = t.tex;
            this._log.warn("[cgl_texture] texture size too big!", this.width, this.height, this._cgl.maxTexSize);

        if (this.flip) this._cgl.gl.pixelStorei(this._cgl.gl.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, this.flip);

        this._cgl.gl.bindTexture(this.texTarget, this.tex);

        this.setFormat(Texture.setUpGlPixelFormat(this._cgl, this.pixelFormat));

        this._cgl.gl.texImage2D(this.texTarget, 0, this._glInternalFormat, w, h, 0, this._glDataFormat, this._glDataType, data);


        if (this.flip) this._cgl.gl.pixelStorei(this._cgl.gl.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, false);
        this._cgl.gl.bindTexture(this.texTarget, null);

        if ((this._cgl.glVersion == 2 || this.isPowerOfTwo()) && this.filter == Texture.FILTER_MIPMAP)

     * set texture data from an image/canvas object
     * @function initTexture
     * @memberof Texture
     * @instance
     * @param {Object} img image
     * @param {Number} filter
    initTexture(img, filter)
        this._cgl.printError("before initTexture");
        this._cgl.checkFrameStarted("texture inittexture");
        this._fromData = false;

        this._cgl.gl.pixelStorei(this._cgl.gl.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL, this.unpackAlpha);
        if (img.width || img.videoWidth) this.width = img.videoWidth || img.width;
        if (img.height || img.videoHeight) this.height = img.videoHeight || img.height;

        if (filter !== undefined) this.filter = filter; // todo: can we remove this filter param?

        if (img.height > this._cgl.maxTexSize || img.width > this._cgl.maxTexSize)
            const t = CGL.Texture.getTempTexture(this._cgl);
            this.width = t.width;
            this.height = t.height;
            this.tex = t.tex;
            this._log.warn("[cgl_texture] texture size too big!", img.width, img.height, this._cgl.maxTexSize);

        this._cgl.gl.bindTexture(this.texTarget, this.tex);

        this.deleted = false;
        this.flipped = !this.flip;
        if (this.flipped) this._cgl.gl.pixelStorei(this._cgl.gl.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, this.flipped);

        this.setFormat(Texture.setUpGlPixelFormat(this._cgl, this.pixelFormat));

        this._cgl.gl.texImage2D(this.texTarget, 0, this._glInternalFormat, this._glDataFormat, this._glDataType, img);


        this._cgl.gl.bindTexture(this.texTarget, null);
        this._cgl.gl.pixelStorei(this._cgl.gl.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL, false);
        if (this.flipped) this._cgl.gl.pixelStorei(this._cgl.gl.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, false);


     * delete texture. use this when texture is no longer needed
     * @function delete
     * @memberof Texture
     * @instance

        if (this.loading)
        // cant delete texture when still loading
        // setTimeout(this.delete.bind(this), 50);

        this.deleted = true;
        this.width = 0;
        this.height = 0;
        this.image = null;

        this.tex = null;

     * @function isPowerOfTwo
     * @memberof Texture
     * @instance
     * @description return true if texture width and height are both power of two
     * @return {Boolean}
        return Texture.isPowerOfTwo(this.width) && Texture.isPowerOfTwo(this.height);


        const info = this.getInfo();
        let html = "";

        info.name = info.name.substr(0, info.name.indexOf("?rnd="));

        for (const i in info)
            html += "* " + i + ":  **" + info[i] + "**\n";

        return html;

        let txt = "" + this.width + "x" + this.height;
        txt += " ";
        // if (this.textureType === CGL.Texture.TYPE_FLOAT) txt += " 32bit"; else txt += " 8bit";
        // if (this.textureType === CGL.Texture.TYPE_FLOAT) txt += " 32bit"; else txt += " 8bit";
        txt += this.pixelFormat;

        if (this.filter === CGL.Texture.FILTER_NEAREST) txt += " nearest";
        if (this.filter === CGL.Texture.FILTER_LINEAR) txt += " linear";
        if (this.filter === CGL.Texture.FILTER_MIPMAP) txt += " mipmap";

