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import { Logger } from "cables-shared-client";
import { EventTarget } from "./eventtarget.js";
import { ajax, ajaxSync, prefixedHash, cleanJson, shortId } from "./utils.js";
import { LoadingStatus } from "./loadingstatus.js";
import { Timer } from "./timer.js";
import { Link } from "./core_link.js";
import { Profiler } from "./core_profiler.js";
import { Context } from "./cgl/cgl_state.js";
import { CONSTANTS } from "./constants.js";
import PatchVariable from "./core_variable.js";

 * Patch class, contains all operators,values,links etc. manages loading and running of the whole patch
 * see {@link PatchConfig}
 * @namespace external:CABLES#Patch
 * @hideconstructor
 * @param {PatchConfig} cfg The configuration object.
 * @class
 * @example
 * CABLES.patch=new CABLES.Patch(
 * {
 *     patch:pStr,
 *     glCanvasId:'glcanvas',
 *     glCanvasResizeToWindow:true,
 *     canvas:{powerPreference:"high-performance"},
 *     prefixAssetPath:'/assets/',
 *     prefixJsPath:'/js/',
 *     onError:function(e){console.log(e);}
 *     glslPrecision:'highp'
 * });

const Patch = function (cfg)

    this._log = new Logger("core_patch", { "onError": cfg.onError });
    this.ops = [];
    this.settings = {};
    this.config = cfg ||
            "glCanvasResizeToWindow": false,
            "prefixAssetPath": "",
            "prefixJsPath": "",
            "silent": true,
            "onError": null,
            "onFinishedLoading": null,
            "onFirstFrameRendered": null,
            "onPatchLoaded": null,
            "fpsLimit": 0
    this.timer = new Timer();
    this.freeTimer = new Timer();
    this.animFrameOps = [];
    this.animFrameCallbacks = [];
    this.gui = false;
    CABLES.logSilent = this.silent = true;
    this.profiler = null;
    this.aborted = false;
    this._crashedOps = [];
    this._renderOneFrame = false;
    this._animReq = null;
    this._opIdCache = {};
    this._triggerStack = [];
    this.storeObjNames = false; // remove after may release

    this.loading = new LoadingStatus(this);

    this._volumeListeners = [];
    this._paused = false;
    this._frameNum = 0;
    // this.instancing = new Instancing();
    this.onOneFrameRendered = null;
    this.namedTriggers = {};

    this._origData = null;
    this._frameNext = 0;
    this._frameInterval = 0;
    this._lastFrameTime = 0;
    this._frameWasdelayed = true;
    this.frameStore = {};
    this.deSerialized = false;
    this.reqAnimTimeStamp = 0;

    this.cgCanvas = null;

    if (!(function () { return !this; }())) console.log("not in strict mode: core patch");

    this._isLocal = document.location.href.indexOf("file:") === 0;

    if (this.config.hasOwnProperty("silent")) this.silent = CABLES.logSilent = this.config.silent;
    if (!this.config.hasOwnProperty("doRequestAnimation")) this.config.doRequestAnimation = true;

    if (!this.config.prefixAssetPath) this.config.prefixAssetPath = "";
    if (!this.config.prefixJsPath) this.config.prefixJsPath = "";
    if (!this.config.masterVolume) this.config.masterVolume = 1.0;

    this._variables = {};
    this._variableListeners = [];
    this.vars = {};
    if (cfg && cfg.vars) this.vars = cfg.vars; // vars is old!

    this.cgl = new Context(this);
    this.cgp = null;

    this._subpatchOpCache = {};

    this.cgl.setCanvas(this.config.glCanvasId || this.config.glCanvas || "glcanvas");
    if (this.config.glCanvasResizeToWindow === true) this.cgl.setAutoResize("window");
    if (this.config.glCanvasResizeToParent === true) this.cgl.setAutoResize("parent");

    if (this.cgl.aborted) this.aborted = true;
    if (this.cgl.silent) this.silent = true;


    if (!this.aborted)
        if (this.config.patch)
        else if (this.config.patchFile)
                (err, _data) =>
                        const data = JSON.parse(_data);
                        if (err)
                            const txt = "";
                            this._log.error("err", err);
                            this._log.error("data", data);
                            this._log.error("data", data.msg);
                    catch (e)
                        this._log.error("could not load/parse patch ", e);

    console.log("made with https://cables.gl"); // eslint-disable-line

Patch.prototype.isPlaying = function ()
    return !this._paused;

Patch.prototype.isRenderingOneFrame = function ()
    return this._renderOneFrame;

Patch.prototype.renderOneFrame = function ()
    this._paused = true;
    this._renderOneFrame = true;
    this._renderOneFrame = false;

 * current number of frames per second
 * @function getFPS
 * @memberof Patch
 * @instance
 * @return {Number} fps
Patch.prototype.getFPS = function ()
    this._log.error("deprecated getfps");
    return 0;

 * returns true if patch is opened in editor/gui mode
 * @function isEditorMode
 * @memberof Patch
 * @instance
 * @return {Boolean} editor mode
Patch.prototype.isEditorMode = function ()
    return this.config.editorMode === true;

