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import { Logger } from "cables-shared-client";
import Uniform from "./cgp_uniform.js";
import { preproc } from "../cg/preproc.js";
import { CgShader } from "../cg/cg_shader.js";
import Binding from "./cgp_binding.js";

export default class Shader extends CgShader
    constructor(_cgp, _name, options = {})
        if (!_cgp) throw new Error("shader constructed without cgp " + _name);
        this._log = new Logger("cgp_shader");
        this._cgp = _cgp;
        this._name = _name;
        this._uniforms = [];
        this.compute = options.compute || false;

        if (!_name) this._log.stack("no shader name given");
        this._name = _name || "unknown";
        this._compileReason = "";
        this.gpuShaderModule = null;
        this._needsRecompile = true;
        this.bindingCounter = 0;
        this.bindCountlastFrame = -1;
        this._bindingIndexCount = 0;

        this.defaultBindingVert = new Binding(_cgp, "vsUniforms", { "stage": "vert", "bindingType": "uniform", "index": this._bindingIndexCount++ });
        this.defaultBindingFrag = new Binding(_cgp, "fsUniforms", { "stage": "frag", "bindingType": "uniform", "index": this._bindingIndexCount++ });
        this.defaultBindingComp = new Binding(_cgp, "computeUniforms", { "bindingType": "uniform", "index": this._bindingIndexCount++ });
        this.bindingsFrag = [this.defaultBindingFrag];
        this.bindingsVert = [this.defaultBindingVert];
        this.bindingsComp = [this.defaultBindingComp];

        if (!this.compute)
            this.uniModelMatrix = this.addUniformVert("m4", "modelMatrix");
            this.uniViewMatrix = this.addUniformVert("m4", "viewMatrix");
            this.uniProjMatrix = this.addUniformVert("m4", "projMatrix");
            this.uniNormalMatrix = this.addUniformVert("m4", "normalMatrix");
            this.uniModelViewMatrix = this.addUniformVert("m4", "modelViewMatrix");
            this._tempNormalMatrix = mat4.create();
            this._tempModelViewMatrix = mat4.create();

        this._src = "";

        this._cgp.on("deviceChange", () =>
            this.gpuShaderModule = null;
            this._needsRecompile = "device changed";

        if (this.bindCountlastFrame != this._cgp.frame) this.bindingCounter = 0;
        else this.bindingCounter++;
        this.bindCountlastFrame = this._cgp.frame;



    get isValid()
        return this._isValid;

    get uniforms()
        return this._uniforms;

        return this._name;

        this._compileReason = why;

        return ++this._bindingIndexCount;

        this._src = src;
        this.setWhyCompile("Source changed");
        this._needsRecompile = true;

        let srcHeadVert = "";
        for (let i = 0; i < this._moduleNames.length; i++)
            let srcVert = "";

            for (let j = 0; j < this._modules.length; j++)
                const mod = this._modules[j];
                if (mod.name == this._moduleNames[i])
                    srcHeadVert += "\n//---- MOD: group:" + mod.group + ": idx:" + j + " - prfx:" + mod.prefix + " - " + mod.title + " ------\n";

                    srcVert += "\n\n//---- MOD: " + mod.title + " / " + mod.priority + " ------\n";

                    if (mod.attributes)
                        for (let k = 0; k < mod.attributes.length; k++)
                            const r = this._getAttrSrc(mod.attributes[k], false);
                            if (r.srcHeadVert)srcHeadVert += r.srcHeadVert;
                            if (r.srcVert)srcVert += r.srcVert;

                    srcHeadVert += mod.srcHead || "";
                    srcVert += mod.srcBody || "";

                    srcHeadVert += "\n//---- end mod ------\n";

                    srcVert += "\n//---- end mod ------\n";

                    srcVert = srcVert.replace(/{{mod}}/g, mod.prefix);
                    srcHeadVert = srcHeadVert.replace(/{{mod}}/g, mod.prefix);

                    srcVert = srcVert.replace(/MOD_/g, mod.prefix);
                    srcHeadVert = srcHeadVert.replace(/MOD_/g, mod.prefix);

            vs = vs.replace("{{" + this._moduleNames[i] + "}}", srcVert);

        vs = vs.replace("{{MODULES_HEAD}}", srcHeadVert);
        return vs;

        const defs = {};
        for (let i = 0; i < this._defines.length; i++)
            defs[this._defines[i][0]] = this._defines[i][1] || true;

        let src = preproc(this._src, defs);

        let bindingsHeadVert = "";
        for (let i = 0; i < this.bindingsFrag.length; i++)
            bindingsHeadVert += this.bindingsFrag[i].getShaderHeaderCode();

        let bindingsHeadFrag = "";
        for (let i = 0; i < this.bindingsVert.length; i++)
            bindingsHeadFrag += this.bindingsVert[i].getShaderHeaderCode();

        src = bindingsHeadFrag + "\n\n////////////////\n\n" + bindingsHeadVert + "\n\n////////////////\n\n" + src;
        src = this._replaceMods(src);

        return src;
        // console.log("----------------\n", src, "\n----------------------------");

        console.log("compile", this._compileReason);
        this._isValid = true;
        this._cgp.pushErrorScope("cgp_shader " + this._name);
        // console.log(this.getProcessedSource());
        this.gpuShaderModule = this._cgp.device.createShaderModule({ "code": this.getProcessedSource(), "label": this._name });
        this._needsRecompile = false;


        this._isValid = false;

        if (!this.compute)