        if (this.wrap === CGL.Texture.WRAP_CLAMP_TO_EDGE) txt += " clamp";
        if (this.wrap === CGL.Texture.WRAP_REPEAT) txt += " repeat";
        if (this.wrap === CGL.Texture.WRAP_MIRRORED_REPEAT) txt += " repeatmir";

        this.shortInfoString = txt;

        return txt;

        let txt = "" + this.width + "x" + this.height;
        // if (this.textureType === CGL.Texture.TYPE_FLOAT) txt += " 32bit"; else txt += " 8bit";
        txt += " ";
        txt += this.pixelFormat;

        this.shortInfoString = txt;

        return txt;

        return Texture.getTexInfo(this);

        this._cgl.printError("before _setFilter");

        if (!this._fromData)
            this._cgl.gl.pixelStorei(this._cgl.gl.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL, this.unpackAlpha);

        if (this.shadowMap)
            this._cgl.gl.texParameteri(this._cgl.gl.TEXTURE_2D, this._cgl.gl.TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE, this._cgl.gl.COMPARE_REF_TO_TEXTURE);
            this._cgl.gl.texParameteri(this._cgl.gl.TEXTURE_2D, this._cgl.gl.TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC, this._cgl.gl.LEQUAL);

        if (this.textureType == Texture.TYPE_FLOAT && this.filter == Texture.FILTER_MIPMAP)
            this.filter = Texture.FILTER_LINEAR;
            this._log.stack("texture: HDR and mipmap filtering at the same time is not possible");

        if (this._cgl.glVersion == 1 && !this.isPowerOfTwo())
            this._cgl.gl.texParameteri(this.texTarget, this._cgl.gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, this._cgl.gl.NEAREST);
            this._cgl.gl.texParameteri(this.texTarget, this._cgl.gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, this._cgl.gl.NEAREST);

            this._cgl.gl.texParameteri(this.texTarget, this._cgl.gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, this._cgl.gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
            this._cgl.gl.texParameteri(this.texTarget, this._cgl.gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, this._cgl.gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);

            this.filter = Texture.FILTER_NEAREST;
            this.wrap = Texture.WRAP_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
            if (this.wrap == Texture.WRAP_CLAMP_TO_EDGE)
                this._cgl.gl.texParameteri(this.texTarget, this._cgl.gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, this._cgl.gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
                this._cgl.gl.texParameteri(this.texTarget, this._cgl.gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, this._cgl.gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
            else if (this.wrap == Texture.WRAP_REPEAT)
                this._cgl.gl.texParameteri(this.texTarget, this._cgl.gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, this._cgl.gl.REPEAT);
                this._cgl.gl.texParameteri(this.texTarget, this._cgl.gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, this._cgl.gl.REPEAT);
            else if (this.wrap == Texture.WRAP_MIRRORED_REPEAT)
                this._cgl.gl.texParameteri(this.texTarget, this._cgl.gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, this._cgl.gl.MIRRORED_REPEAT);
                this._cgl.gl.texParameteri(this.texTarget, this._cgl.gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, this._cgl.gl.MIRRORED_REPEAT);

            if (this.filter == Texture.FILTER_NEAREST)
                this._cgl.gl.texParameteri(this.texTarget, this._cgl.gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, this._cgl.gl.NEAREST);
                this._cgl.gl.texParameteri(this.texTarget, this._cgl.gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, this._cgl.gl.NEAREST);
            else if (this.filter == Texture.FILTER_LINEAR)
                this._cgl.gl.texParameteri(this.texTarget, this._cgl.gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, this._cgl.gl.LINEAR);
                this._cgl.gl.texParameteri(this.texTarget, this._cgl.gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, this._cgl.gl.LINEAR);
            else if (this.filter == Texture.FILTER_MIPMAP)
                this._cgl.gl.texParameteri(this.texTarget, this._cgl.gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, this._cgl.gl.LINEAR);
                this._cgl.gl.texParameteri(this.texTarget, this._cgl.gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, this._cgl.gl.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR);
                this._log.log("unknown texture filter!", this.filter);
                throw new Error("unknown texture filter!" + this.filter);

            if (this.anisotropic)
                const ext = this._cgl.enableExtension("EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic");

                if (this._cgl.maxAnisotropic)
                    const aniso = Math.min(this._cgl.maxAnisotropic, this.anisotropic);
                    this._cgl.gl.texParameterf(this._cgl.gl.TEXTURE_2D, ext.TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, aniso);