 * pauses patch execution
 * @function pause
 * @memberof Patch
 * @instance
Patch.prototype.pause = function ()
    this._animReq = null;
    this._paused = true;

 * resumes patch execution
 * @function resume
 * @memberof Patch
 * @instance
Patch.prototype.resume = function ()
    if (this._paused)
        this._paused = false;

 * set volume [0-1]
 * @function setVolume
 * @param {Number} v volume
 * @memberof Patch
 * @instance
Patch.prototype.setVolume = function (v)
    this.config.masterVolume = v;
    for (let i = 0; i < this._volumeListeners.length; i++) this._volumeListeners[i].onMasterVolumeChanged(v);

 * get asset path
 * @function getAssetPath
 * @memberof Patch
 * @param patchId
 * @instance
Patch.prototype.getAssetPath = function (patchId = null)
    if (this.config.hasOwnProperty("assetPath"))
        return this.config.assetPath;
    else if (this.isEditorMode())
        let id = patchId || gui.project()._id;
        return "/assets/" + id + "/";
    else if (document.location.href.indexOf("cables.gl") > 0 || document.location.href.indexOf("cables.local") > 0)
        const parts = document.location.pathname.split("/");
        let id = patchId || parts[parts.length - 1];
        return "/assets/" + id + "/";
        return "assets/";

 * get js path
 * @function getJsPath
 * @memberof Patch
 * @instance
Patch.prototype.getJsPath = function ()
    if (this.config.hasOwnProperty("jsPath"))
        return this.config.jsPath;
        return "js/";

 * get url/filepath for a filename
 * this uses prefixAssetpath in exported patches
 * @function getFilePath
 * @memberof Patch
 * @instance
 * @param {String} filename
 * @return {String} url
Patch.prototype.getFilePath = function (filename)
    if (!filename) return filename;
    filename = String(filename);
    if (filename.indexOf("https:") === 0 || filename.indexOf("http:") === 0) return filename;
    if (filename.indexOf("data:") === 0) return filename;
    if (filename.indexOf("file:") === 0) return filename;
    filename = filename.replace("//", "/");
    if (filename.startsWith(this.config.prefixAssetPath)) filename = filename.replace(this.config.prefixAssetPath, "");
    return this.config.prefixAssetPath + filename + (this.config.suffixAssetPath || "");

Patch.prototype.clear = function ()
    this.cgl.TextureEffectMesh = null;
    this.animFrameOps.length = 0;
    this.timer = new Timer();
    while (this.ops.length > 0) this.deleteOp(this.ops[0].id);

    this._opIdCache = {};

Patch.getOpClass = function (objName)
    const parts = objName.split(".");
    let opObj = null;

        if (parts.length == 2) opObj = window[parts[0]][parts[1]];
        else if (parts.length == 3) opObj = window[parts[0]][parts[1]][parts[2]];
        else if (parts.length == 4) opObj = window[parts[0]][parts[1]][parts[2]][parts[3]];
        else if (parts.length == 5) opObj = window[parts[0]][parts[1]][parts[2]][parts[3]][parts[4]];
        else if (parts.length == 6) opObj = window[parts[0]][parts[1]][parts[2]][parts[3]][parts[4]][parts[5]];
        else if (parts.length == 7) opObj = window[parts[0]][parts[1]][parts[2]][parts[3]][parts[4]][parts[5]][parts[6]];
        else if (parts.length == 8) opObj = window[parts[0]][parts[1]][parts[2]][parts[3]][parts[4]][parts[5]][parts[6]][parts[7]];
        else if (parts.length == 9) opObj = window[parts[0]][parts[1]][parts[2]][parts[3]][parts[4]][parts[5]][parts[6]][parts[7]][parts[8]];
        else if (parts.length == 10) opObj = window[parts[0]][parts[1]][parts[2]][parts[3]][parts[4]][parts[5]][parts[6]][parts[7]][parts[8]][parts[9]];
        return opObj;
    catch (e)
        return null;

Patch.prototype.createOp = function (identifier, id, opName = null)
    let op = null;
    let objName = "";

        if (!identifier)
            console.error("createop identifier false", identifier);
            console.log((new Error()).stack);
        if (identifier.indexOf("Ops.") === -1)
            // this should be a uuid, not a namespace
            // creating ops by id should be the default way from now on!
            const opId = identifier;

            if (CABLES.OPS[opId])
                objName = CABLES.OPS[opId].objName;
                op = new CABLES.OPS[opId].f(this, objName, id, opId);
                op.opId = opId;
                if (opName)
                    identifier = opName;
                    this._log.warn("could not find op by id: " + opId);
                    throw new Error("could not find op by id: " + opId, { "cause": "opId:" + opId });

        if (!op)
            // fallback: create by objname!
            objName = identifier;
            const parts = identifier.split(".");
            const opObj = Patch.getOpClass(objName);

            if (!opObj)
                this.emitEvent("criticalError", { "title": "unknown op" + objName, "text": "unknown op: " + objName });

