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import { Logger } from "cables-shared-client";
import GPUBuffer from "./cgp_gpubuffer.js";

export default class Binding
     * Description
     * @param {any} cgp
     * @param {any} idx
     * @param {string} name
     * @param {any} options={}
    constructor(cgp, name, options = {})
        if (typeof options != "object") this._log.error("binding options is not an object");
        this._index = -1;

        this._name = name;
        this._cgp = cgp;
        this._log = new Logger("cgp_binding");
        this.uniforms = [];
        this.cGpuBuffers = [];
        this._options = options;
        this.shader = null;
        this.bindingInstances = [];
        this.stageStr = options.stage;
        this.bindingType = options.bindingType || "uniform"; // "uniform", "storage", "read-only-storage",

        if (this.stageStr == "frag") this.stage = GPUShaderStage.FRAGMENT;
        else this.stage = GPUShaderStage.VERTEX;
        if (options.hasOwnProperty("index")) this._index = options.index;

        if (options.shader) this.shader = options.shader;

        this._buffer = null;
        this.isValid = true;
        this.changed = 0;

        if (this.shader)
            if (this.stageStr == "frag") this.shader.bindingsFrag.push(this);
            if (this.stageStr == "vert") this.shader.bindingsVert.push(this);
            if (this._index == -1) this._index = this.shader.getNewBindingIndex();

        if (this._index == -1) this._log.warn("binding could not get an index", this._name);

        this._cgp.on("deviceChange", () =>
            // this.reInit();

        if (this.uniforms.length == 0) return false;

        if (this.uniforms.length == 1)
            if (this.uniforms[0].type == "t" || this.uniforms[0].type == "sampler") return false;
            if (this.bindingType != "uniform") return false;

        return true;

        console.log("copy binding...");
        const options = {};

        for (const i in this._options)
            options[i] = this._options[i];

        options.shader = newShader;

        let binding = new Binding(this._cgp, this._name, options);

        for (let i = 0; i < this.uniforms.length; i++)
            binding.addUniform(newShader.getUniform(this.uniforms[i].name)); // .copy(newShader)

        return binding;


        let size = 0;
        for (let i = 0; i < this.uniforms.length; i++)
            // console.log("UNIFORM!!!", i, this.uniforms[i], this.uniforms[i].getSizeBytes());
            // console.log("getSizeBytes", this.uniforms[i], this.uniforms[i].getSizeBytes);
            size += this.uniforms[i].getSizeBytes();
        // if (this.uniforms.length == 0)console.log("NO UNIFORMS!!!");
        return size;

        let str = "";

        let typeStr = "strct_" + this._name;
        let name = this._name;

        if (this.uniforms.length === 0) return "// no uniforms in bindinggroup...?\n";

        str += "// " + this.uniforms.length + " uniforms\n";

        if (this.isStruct())
            str += "struct " + typeStr + "\n";
            str += "{\n";
            for (let i = 0; i < this.uniforms.length; i++)
                str += "    " + this.uniforms[i].name + ": " + this.uniforms[i].getWgslTypeStr();
                if (i != this.uniforms.length - 1)str += ",";
                str += "\n";
            str += "};\n";
            typeStr = this.uniforms[0].getWgslTypeStr();
            name = this.uniforms[0].name;

        str += "@group(0) ";
        str += "@binding(" + this._index + ") ";

        if (this.isStruct())
            str += "var<" + this.bindingType + "> ";
        else if (this.bindingType == "read-only-storage")str += "var<storage,read> ";
        else str += "var ";

        str += name + ": " + typeStr + ";\n";

        return str;

        let label = "layout " + this._name + " [";
        for (let i = 0; i < this.uniforms.length; i++) label += this.uniforms[i].getName() + ",";
        label += "]";

        const o = {
            "label": label,
            "binding": this._index,
            "visibility": this.stage,
            "size": this.getSizeBytes()

        if (this.uniforms.length == 1 && this.uniforms[0].getType() == "t")
            o.texture = {};
        else if (this.uniforms.length == 1 && this.uniforms[0].getType() == "sampler")
            o.sampler = {};
            o.buffer = {};
            o.buffer.type = this.bindingType;

        return o;

    getBindingGroupEntry(gpuDevice, inst)
        this.isValid = false;

        const o = {
            "label": this._name + " binding",
            "binding": this._index,
            "size": this.getSizeBytes(),
            "visibility": this.stage,

        if (this.uniforms.length == 0)
            console.log("binding uniforms length 0");