 * @function load
 * @static
 * @memberof Texture
 * @description load an image from an url
 * @param {Context} cgl
 * @param {String} url
 * @param {Function} finishedCallback
 * @param {Object} settings
 * @return {Texture}
Texture.load = function (cgl, url, finishedCallback, settings)
    if (!url) return finishedCallback({ "error": true });
    let loadingId = null;
    if (!cgl.patch.loading.existByName(url)) loadingId = cgl.patch.loading.start("cgl.texture", url);

    const texture = new Texture(cgl);
    texture.name = url;

    texture.image = new Image();
    texture.image.crossOrigin = "anonymous";
    texture.loading = true;

    if (settings && settings.hasOwnProperty("filter")) texture.filter = settings.filter;
    if (settings && settings.hasOwnProperty("flip")) texture.flip = settings.flip;
    if (settings && settings.hasOwnProperty("wrap")) texture.wrap = settings.wrap;
    if (settings && settings.hasOwnProperty("anisotropic")) texture.anisotropic = settings.anisotropic;
    if (settings && settings.hasOwnProperty("unpackAlpha")) texture.unpackAlpha = settings.unpackAlpha;
    if (settings && settings.hasOwnProperty("pixelFormat")) texture.pixelFormat = settings.pixelFormat;

    texture.image.onabort = texture.image.onerror = (e) =>
        console.warn("[cgl.texture.load] error loading texture", url, e);
        texture.loading = false;
        if (loadingId) cgl.patch.loading.finished(loadingId);
        const error = { "error": true };
        if (finishedCallback) finishedCallback(error, texture);

    texture.image.onload = function (e)
        cgl.addNextFrameOnceCallback(() =>
            if (loadingId) cgl.patch.loading.finished(loadingId);
            texture.loading = false;

            if (finishedCallback) finishedCallback(null, texture);
    texture.image.src = url;

    return texture;

 * @static
 * @function getTempTexture
 * @memberof Texture
 * @description returns the default temporary texture (grey diagonal stipes)
 * @param {Context} cgl
 * @return {Texture}
Texture.getTempTexture = function (cgl)
    if (!cgl) console.error("[getTempTexture] no cgl!");
    if (!cgl.tempTexture) cgl.tempTexture = Texture.getTemporaryTexture(cgl, 256, Texture.FILTER_LINEAR, Texture.REPEAT);
    return cgl.tempTexture;

 * @static
 * @function getErrorTexture
 * @memberof Texture
 * @description returns the default temporary texture (grey diagonal stipes)
 * @param {Context} cgl
 * @return {Texture}
Texture.getErrorTexture = function (cgl)
    if (!cgl) console.error("[getTempTexture] no cgl!");
    if (!cgl.errorTexture) cgl.errorTexture = Texture.getTemporaryTexture(cgl, 256, Texture.FILTER_LINEAR, Texture.REPEAT, 1, 0.2, 0.2);
    return cgl.errorTexture;

 * @function getEmptyTexture
 * @memberof Texture
 * @instance
 * @param cgl
 * @param fp
 * @description returns a reference to a small empty (transparent) texture
 * @return {Texture}
Texture.getEmptyTexture = function (cgl, fp)
    if (fp) return Texture.getEmptyTextureFloat(cgl);
    if (!cgl) console.error("[getEmptyTexture] no cgl!");
    if (cgl.tempTextureEmpty) return cgl.tempTextureEmpty;

    let size = 8;

    cgl.tempTextureEmpty = new Texture(cgl, { "name": "emptyTexture" });
    const data = Texture.getDefaultTextureData("empty", size);

    cgl.tempTextureEmpty.initFromData(data, size, size, Texture.FILTER_NEAREST, Texture.WRAP_REPEAT);

    return cgl.tempTextureEmpty;