                this._log.error("unknown op: " + objName);
                throw new Error("unknown op: " + objName);
                if (parts.length == 2) op = new window[parts[0]][parts[1]](this, objName, id);
                else if (parts.length == 3) op = new window[parts[0]][parts[1]][parts[2]](this, objName, id);
                else if (parts.length == 4) op = new window[parts[0]][parts[1]][parts[2]][parts[3]](this, objName, id);
                else if (parts.length == 5) op = new window[parts[0]][parts[1]][parts[2]][parts[3]][parts[4]](this, objName, id);
                else if (parts.length == 6) op = new window[parts[0]][parts[1]][parts[2]][parts[3]][parts[4]][parts[5]](this, objName, id);
                else if (parts.length == 7) op = new window[parts[0]][parts[1]][parts[2]][parts[3]][parts[4]][parts[5]][parts[6]](this, objName, id);
                else if (parts.length == 8) op = new window[parts[0]][parts[1]][parts[2]][parts[3]][parts[4]][parts[5]][parts[6]][parts[7]](this, objName, id);
                else if (parts.length == 9) op = new window[parts[0]][parts[1]][parts[2]][parts[3]][parts[4]][parts[5]][parts[6]][parts[7]][parts[8]](this, objName, id);
                else if (parts.length == 10) op = new window[parts[0]][parts[1]][parts[2]][parts[3]][parts[4]][parts[5]][parts[6]][parts[7]][parts[8]][parts[9]](this, objName, id);
                else console.log("parts.length", parts.length);

            if (op)
                op.opId = null;
                for (const i in CABLES.OPS)
                    if (CABLES.OPS[i].objName == objName) op.opId = i;
    catch (e)

        this._log.error("[instancing error] " + objName, e);

        if (!this.isEditorMode())
            this._log.error("INSTANCE_ERR", "Instancing Error: " + objName, e);
            // throw new Error("instancing error 1" + objName);

    if (op)
        op._objName = objName;
        op.patch = this;
        this._log.log("no op was created!?", identifier, id);
    return op;

 * create a new op in patch
 * @function addOp
 * @memberof Patch
 * @instance
 * @param {string} opIdentifier uuid or name, e.g. Ops.Math.Sum
 * @param {Object} uiAttribs Attributes
 * @param {string} id
 * @param {boolean} fromDeserialize
 * @param {string} opName e.g. Ops.Math.Sum
 * @example
 * // add invisible op
 * patch.addOp('Ops.Math.Sum', { showUiAttribs: false });
Patch.prototype.addOp = function (opIdentifier, uiAttribs, id, fromDeserialize, opName)
    const op = this.createOp(opIdentifier, id, opName);

    if (op)
        uiAttribs = uiAttribs || {};
        if (uiAttribs.hasOwnProperty("errors")) delete uiAttribs.errors;
        if (uiAttribs.hasOwnProperty("error")) delete uiAttribs.error;
        uiAttribs.subPatch = uiAttribs.subPatch || 0;

        if (op.onCreate) op.onCreate();

        if (op.hasOwnProperty("onAnimFrame")) this.addOnAnimFrame(op);
        if (op.hasOwnProperty("onMasterVolumeChanged")) this._volumeListeners.push(op);

        if (this._opIdCache[op.id])
            this._log.warn("opid with id " + op.id + " already exists in patch!");
            this.deleteOp(op.id); // strange with subpatch ops: why is this needed, somehow ops get added twice ???.....
            // return;

        this._opIdCache[op.id] = op;

        if (this._subPatchCacheAdd) this._subPatchCacheAdd(uiAttribs.subPatch, op);
        this.emitEvent("onOpAdd", op, fromDeserialize);

        if (op.init) op.init();

        op.emitEvent("init", fromDeserialize);
        this._log.error("addop: op could not be created: ", opIdentifier);

    return op;

Patch.prototype.addOnAnimFrame = function (op)
    for (let i = 0; i < this.animFrameOps.length; i++) if (this.animFrameOps[i] == op) { return; }


Patch.prototype.removeOnAnimFrame = function (op)
    for (let i = 0; i < this.animFrameOps.length; i++)
        if (this.animFrameOps[i] == op)
            this.animFrameOps.splice(i, 1);

Patch.prototype.addOnAnimFrameCallback = function (cb)

Patch.prototype.removeOnAnimCallback = function (cb)
    for (let i = 0; i < this.animFrameCallbacks.length; i++)
        if (this.animFrameCallbacks[i] == cb)
            this.animFrameCallbacks.splice(i, 1);

Patch.prototype.deleteOp = function (opid, tryRelink, reloadingOp)
    let found = false;
    for (const i in this.ops)
        if (this.ops[i].id == opid)
            const op = this.ops[i];
            let reLinkP1 = null;
            let reLinkP2 = null;

            if (op)
                found = true;
                if (tryRelink)
                    if (op.portsIn.length > 0 && op.portsIn[0].isLinked() && (op.portsOut.length > 0 && op.portsOut[0].isLinked()))
                        if (op.portsIn[0].getType() == op.portsOut[0].getType() && op.portsIn[0].links[0])
                            reLinkP1 = op.portsIn[0].links[0].getOtherPort(op.portsIn[0]);
                            reLinkP2 = op.portsOut[0].links[0].getOtherPort(op.portsOut[0]);

                const opToDelete = this.ops[i];

                if (this.onDelete)
                    // todo: remove
                    this._log.warn("deprecated this.onDelete", this.onDelete);

                this.ops.splice(i, 1);
                opToDelete.emitEvent("delete", opToDelete);
                this.emitEvent("onOpDelete", opToDelete, reloadingOp);

                if (this.clearSubPatchCache) this.clearSubPatchCache(opToDelete.uiAttribs.subPatch);

                if (opToDelete.onDelete) opToDelete.onDelete(reloadingOp);

                if (reLinkP1 !== null && reLinkP2 !== null)
                    this.link(reLinkP1.op, reLinkP1.getName(), reLinkP2.op, reLinkP2.getName());

                delete this._opIdCache[opid];

    if (!found) this._log.warn("core patch deleteop: not found...", opid);