            // mat4.invert(this._tempNormalMatrix, this._cgp.mMatrix);
            // mat4.transpose(this._tempNormalMatrix, this._tempNormalMatrix);
            mat4.mul(this._tempModelViewMatrix, this._cgp.vMatrix, this._cgp.mMatrix);

            // mat4.set(this._tempNormalMatrix, this._tempModelViewMatrix);
            mat4.invert(this._tempNormalMatrix, this._tempModelViewMatrix);
            mat4.transpose(this._tempNormalMatrix, this._tempNormalMatrix);

            // cpu billboarding?
            // this._tempModelViewMatrix[0 * 4 + 0] = 1.0;
            // this._tempModelViewMatrix[0 * 4 + 1] = 0.0;
            // this._tempModelViewMatrix[0 * 4 + 2] = 0.0;

            // // #ifndef BILLBOARDING_CYLINDRIC
            // this._tempModelViewMatrix[1 * 4 + 0] = 0.0;
            // this._tempModelViewMatrix[1 * 4 + 1] = 1.0;
            // this._tempModelViewMatrix[1 * 4 + 2] = 0.0;
            // // #endif

            // this._tempModelViewMatrix[2 * 4 + 0] = 0.0;
            // this._tempModelViewMatrix[2 * 4 + 1] = 0.0;
            // this._tempModelViewMatrix[2 * 4 + 2] = 1.0;


        if (this._needsRecompile) this.compile();

     * add a uniform to the fragment shader
     * @param {String} type ['f','t', etc]
     * @param {String} name
     * @param {any} valueOrPort value or port
     * @param p2
     * @param p3
     * @param p4
     * @memberof Shader
     * @instance
     * @function addUniformFrag
     * @returns {Uniform}
    addUniformFrag(type, name, valueOrPort, p2, p3, p4)
        const uni = new Uniform(this, type, name, valueOrPort, p2, p3, p4);
        uni.shaderType = "frag";

        this.needsPipelineUpdate = "add frag uniform";

        return uni;

     * add a uniform to the vertex shader
     * @param {String} type ['f','t', etc]
     * @param {String} name
     * @param {any} valueOrPort value or port
     * @param p2
     * @param p3
     * @param p4
     * @memberof Shader
     * @instance
     * @function addUniformVert
     * @returns {Uniform}
    addUniformVert(type, name, valueOrPort, p2, p3, p4)
        const uni = new Uniform(this, type, name, valueOrPort, p2, p3, p4);
        uni.shaderType = "vert";

        this.needsPipelineUpdate = "add ver uniform";

        return uni;

     * add a uniform to all shader programs
     * @param {String} type ['f','t', etc]
     * @param {String} name
     * @param {any} valueOrPort value or port
     * @param p2
     * @param p3
     * @param p4
     * @memberof Shader
     * @instance
     * @function addUniform
     * @returns {Uniform}
    addUniform(type, name, valueOrPort, p2, p3, p4)
        const uni = new Uniform(this, type, name, valueOrPort, p2, p3, p4);
        uni.shaderType = "both";
        return uni;

        this.setWhyCompile("add uniform " + name);
        this._needsRecompile = true;

        for (let i = 0; i < this._uniforms.length; i++)
            if (this._uniforms[i].getName() == name) return this._uniforms[i];

     * copy current shader
     * @function copy
     * @memberof Shader
     * @instance
     * @returns newShader
        const shader = new Shader(this._cgp, this._name + " copy");

        shader._modules = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this._modules));
        shader._defines = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this._defines));

        shader._modGroupCount = this._modGroupCount;
        shader._moduleNames = this._moduleNames;

        // shader.glPrimitive = this.glPrimitive;
        // shader.offScreenPass = this.offScreenPass;
        // shader._extensions = this._extensions;
        // shader.wireframe = this.wireframe;
        // shader._attributes = this._attributes;

        for (let i = 0; i < this._uniforms.length; i++) this._uniforms[i].copy(shader);

        shader.bindingsFrag = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < this.bindingsFrag.length; i++) this.bindingsFrag[i].copy(shader);
        shader.defaultBindingFrag = this.bindingsFrag[0];

        shader.bindingsVert = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < this.bindingsVert.length; i++) this.bindingsVert[i].copy(shader);
        shader.defaultBindingVert = this.bindingsVert[0];

        shader.bindingsComp = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < this.bindingsComp.length; i++) this.bindingsComp[i].copy(shader);
        shader.defaultBindingComp = this.bindingsComp[0];

        console.log("copyyyyyyyyyy", shader.bindingsVert, this.bindingsVert);

        shader._needsRecompile = true;
        return shader;

     * copy all uniform values from another shader
     * @function copyUniforms
     * @memberof Shader
     * @instance
     * @param origShader uniform values will be copied from this shader
        for (let i = 0; i < origShader._uniforms.length; i++)
            if (!this._uniforms[i])
                this._log.log("unknown uniform?!");

        // this.popTextures();
        // for (let i = 0; i < origShader._textureStackUni.length; i++)
        // {
        //     this._textureStackUni[i] = origShader._textureStackUni[i];
        //     this._textureStackTex[i] = origShader._textureStackTex[i];
        //     this._textureStackType[i] = origShader._textureStackType[i];
        //     this._textureStackTexCgl[i] = origShader._textureStackTexCgl[i];
        // }