 * @function getEmptyTextureFloat
 * @memberof Texture
 * @instance
 * @param cgl
 * @description returns a reference to a small empty (transparent) 32bit texture
 * @return {Texture}
Texture.getEmptyTextureFloat = function (cgl)
    if (!cgl) console.error("[getEmptyTextureFloat] no cgl!");
    if (cgl.tempTextureEmptyFloat) return cgl.tempTextureEmptyFloat;

    cgl.tempTextureEmptyFloat = new Texture(cgl, { "name": "emptyTexture", "isFloatingPointTexture": true });
    const data = new Float32Array(8 * 8 * 4).fill(1);
    for (let i = 0; i < 8 * 8 * 4; i += 4) data[i + 3] = 0;

    cgl.tempTextureEmptyFloat.initFromData(data, 8, 8, Texture.FILTER_NEAREST, Texture.WRAP_REPEAT);

    return cgl.tempTextureEmptyFloat;

 * @function getRandomTexture
 * @memberof Texture
 * @static
 * @param cgl
 * @description returns a reference to a random texture
 * @return {Texture}
Texture.getRandomTexture = function (cgl)
    if (!cgl) console.error("[getRandomTexture] no cgl!");
    if (cgl.randomTexture) return cgl.randomTexture;

    const size = 256;
    const data = Texture.getDefaultTextureData("randomUInt", size);

    cgl.randomTexture = new Texture(cgl);
    cgl.randomTexture.initFromData(data, size, size, Texture.FILTER_NEAREST, Texture.WRAP_REPEAT);

    return cgl.randomTexture;

 * @function getRandomFloatTexture
 * @memberof Texture
 * @static
 * @param cgl
 * @description returns a reference to a texture containing random numbers between -1 and 1
 * @return {Texture}
Texture.getRandomFloatTexture = function (cgl)
    if (!cgl) console.error("[getRandomTexture] no cgl!");
    if (cgl.getRandomFloatTexture) return cgl.getRandomFloatTexture;

    const size = 256;
    const data = Texture.getDefaultTextureData("randomFloat", size);

    cgl.getRandomFloatTexture = new Texture(cgl, { "isFloatingPointTexture": true });
    cgl.getRandomFloatTexture.initFromData(data, size, size, Texture.FILTER_NEAREST, Texture.WRAP_REPEAT);

    return cgl.getRandomFloatTexture;

 * @function getBlackTexture
 * @memberof Texture
 * @static
 * @param cgl
 * @description returns a reference to a black texture
 * @return {Texture}
Texture.getBlackTexture = function (cgl)
    if (!cgl) this._log.error("[getBlackTexture] no cgl!");
    if (cgl.blackTexture) return cgl.blackTexture;

    const size = 8;
    const data = Texture.getDefaultTextureData("color", size, { "r": 0, "g": 0, "b": 0 });

    cgl.blackTexture = new Texture(cgl);
    cgl.blackTexture.initFromData(data, size, size, Texture.FILTER_NEAREST, Texture.WRAP_REPEAT);

    return cgl.blackTexture;

 * @function getEmptyCubemapTexture
 * @memberof Texture
 * @static
 * @param cgl
 * @description returns an empty cubemap texture with rgba = [0, 0, 0, 0]
 * @return {Texture}
Texture.getEmptyCubemapTexture = function (cgl)
    const faces = [

    const tex = cgl.gl.createTexture();
    const target = cgl.gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP;
    const filter = Texture.FILTER_NEAREST;
    const wrap = Texture.WRAP_CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
    const width = 8;
    const height = 8;


    cgl.gl.bindTexture(target, tex);