Patch.prototype.getFrameNum = function ()
    return this._frameNum;

Patch.prototype.emitOnAnimFrameEvent = function (time, delta)
    time = time || this.timer.getTime();

    for (let i = 0; i < this.animFrameCallbacks.length; ++i)
        if (this.animFrameCallbacks[i])
            this.animFrameCallbacks[i](time, this._frameNum, delta);

    for (let i = 0; i < this.animFrameOps.length; ++i)
        if (this.animFrameOps[i].onAnimFrame)
            this.animFrameOps[i].onAnimFrame(time, this._frameNum, delta);

Patch.prototype.renderFrame = function (timestamp)
    const time = this.timer.getTime();
    const startTime = performance.now();
    this.cgl.frameStartTime = this.timer.getTime();

    const delta = timestamp - this.reqAnimTimeStamp || timestamp;

    this.emitOnAnimFrameEvent(null, delta);

    this.cgl.profileData.profileFrameDelta = delta;
    this.reqAnimTimeStamp = timestamp;
    this.cgl.profileData.profileOnAnimFrameOps = performance.now() - startTime;

    this.emitEvent("onRenderFrame", time);

    if (this._frameNum == 1)
        if (this.config.onFirstFrameRendered) this.config.onFirstFrameRendered();

Patch.prototype.exec = function (timestamp)
    if (!this._renderOneFrame && (this._paused || this.aborted)) return;

    this.config.fpsLimit = this.config.fpsLimit || 0;
    if (this.config.fpsLimit)
        this._frameInterval = 1000 / this.config.fpsLimit;

    const now = CABLES.now();
    const frameDelta = now - this._frameNext;

    if (this.isEditorMode())
        if (!this._renderOneFrame)
            if (now - this._lastFrameTime >= 500 && this._lastFrameTime !== 0 && !this._frameWasdelayed)
                this._lastFrameTime = 0;
                setTimeout(this.exec.bind(this), 500);
                this._frameWasdelayed = true;

    if (this._renderOneFrame || this.config.fpsLimit === 0 || frameDelta > this._frameInterval || this._frameWasdelayed)

        if (this._frameInterval) this._frameNext = now - (frameDelta % this._frameInterval);

    if (this._frameWasdelayed)
        this._frameWasdelayed = false;

    if (this._renderOneFrame)
        if (this.onOneFrameRendered) this.onOneFrameRendered(); // todo remove everywhere and use propper event...
        this._renderOneFrame = false;

    if (this.config.doRequestAnimation) this._animReq = this.cgl.canvas.ownerDocument.defaultView.requestAnimationFrame(this.exec.bind(this));

 * link two ops/ports
 * @function link
 * @memberof Patch
 * @instance
 * @param {Op} op1
 * @param {String} port1Name
 * @param {Op} op2
 * @param {String} port2Name
 * @param {boolean} lowerCase
 * @param {boolean} fromDeserialize
Patch.prototype.link = function (op1, port1Name, op2, port2Name, lowerCase, fromDeserialize)
    if (!op1) return this._log.warn("link: op1 is null ");
    if (!op2) return this._log.warn("link: op2 is null");

    const port1 = op1.getPort(port1Name, lowerCase);
    const port2 = op2.getPort(port2Name, lowerCase);

    if (!port1) return op1._log.warn("port1 not found! " + port1Name + " (" + op1.objName + ")");
    if (!port2) return op1._log.warn("port2 not found! " + port2Name + " of " + op2.name + "(" + op2.objName + ")", op2);

    if (!port1.shouldLink(port1, port2) || !port2.shouldLink(port1, port2)) return false;

    if (Link.canLink(port1, port2))
        const link = new Link(this);
        link.link(port1, port2);

        this.emitEvent("onLink", port1, port2, link, fromDeserialize);
        return link;

Patch.prototype.serialize = function (options)
    const obj = {};

    options = options || {};
    obj.ops = [];
    obj.settings = this.settings;
    for (const i in this.ops)
        const op = this.ops[i];
        if (op && op.getSerialized)obj.ops.push(op.getSerialized());


    if (options.asObject) return obj;
    return JSON.stringify(obj);

Patch.prototype.getOpsByRefId = function (refId)
    const perf = CABLES.UI.uiProfiler.start("[corepatchetend] getOpsByRefId");
    const refOps = [];
    const ops = gui.corePatch().ops;
    for (let i = 0; i < ops.length; i++)
        if (ops[i].storage && ops[i].storage.ref == refId) refOps.push(ops[i]);
    return refOps;