        if (this.uniforms.length == 1 && this.uniforms[0].getType() == "t")
            if (this.uniforms[0].getValue() && this.uniforms[0].getValue().gpuTexture) o.resource = this.uniforms[0].getValue().gpuTexture.createView();
            else o.resource = this._cgp.getEmptyTexture().createView();// CABLES.emptyCglTexture.createView();
        else if (this.uniforms.length == 1 && this.uniforms[0].getType() == "sampler")
            let smplDesc = {
                "addressModeU": "mirror-repeat",
                "addressModeV": "mirror-repeat",
                "magFilter": "linear",
                "minFilter": "linear",
                "mipmapFilter": "linear",

            if (this.uniforms[0].getValue()) smplDesc = this.uniforms[0].getValue().getSampler();

            const sampler = this.uniforms[0]._cgp.device.createSampler(smplDesc);
            o.resource = sampler;

            o.resource = {
                "buffer": this.cGpuBuffers[inst].gpuBuffer,
                "minBindingSize": this.getSizeBytes(),
                "hasDynamicOffset": 0

        this.isValid = true;
        this.bindingInstances[inst] = o;

        return o;

        let buffCfg = {
            "label": this._name,
            "size": this.getSizeBytes(),
            "usage": GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST | GPUBufferUsage.UNIFORM,

        if (this.bindingType == "read-only-storage" || this.bindingType == "storage") buffCfg.usage = GPUBufferUsage.STORAGE | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST;

        if (this.cGpuBuffers[inst]) this.cGpuBuffers[inst].dispose();
        this.cGpuBuffers[inst] = new GPUBuffer(this._cgp, this._name + " buff", null, { "buffCfg": buffCfg });

        if (this.uniforms.length > 0 && this.uniforms[0].gpuBuffer) this.cGpuBuffers[inst] = this.uniforms[0].gpuBuffer;

    update(cgp, inst)
        let b = this.bindingInstances[inst];
        if (!b) b = this.getBindingGroupEntry(cgp.device, inst);

        if (this.uniforms.length == 1 && this.uniforms[0].gpuBuffer)
            if (this.uniforms[0].gpuBuffer != this.cGpuBuffers[inst])
                this.shader._needsRecompile = true; // TODO this should actually just rebuild the bindinggroup i guess ?

            if (this._cgp.frameStore.branchProfiler) this._cgp.frameStore.branchStack.push("extern uni bind", [this.uniforms[0].getName(), this.cGpuBuffers[inst].floatArr]);
            if (this._cgp.frameStore.branchProfiler) this._cgp.frameStore.branchStack.pop();
        if (this.uniforms.length == 1 && this.uniforms[0].getType() == "t")
            if (this._cgp.frameStore.branchProfiler) this._cgp.frameStore.branchStack.push("uni texture");
            if (this.uniforms[0].getValue())
                if (this.uniforms[0].getValue().gpuTexture)
                    this.bindingInstances[inst] = this.getBindingGroupEntry(this.uniforms[0]._cgp.device, inst);
                    console.log("uni t has no gputexture");
                    b.resource = this._cgp.getErrorTexture().createView();

            if (this._cgp.frameStore.branchProfiler) this._cgp.frameStore.branchStack.pop();
        else if (this.uniforms.length == 1 && this.uniforms[0].getType() == "sampler")
            if (this._cgp.frameStore.branchProfiler) this._cgp.frameStore.branchStack.push("uni sampler");
            b.resource = this.uniforms[0].getValue();
            if (this._cgp.frameStore.branchProfiler) this._cgp.frameStore.branchStack.pop();
            let info = ["stage " + this.stageStr + " / inst " + inst];

            // console.log("B",this.);
            // update uniform values to buffer
            const s = this.getSizeBytes() / 4;

            // if (!this.cGpuBuffers[inst])
            // this._createCgpuBuffer(inst);
            // this.cGpuBuffers[inst] = new GPUBuffer(this._cgp, "buff", null, { "buffCfg": buffCfg });


            let off = 0;
            for (let i = 0; i < this.uniforms.length; i++)
                info.push(this.uniforms[i].getName() + " " + this.uniforms[i].getValue());
                this.uniforms[i].copyToBuffer(this.cGpuBuffers[inst].floatArr, off); // todo: check if uniform changed?

                // if (isNaN(this.cGpuBuffers[inst].floatArr[0]))
                // {
                // console.log("shitttttttt", this.cGpuBuffers[inst].floatArr[0], this.uniforms[i].getName(), this.cGpuBuffers[inst].name, this.uniforms[i]);
                // }

                off += this.uniforms[i].getSizeBytes() / 4;
            if (this._cgp.frameStore.branchProfiler) this._cgp.frameStore.branchStack.push("uni buff", info);

            // console.log("upodate", inst);

            // todo: only if changed...
            // cgp.device.queue.writeBuffer(
            //     b.resource.buffer,
            //     0,
            //     this._buffer.buffer,
            //     this._buffer.byteOffset,
            //     this._buffer.byteLength
            // );

            if (this._cgp.frameStore.branchProfiler) this._cgp.frameStore.branchStack.pop();