    for (let i = 0; i < 6; i += 1)
        const data = new Uint8Array(8 * 8 * 4);

        cgl.gl.texImage2D(faces[i], 0, cgl.gl.RGBA, 8, 8, 0, cgl.gl.RGBA, cgl.gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, data);
        cgl.gl.texParameteri(target, cgl.gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, cgl.gl.NEAREST);
        cgl.gl.texParameteri(target, cgl.gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, cgl.gl.NEAREST);

        cgl.gl.texParameteri(target, cgl.gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, cgl.gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
        cgl.gl.texParameteri(target, cgl.gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, cgl.gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);

    cgl.gl.bindTexture(target, null);

    return {
        "id": CABLES.uuid(),
        "tex": tex,
        "cubemap": tex,
        "width": width,
        "height": height,
        "filter": filter,
        "wrap": wrap,
        "unpackAlpha": true,
        "flip": true,
        "_fromData": true,
        "name": "emptyCubemapTexture",
        "anisotropic": 0,

Texture.getTempGradientTexture = function (cgl) // deprecated...
    if (!cgl) console.error("[getTempGradientTexture] no cgl!");
    return Texture.getTempTexture(cgl);

Texture.getTemporaryTexture = function (cgl, size, filter, wrap, r, g, b)
    const data = Texture.getDefaultTextureData("stripes", 256, { "r": r, "g": g, "b": b });
    const temptex = new Texture(cgl);
    temptex.initFromData(data, size, size, filter, wrap);
    return temptex;

 * @static
 * @function createFromImage
 * @memberof Texture
 * @description create texturem from image data (e.g. image or canvas)
 * @param {Context} cgl
 * @param {Object} img image
 * @param {Object} options
Texture.createFromImage = function (cgl, img, options)
    options = options || {};
    const texture = new Texture(cgl, options);
    texture.flip = false;
    texture.image = img;
    texture.width = img.videoWidth || img.width || 8;
    texture.height = img.videoHeight || img.height || 8;
    if (options.hasOwnProperty("wrap"))texture.wrap = options.wrap;

    texture.initTexture(img, options.filter);

    return texture;

// deprecated!
Texture.fromImage = function (cgl, img, filter, wrap)
    console.error("deprecated texture from image...");

    const texture = new Texture(cgl);
    texture.flip = false;
    if (filter) texture.filter = filter;
    if (wrap) texture.wrap = wrap;
    texture.image = img;
    return texture;

 * @static
 * @function isPowerOfTwo
 * @memberof Texture
 * @description returns true if x is power of two
 * @param {Number} x
 * @return {Boolean}
Texture.isPowerOfTwo = function (x)
    return x == 1 || x == 2 || x == 4 || x == 8 || x == 16 || x == 32 || x == 64 || x == 128 || x == 256 || x == 512 || x == 1024 || x == 2048 || x == 4096 || x == 8192 || x == 16384;

Texture.getTexInfo = function (tex)
    const obj = {};

    obj.name = tex.name;
    obj["power of two"] = tex.isPowerOfTwo();
    obj.size = tex.width + " x " + tex.height;

    let targetString = tex.texTarget;
    if (tex.texTarget == tex._cgl.gl.TEXTURE_2D) targetString = "TEXTURE_2D";
    obj.target = targetString;

    obj.unpackAlpha = tex.unpackAlpha;

    if (tex.cubemap)obj.cubemap = true;

    if (tex.textureType == Texture.TYPE_FLOAT) obj.textureType = "TYPE_FLOAT";
    if (tex.textureType == Texture.TYPE_HALF_FLOAT) obj.textureType = "TYPE_HALF_FLOAT";
    else if (tex.textureType == Texture.TYPE_DEPTH) obj.textureType = "TYPE_DEPTH";
    else if (tex.textureType == Texture.TYPE_DEFAULT) obj.textureType = "TYPE_DEFAULT";
    else obj.textureType = "UNKNOWN " + this.textureType;