Patch.prototype.getOpById = function (opid)
    return this._opIdCache[opid];

Patch.prototype.getOpsByName = function (name)
    // TODO: is this still needed ? unclear behaviour....
    const arr = [];
    for (const i in this.ops)
        if (this.ops[i].name == name) arr.push(this.ops[i]);
    return arr;

Patch.prototype.getOpsByObjName = function (name)
    const arr = [];
    for (const i in this.ops)
        if (this.ops[i].objName == name) arr.push(this.ops[i]);
    return arr;

Patch.prototype.getOpsByOpId = function (opid)
    const arr = [];
    for (const i in this.ops)
        if (this.ops[i].opId == opid) arr.push(this.ops[i]);
    return arr;

Patch.prototype.loadLib = function (which)
        "/ui/libs/" + which + ".js",
        (err, res) =>
            const se = document.createElement("script");
            se.type = "text/javascript";
            se.text = res;

Patch.prototype.getSubPatchOpsByName = function (patchId, objName)
    const arr = [];
    for (const i in this.ops)
        if (this.ops[i].uiAttribs && this.ops[i].uiAttribs.subPatch == patchId && this.ops[i].objName == objName)

    return arr;

Patch.prototype.getSubPatchOp =
Patch.prototype.getFirstSubPatchOpByName = function (patchId, objName)
    for (const i in this.ops)
        if (this.ops[i].uiAttribs && this.ops[i].uiAttribs.subPatch == patchId && this.ops[i].objName == objName)
            return this.ops[i];

    return false;

Patch.prototype._addLink = function (opinid, opoutid, inName, outName)
    return this.link(this.getOpById(opinid), inName, this.getOpById(opoutid), outName, false, true);

Patch.prototype.deSerialize = function (obj, options)
    options = options || { "genIds": false, "createRef": false };
    if (this.aborted) return;
    const newOps = [];
    const loadingId = this.loading.start("core", "deserialize");

    this.namespace = obj.namespace || "";
    this.name = obj.name || "";

    if (typeof obj === "string") obj = JSON.parse(obj);

    this.settings = obj.settings;


    obj.ops = obj.ops || [];

    if (window.logStartup)logStartup("add " + obj.ops.length + " ops... ");

    const addedOps = [];

    // add ops...
    for (let iop = 0; iop < obj.ops.length; iop++)
        const start = CABLES.now();
        const opData = obj.ops[iop];
        let op = null;

            if (opData.opId) op = this.addOp(opData.opId, opData.uiAttribs, opData.id, true, opData.objName);
            else op = this.addOp(opData.objName, opData.uiAttribs, opData.id, true);
        catch (e)
            this._log.error("[instancing error] op data:", opData, e);
            // throw new Error("could not create op by id: <b>" + (opData.objName || opData.opId) + "</b> (" + opData.id + ")");

        if (op)
            if (options.genIds) op.id = shortId();
            op.portsInData = opData.portsIn;
            op._origData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(opData));
            op.storage = opData.storage;
            // if (opData.hasOwnProperty("disabled"))op.setEnabled(!opData.disabled);

            for (const ipi in opData.portsIn)
                const objPort = opData.portsIn[ipi];
                if (objPort && objPort.hasOwnProperty("name"))
                    const port = op.getPort(objPort.name);

                    if (port && (port.uiAttribs.display == "bool" || port.uiAttribs.type == "bool") && !isNaN(objPort.value)) objPort.value = objPort.value == true ? 1 : 0;
                    if (port && objPort.value !== undefined && port.type != CONSTANTS.OP.OP_PORT_TYPE_TEXTURE) port.set(objPort.value);

                    if (port)
                        // if (port.uiAttribs.hasOwnProperty("title"))
                        // {
                        //     op.preservedPortTitles = op.preservedPortTitles || {};
                        //     op.preservedPortTitles[port.name] = port.uiAttribs.title;
                        // }
                        op.preservedPortValues = op.preservedPortValues || {};
                        op.preservedPortValues[objPort.name] = objPort.value;

            for (const ipo in opData.portsOut)
                const objPort = opData.portsOut[ipo];
                if (objPort && objPort.hasOwnProperty("name"))
                    const port2 = op.getPort(objPort.name);

                    if (port2)

                        if (port2.uiAttribs.hasOwnProperty("title"))
                            op.preservedPortTitles = op.preservedPortTitles || {};
                            op.preservedPortTitles[port2.name] = port2.uiAttribs.title;

                        if (port2.type != CONSTANTS.OP.OP_PORT_TYPE_TEXTURE && objPort.hasOwnProperty("value"))

                        if (objPort.expose) port2.setUiAttribs({ "expose": true });

        const timeused = Math.round(100 * (CABLES.now() - start)) / 100;
        if (!this.silent && timeused > 5) console.log("long op init ", obj.ops[iop].objName, timeused);
    if (window.logStartup)logStartup("add ops done");

    for (const i in this.ops)
        if (this.ops[i].onLoadedValueSet)
            this.ops[i].onLoadedValueSet = null;
            this.ops[i]._origData = null;

    if (window.logStartup)logStartup("creating links");

    if (options.opsCreated)options.opsCreated(addedOps);
    // create links...
    if (obj.ops)
        for (let iop = 0; iop < obj.ops.length; iop++)
            if (obj.ops[iop].portsIn)
                for (let ipi2 = 0; ipi2 < obj.ops[iop].portsIn.length; ipi2++)
                    if (obj.ops[iop].portsIn[ipi2] && obj.ops[iop].portsIn[ipi2].links)
                        for (let ili = 0; ili < obj.ops[iop].portsIn[ipi2].links.length; ili++)
                            const l = this._addLink(

                            // const took = performance.now - startTime;
                            // if (took > 100)console.log(obj().ops[iop].portsIn[ipi2].links[ili].objIn, obj.ops[iop].portsIn[ipi2].links[ili].objOut, took);
            if (obj.ops[iop].portsOut)
                for (let ipi2 = 0; ipi2 < obj.ops[iop].portsOut.length; ipi2++)
                    if (obj.ops[iop].portsOut[ipi2] && obj.ops[iop].portsOut[ipi2].links)
                        for (let ili = 0; ili < obj.ops[iop].portsOut[ipi2].links.length; ili++)
                            if (obj.ops[iop].portsOut[ipi2].links[ili])
                                if (obj.ops[iop].portsOut[ipi2].links[ili].subOpRef)
                                    // lost link
                                    const outOp = this.getOpById(obj.ops[iop].portsOut[ipi2].links[ili].objOut);
                                    let dstOp = null;
                                    let theSubPatch = 0;

                                    for (let i = 0; i < this.ops.length; i++)
                                        if (
                                            this.ops[i].storage &&
                                            this.ops[i].storage.ref == obj.ops[iop].portsOut[ipi2].links[ili].subOpRef &&
                                            outOp.uiAttribs.subPatch == this.ops[i].uiAttribs.subPatch
                                            theSubPatch = this.ops[i].patchId.get();

                                    for (let i = 0; i < this.ops.length; i++)
                                        if (
                                            this.ops[i].storage &&
                                            this.ops[i].storage.ref == obj.ops[iop].portsOut[ipi2].links[ili].refOp &&
                                            this.ops[i].uiAttribs.subPatch == theSubPatch)
                                            dstOp = this.ops[i];

                                    if (!dstOp) this._log.warn("could not find op for lost link");
                                        const l = this._addLink(

                                    const l = this._addLink(obj.ops[iop].portsOut[ipi2].links[ili].objIn, obj.ops[iop].portsOut[ipi2].links[ili].objOut, obj.ops[iop].portsOut[ipi2].links[ili].portIn, obj.ops[iop].portsOut[ipi2].links[ili].portOut);

                                    if (!l)
                                        const op1 = this.getOpById(obj.ops[iop].portsOut[ipi2].links[ili].objIn);
                                        const op2 = this.getOpById(obj.ops[iop].portsOut[ipi2].links[ili].objOut);

                                        if (!op1)console.log("could not find link op1");
                                        if (!op2)console.log("could not find link op2");

                                        const p1Name = obj.ops[iop].portsOut[ipi2].links[ili].portIn;

                                        if (op1 && !op1.getPort(p1Name))
                                            // console.log("PRESERVE port 1 not found", p1Name);

                                            op1.preservedPortLinks[p1Name] = op1.preservedPortLinks[p1Name] || [];

                                        const p2Name = obj.ops[iop].portsOut[ipi2].links[ili].portOut;
                                        if (op2 && !op2.getPort(p2Name))
                                            // console.log("PRESERVE port 2 not found", obj.ops[iop].portsOut[ipi2].links[ili].portOut);
                                            op2.preservedPortLinks[p1Name] = op2.preservedPortLinks[p1Name] || [];

    if (window.logStartup)logStartup("calling ops onloaded");

    for (const i in this.ops)
        if (this.ops[i].onLoaded)
            // TODO: deprecate!!!
            this.ops[i].onLoaded = null;

    if (window.logStartup)logStartup("initializing ops...");
    for (const i in this.ops)
        if (this.ops[i].init)
                this.ops[i].init = null;
            catch (e)
                console.error("op.init crash", e);

    if (window.logStartup)logStartup("initializing vars...");

    if (this.config.variables)
        for (const varName in this.config.variables)
            this.setVarValue(varName, this.config.variables[varName]);

    if (window.logStartup)logStartup("initializing var ports");

    for (const i in this.ops)
        delete this.ops[i].uiAttribs.pasted;

    setTimeout(() => { this.loading.finished(loadingId); }, 100);

    if (this.config.onPatchLoaded) this.config.onPatchLoaded(this);

    this.deSerialized = true;
    this.emitEvent("patchLoadEnd", newOps, obj, options.genIds);

Patch.prototype.profile = function (enable)
    this.profiler = new Profiler(this);
    for (const i in this.ops)

// ----------------------

 * set variable value
 * @function setVariable
 * @memberof Patch
 * @instance
 * @param {String} name of variable
 * @param {Number|String|Boolean} val value
Patch.prototype.setVariable = function (name, val)
    // if (this._variables.hasOwnProperty(name))
    if (this._variables[name] !== undefined)
        this._log.warn("variable " + name + " not found!");