    if (tex.wrap == Texture.WRAP_CLAMP_TO_EDGE) obj.wrap = "CLAMP_TO_EDGE";
    else if (tex.wrap == Texture.WRAP_REPEAT) obj.wrap = "WRAP_REPEAT";
    else if (tex.wrap == Texture.WRAP_MIRRORED_REPEAT) obj.wrap = "WRAP_MIRRORED_REPEAT";
    else obj.wrap = "UNKNOWN";

    if (tex.filter == Texture.FILTER_NEAREST) obj.filter = "FILTER_NEAREST";
    else if (tex.filter == Texture.FILTER_LINEAR) obj.filter = "FILTER_LINEAR";
    else if (tex.filter == Texture.FILTER_MIPMAP) obj.filter = "FILTER_MIPMAP";
    else obj.filter = "UNKNOWN";

    obj.pixelFormat = tex.pixelFormat || "unknown";

    return obj;

Texture.setUpGlPixelFormat = function (cgl, pixelFormatStr)
    const o = {};

    if (!pixelFormatStr)
        cgl._log.error("no pixelformatstr!");
        cgl._log.log(new Error());
        pixelFormatStr = Texture.PFORMATSTR_RGBA8UB;

    o.pixelFormatBase = pixelFormatStr;
    o.pixelFormat = pixelFormatStr;
    o.glDataType = cgl.gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE;
    o.glInternalFormat = cgl.gl.RGBA8;
    o.glDataFormat = cgl.gl.RGBA;

    let floatDatatype = cgl.gl.FLOAT;

    if (cgl.glUseHalfFloatTex)
        if (pixelFormatStr == Texture.PFORMATSTR_RGBA32F) pixelFormatStr = Texture.PFORMATSTR_RGBA16F;
        if (pixelFormatStr == Texture.PFORMATSTR_RG32F) pixelFormatStr = Texture.PFORMATSTR_RG16F;
        if (pixelFormatStr == Texture.PFORMATSTR_R32F) pixelFormatStr = Texture.PFORMATSTR_R16F;

    if (pixelFormatStr.contains("16bit"))
        if (cgl.glVersion == 2)
            // cgl.enableExtension("OES_texture_half_float");
            const hasExt = cgl.enableExtension("EXT_color_buffer_half_float");

            if (!hasExt)
                console.warn("no 16bit extension, fallback to 32bit", pixelFormatStr);
                // fallback to 32 bit?
                if (pixelFormatStr == Texture.PFORMATSTR_RGBA16F) pixelFormatStr = Texture.PFORMATSTR_RGBA32F;
                if (pixelFormatStr == Texture.PFORMATSTR_RGB16F) pixelFormatStr = Texture.PFORMATSTR_RGB32F;
                if (pixelFormatStr == Texture.PFORMATSTR_RG16F) pixelFormatStr = Texture.PFORMATSTR_RG32F;
                if (pixelFormatStr == Texture.PFORMATSTR_R16F) pixelFormatStr = Texture.PFORMATSTR_R32F;
                floatDatatype = cgl.gl.HALF_FLOAT;

    if (cgl.glVersion == 1)
        o.glInternalFormat = cgl.gl.RGBA;

        if (pixelFormatStr == Texture.PFORMATSTR_RGBA16F || pixelFormatStr == Texture.PFORMATSTR_RG16F || pixelFormatStr == Texture.PFORMATSTR_R16F)
            const ext = cgl.enableExtension("OES_texture_half_float");
            if (!ext) throw new Error("no half float texture extension");

            floatDatatype = ext.HALF_FLOAT_OES;