Patch.prototype._sortVars = function ()
    if (!this.isEditorMode()) return;
    const ordered = {};
        (a, b) =>
        { return a.localeCompare(b, "en", { "sensitivity": "base" }); }
    ).forEach((key) =>
        ordered[key] = this._variables[key];
    this._variables = ordered;

 * has variable
 * @function hasVariable
 * @memberof Patch
 * @instance
 * @param {String} name of variable
Patch.prototype.hasVar = function (name)
    return this._variables[name] !== undefined;

    // return this._variables.hasOwnProperty(name);

// used internally
Patch.prototype.setVarValue = function (name, val, type)
    if (this.hasVar(name))
        this._variables[name] = new PatchVariable(name, val, type);
    return this._variables[name];
// old?
Patch.prototype.getVarValue = function (name, val)
    if (this._variables.hasOwnProperty(name)) return this._variables[name].getValue();

 * @function getVar
 * @memberof Patch
 * @instance
 * @param {String} name
 * @return {Variable} variable
Patch.prototype.getVar = function (name)
    if (this._variables.hasOwnProperty(name)) return this._variables[name];

Patch.prototype.deleteVar = function (name)
    for (let i = 0; i < this.ops.length; i++)
        for (let j = 0; j < this.ops[i].portsIn.length; j++)
            if (this.ops[i].portsIn[j].getVariableName() == name)

    delete this._variables[name];
    this.emitEvent("variableDeleted", name);

 * @function getVars
 * @memberof Patch
 * @instance
 * @param t
 * @return {Array<Variable>} variables
 * @function
Patch.prototype.getVars = function (t)
    if (t === undefined) return this._variables;

    const vars = [];
    if (t == CABLES.OP_PORT_TYPE_STRING) t = "string";
    if (t == CABLES.OP_PORT_TYPE_VALUE) t = "number";
    if (t == CABLES.OP_PORT_TYPE_ARRAY) t = "array";
    if (t == CABLES.OP_PORT_TYPE_OBJECT) t = "object";

    for (const i in this._variables)
        if (!this._variables[i].type || this._variables[i].type == t) vars.push(this._variables[i]);
    return vars;

 * @function preRenderOps
 * @memberof Patch
 * @instance
 * @description invoke pre rendering of ops
 * @function
Patch.prototype.preRenderOps = function ()

    for (let i = 0; i < this.ops.length; i++)
        if (this.ops[i].preRender)
            this._log.log("prerender " + this.ops[i].objName);

 * @function dispose
 * @memberof Patch
 * @instance
 * @description stop, dispose and cleanup patch
Patch.prototype.dispose = function ()

Patch.prototype.pushTriggerStack = function (p)

Patch.prototype.popTriggerStack = function ()

Patch.prototype.printTriggerStack = function ()
    if (this._triggerStack.length == 0)
        // console.log("stack length", this._triggerStack.length); // eslint-disable-line
    console.groupCollapsed( // eslint-disable-line
        "trigger port stack " + this._triggerStack[this._triggerStack.length - 1].op.objName + "." + this._triggerStack[this._triggerStack.length - 1].name,

    const rows = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < this._triggerStack.length; i++)
        rows.push(i + ". " + this._triggerStack[i].op.objName + " " + this._triggerStack[i].name);

    console.table(rows); // eslint-disable-line
    console.groupEnd(); // eslint-disable-line

 * returns document object of the patch could be != global document object when opening canvas ina popout window
 * @function getDocument
 * @memberof Patch
 * @instance
 * @return {Object} document
Patch.prototype.getDocument = function ()
    return this.cgl.canvas.ownerDocument;

Patch.replaceOpIds = function (json, options)
    const opids = {};
    for (const i in json.ops)
        opids[json.ops[i].id] = json.ops[i];

    for (const j in json.ops)
        for (const k in json.ops[j].portsOut)
            const links = json.ops[j].portsOut[k].links;
            if (links)
                let l = links.length;

                while (l--)
                    if (links[l] && (!opids[links[l].objIn] || !opids[links[l].objOut]))
                        if (!options.doNotUnlinkLostLinks)
                            links.splice(l, 1);
                            if (options.fixLostLinks)
                                // console.log("lost link...?", links[l]);
                                const op = gui.corePatch().getOpById(links[l].objIn);
                                if (!op) console.log("op not found!");
                                    const outerOp = gui.patchView.getSubPatchOuterOp(op.uiAttribs.subPatch);
                                    if (outerOp)
                                        op.storage = op.storage || {};
                                        op.storage.ref = op.storage.ref || CABLES.shortId();
                                        links[l].refOp = op.storage.ref;
                                        links[l].subOpRef = outerOp.storage.ref;

    for (const i in json.ops)
        const op = json.ops[i];
        const oldId = op.id;
        let newId = CABLES.shortId();

        if (options.prefixHash) newId = prefixedHash(options.prefixHash + oldId);

        else if (options.prefixId) newId = options.prefixId + oldId;
        else if (options.refAsId) // when saving json
            if (op.storage && op.storage.ref)
                newId = op.storage.ref;
                delete op.storage.ref;
                op.storage = op.storage || {};
                op.storage.ref = newId = CABLES.shortId();

        const newID = op.id = newId;

        if (options.oldIdAsRef) // when loading json
            op.storage = op.storage || {};
            op.storage.ref = oldId;

        for (const j in json.ops)
            if (json.ops[j].portsIn)
                for (const k in json.ops[j].portsIn)
                    if (json.ops[j].portsIn[k].links)
                        let l = json.ops[j].portsIn[k].links.length;