    if (pixelFormatStr == Texture.PFORMATSTR_RGBA8UB)
    else if (pixelFormatStr == Texture.PFORMATSTR_RGB565)
        o.glInternalFormat = cgl.gl.RGB565;
        o.glDataFormat = cgl.gl.RGB;
    else if (pixelFormatStr == Texture.PFORMATSTR_R8UB)
        o.glInternalFormat = cgl.gl.R8;
        o.glDataFormat = cgl.gl.RED;
    else if (pixelFormatStr == Texture.PFORMATSTR_RG8UB)
        o.glInternalFormat = cgl.gl.RG8;
        o.glDataFormat = cgl.gl.RG;
    else if (pixelFormatStr == Texture.PFORMATSTR_RGB8UB)
        o.glInternalFormat = cgl.gl.RGB8;
        o.glDataFormat = cgl.gl.RGB;
    else if (pixelFormatStr == Texture.PFORMATSTR_SRGBA8)
        o.glInternalFormat = cgl.gl.SRGB8_ALPHA8;

    else if (pixelFormatStr == Texture.PFORMATSTR_R32F)
        o.glInternalFormat = cgl.gl.R32F;
        o.glDataFormat = cgl.gl.RED;
        o.glDataType = floatDatatype;
    else if (pixelFormatStr == Texture.PFORMATSTR_R16F)
        o.glInternalFormat = cgl.gl.R16F;
        o.glDataType = floatDatatype;
        o.glDataFormat = cgl.gl.RED;
    else if (pixelFormatStr == Texture.PFORMATSTR_RG16F)
        o.glInternalFormat = cgl.gl.RG16F;
        o.glDataType = floatDatatype;
        o.glDataFormat = cgl.gl.RG;
    else if (pixelFormatStr == Texture.PFORMATSTR_RGBA16F)
        if (cgl.glVersion == 1) o.glInternalFormat = cgl.gl.RGBA;
        else o.glInternalFormat = cgl.gl.RGBA16F;
        o.glDataType = floatDatatype;
    else if (pixelFormatStr == Texture.PFORMATSTR_R11FG11FB10F)
        o.glInternalFormat = cgl.gl.R11F_G11F_B10F;
        o.glDataType = floatDatatype;
        o.glDataFormat = cgl.gl.RGB;
    else if (pixelFormatStr == Texture.PFORMATSTR_RGBA32F)
        if (cgl.glVersion == 1) o.glInternalFormat = cgl.gl.RGBA;
        else o.glInternalFormat = cgl.gl.RGBA32F;
        o.glDataType = floatDatatype;
    else if (pixelFormatStr == Texture.PFORMATSTR_DEPTH)
        if (cgl.glVersion == 1)
            o.glInternalFormat = cgl.gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT;
            o.glDataType = cgl.gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT;
            o.glDataFormat = cgl.gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT;
            o.glInternalFormat = cgl.gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT32F;
            o.glDataType = cgl.gl.FLOAT;
            o.glDataFormat = cgl.gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT;
        console.log("unknown pixelformat ", pixelFormatStr);

    /// //////

    if (pixelFormatStr.contains("32bit") || pixelFormatStr == Texture.PFORMATSTR_R11FG11FB10F)
        if (cgl.glVersion == 2) cgl.enableExtension("EXT_color_buffer_float");
        if (cgl.glVersion == 2) cgl.enableExtension("EXT_float_blend");

        cgl.enableExtension("OES_texture_float_linear"); // yes, i am sure, this is a webgl 1 and 2 ext

    o.numColorChannels = Texture.getPixelFormatNumChannels(pixelFormatStr);

    if (!o.glDataType || !o.glInternalFormat || !o.glDataFormat) console.log("pixelformat wrong ?!", pixelFormatStr, o.glDataType, o.glInternalFormat, o.glDataFormat, this);

    return o;

Texture.getPixelFormatNumChannels =
    (pxlFrmtStr) =>
        if (pxlFrmtStr.startsWith("RGBA")) return 4;
        if (pxlFrmtStr.startsWith("RGB")) return 3;
        if (pxlFrmtStr.startsWith("RG")) return 2;
        return 1;

Texture.isPixelFormatFloat =
    (pxlFrmtStr) =>
        return (pxlFrmtStr || "").contains("float");

Texture.isPixelFormatHalfFloat =
    (pxlFrmtStr) =>
        return (pxlFrmtStr || "").contains("float") && (pxlFrmtStr || "").contains("16bit");

export { Texture };