                        while (l--) if (json.ops[j].portsIn[k].links[l] === null) json.ops[j].portsIn[k].links.splice(l, 1);

                        for (l in json.ops[j].portsIn[k].links)
                            if (json.ops[j].portsIn[k].links[l].objIn === oldId) json.ops[j].portsIn[k].links[l].objIn = newID;
                            if (json.ops[j].portsIn[k].links[l].objOut === oldId) json.ops[j].portsIn[k].links[l].objOut = newID;

            if (json.ops[j].portsOut)
                for (const k in json.ops[j].portsOut)
                    if (json.ops[j].portsOut[k].links)
                        let l = json.ops[j].portsOut[k].links.length;

                        while (l--) if (json.ops[j].portsOut[k].links[l] === null) json.ops[j].portsOut[k].links.splice(l, 1);

                        for (l in json.ops[j].portsOut[k].links)
                            if (json.ops[j].portsOut[k].links[l].objIn === oldId) json.ops[j].portsOut[k].links[l].objIn = newID;
                            if (json.ops[j].portsOut[k].links[l].objOut === oldId) json.ops[j].portsOut[k].links[l].objOut = newID;

    // set correct subpatch
    const subpatchIds = [];
    const fixedSubPatches = [];

    for (let i = 0; i < json.ops.length; i++)
        // if (CABLES.Op.isSubPatchOpName(json.ops[i].objName))
        if (json.ops[i].storage && json.ops[i].storage.subPatchVer)
            for (const k in json.ops[i].portsIn)
                if (json.ops[i].portsIn[k].name === "patchId")
                    let newId = shortId();

                    if (options.prefixHash) newId = prefixedHash(options.prefixHash + json.ops[i].portsIn[k].value);

                    const oldSubPatchId = json.ops[i].portsIn[k].value;
                    const newSubPatchId = json.ops[i].portsIn[k].value = newId;


                    for (let j = 0; j < json.ops.length; j++)
                        // op has no uiAttribs in export, we don't care about subpatches in export though
                        if (json.ops[j].uiAttribs)
                            if (json.ops[j].uiAttribs.subPatch === oldSubPatchId)
                                json.ops[j].uiAttribs.subPatch = newSubPatchId;

    for (const kk in json.ops)
        let found = false;
        for (let j = 0; j < fixedSubPatches.length; j++)
            if (json.ops[kk].id === fixedSubPatches[j])
                found = true;
        // op has no uiAttribs in export, we don't care about subpatches in export though
        if (!found && json.ops[kk].uiAttribs && options.parentSubPatchId != null)
            json.ops[kk].uiAttribs.subPatch = options.parentSubPatchId;

    return json;

 * remove an eventlistener
 * @instance
 * @function addEventListener
 * @param {String} name of event
 * @param {function} callback

 * remove an eventlistener
 * @instance
 * @function removeEventListener
 * @param {String} name of event
 * @param {function} callback

 * op added to patch event
 * @event onOpAdd
 * @memberof Patch
 * @type {Object}
 * @property {Op} op new op

 * op deleted from patch
 * @event onOpDelete
 * @memberof Patch
 * @type {Object}
 * @property {Op} op that will be deleted

 * link event - two ports will be linked
 * @event onLink
 * @memberof Patch
 * @type {Object}
 * @property {Port} port1
 * @property {Port} port2

 * unlink event - a link was deleted
 * @event onUnLink
 * @memberof Patch
 * @type {Object}

 * variables has been changed / a variable has been added to the patch
 * @event variablesChanged
 * @memberof Patch
 * @type {Object}
 * @property {Port} port1
 * @property {Port} port2

 * configuration object for loading a patch
 * @typedef {Object} PatchConfig
 * @hideconstructor
 * @property {String} [prefixAssetPath=''] prefix for path to assets
 * @property {String} [assetPath=''] path to assets
 * @property {String} [jsPath=''] path to javascript files
 * @property {String} [glCanvasId='glcanvas'] dom element id of canvas element
 * @property {Function} [onError=null] called when an error occurs
 * @property {Function} [onFinishedLoading=null] called when patch finished loading all assets
 * @property {Function} [onFirstFrameRendered=null] called when patch rendered it's first frame
 * @property {Boolean} [glCanvasResizeToWindow=false] resize canvas automatically to window size
 * @property {Boolean} [doRequestAnimation=true] do requestAnimationFrame set to false if you want to trigger exec() from outside (only do if you know what you are doing)
 * @property {Boolean} [clearCanvasColor=true] clear canvas in transparent color every frame
 * @property {Boolean} [clearCanvasDepth=true] clear depth every frame
 * @property {Boolean} [glValidateShader=true] enable/disable validation of shaders *
 * @property {Boolean} [silent=false]
 * @property {Number} [fpsLimit=0] 0 for maximum possible frames per second
 * @property {String} [glslPrecision='mediump'] default precision for glsl shader

export default Patch;