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/** @namespace WEBAUDIO */

import { CONSTANTS } from "./constants.js";

const WEBAUDIO = {};

WEBAUDIO.toneJsInitialized = false;

 * External JSDoc definitions

 * Part of the Web Audio API, the AudioBuffer interface represents a short audio asset residing in memory.
 * @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AudioBuffer}

 * Part of the Web Audio API, the AudioNode interface is a generic interface for representing an audio processing module.
 * @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AudioNode}

 * The AudioContext interface represents an audio-processing graph built from audio modules linked together
 * @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AudioContext}

 * Checks if a global audio context has been created and creates
 * it if necessary. This audio context can be used for native Web Audio as well as Tone.js ops.
 * Associates the audio context with Tone.js if it is being used
 * @param {CABLES.Op} op - The operator which needs the Audio Context
WEBAUDIO.createAudioContext = function (op)
    window.AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
    if (window.AudioContext)
        if (!window.audioContext)
            window.audioContext = new AudioContext();
        // check if tone.js lib is being used
        if (window.Tone && !WEBAUDIO.toneJsInitialized)
            // set current audio context in tone.js
            WEBAUDIO.toneJsInitialized = true;
        op.patch.config.onError("NO_WEBAUDIO", "Web Audio is not supported in this browser.");
    return window.audioContext;

 * Returns the audio context.
 * Before `createAudioContext` must have been called at least once.
 * It most cases you should use `createAudioContext`, which just returns the audio context
 * when it has been created already.
WEBAUDIO.getAudioContext = function ()
    return window.audioContext;

 * Creates an audio in port for the op with name `portName`
 * When disconnected it will disconnect the previous connected audio node
 * from the op's audio node.
 * @param {CABLES.Op} op - The operator to create the audio port in
 * @param {string} portName - The name of the port
 * @param {AudioNode} audioNode - The audionode incoming connections should connect to
 * @param {number} [inputChannelIndex=0] - If the audio node has multiple inputs, this is the index of the input channel to connect to
 * @returns {CABLES.Port|undefined} - The newly created audio in port or `undefined` if there was an error
WEBAUDIO.createAudioInPort = function (op, portName, audioNode, inputChannelIndex)
    if (!op || !portName || !audioNode)
        const msg = "ERROR: createAudioInPort needs three parameters, op, portName and audioNode";
        throw new Error(msg);
        // return;
    if (!inputChannelIndex)
        inputChannelIndex = 0;
    op.webAudio = op.webAudio || {};
    op.webAudio.audioInPorts = op.webAudio.audioInPorts || [];
    const port = op.inObject(portName);
    port.webAudio = {};
    port.webAudio.previousAudioInNode = null;
    port.webAudio.audioNode = audioNode;

    op.webAudio.audioInPorts[portName] = port;

    port.onChange = function ()
        const audioInNode = port.get();
        // when port disconnected, disconnect audio nodes
        if (!audioInNode)
            if (port.webAudio.previousAudioInNode)
                    if (port.webAudio.previousAudioInNode.disconnect) port.webAudio.previousAudioInNode.disconnect(port.webAudio.audioNode, 0, inputChannelIndex);
                    op.setUiError("audioCtx", null);
                catch (e)
                    catch (er)
                            "Disconnecting audio node with in/out port index, as well as without in/out-port-index did not work ",
                        if (e.printStackTrace)
                        throw e;
                if (audioInNode.connect)
                    audioInNode.connect(port.webAudio.audioNode, 0, inputChannelIndex);
                    op.setUiError("audioCtx", null);
                else op.setUiError("audioCtx", "The passed input is not an audio context. Please make sure you connect an audio context to the input.", 2);
            catch (e)
                op.log("Error: Failed to connect web audio node!", e);
                op.log("port.webAudio.audioNode", port.webAudio.audioNode);
                op.log("audioInNode: ", audioInNode);
                op.log("inputChannelIndex:", inputChannelIndex);
                op.log("audioInNode.connect: ", audioInNode.connect);
                throw e;
        port.webAudio.previousAudioInNode = audioInNode;
    // TODO: Maybe add subtype to audio-node-object?
    return port;

 * Sometimes it is necessary to replace a node of a port, if so all
 * connections to this node must be disconnected and connections to the new
 * node must be made.
 * Can be used for both Audio ports as well as AudioParam ports
 * if used with an AudioParam pass e.g. `synth.frequency` as newNode
 * @param {CABLES.Port} port - The port where the audio node needs to be replaced
 * @param oldNode
 * @param newNode
WEBAUDIO.replaceNodeInPort = function (port, oldNode, newNode)
    const connectedNode = port.webAudio.previousAudioInNode;
    // check if connected
    if (connectedNode && connectedNode.disconnect)
        catch (e)
            if (e.printStackTrace)
            throw new Error("replaceNodeInPort: Could not disconnect old audio node. " + e.name + " " + e.message);
        port.webAudio.audioNode = newNode;
        catch (e)
            if (e.printStackTrace)
            throw new Error("replaceNodeInPort: Could not connect to new node. " + e.name + " " + e.message);

 * Creates an audio out port which takes care of (dis-)connecting on it’s own
 * @param {CABLES.op} op - The op to create an audio out port for
 * @param {string} portName - The name of the port to be created
 * @param {AudioNode} audioNode - The audio node to link to the port
 * @returns {(CABLES.Port|undefined)} - The newly created audio out port or `undefined` if there was an error
WEBAUDIO.createAudioOutPort = function (op, portName, audioNode)
    if (!op || !portName || !audioNode)
        const msg = "ERROR: createAudioOutPort needs three parameters, op, portName and audioNode";
        throw new Error(msg);

    const port = op.outObject(portName);
    // TODO: Maybe add subtype to audio-node-object?
    return port;

 * Creates an audio param in port for the op with name portName.
 * The port accepts other audio nodes as signals as well as values (numbers)
 * When the port is disconnected it will disconnect the previous connected audio node
 * from the op's audio node and restore the number value set before.
 * @param {CABLES.Op} op - The operator to create an audio param input port for
 * @param {string} portName - The name of the port to create
 * @param audioNode
 * @param options
 * @param defaultValue
 * @returns {(CABLES.Port|undefined)} - The newly created port, which takes care of (dis-)connecting on its own, or `undefined` if there was an error
WEBAUDIO.createAudioParamInPort = function (op, portName, audioNode, options, defaultValue)
    if (!op || !portName || !audioNode)
        op.log("ERROR: createAudioParamInPort needs three parameters, op, portName and audioNode");
        if (op && op.name) op.log("opname: ", op.name);
        op.log("portName", portName);
        op.log("audioNode: ", audioNode);
    op.webAudio = op.webAudio || {};
    op.webAudio.audioInPorts = op.webAudio.audioInPorts || [];
    // var port = op.inObject(portName);
    const port = op.inDynamic(
    port.webAudio = {};
    port.webAudio.previousAudioInNode = null;
    port.webAudio.audioNode = audioNode;

    op.webAudio.audioInPorts[portName] = port;

    // port.onLinkChanged = function() {
    //   op.log("onLinkChanged");
    //   if(port.isLinked()) {
    //       if(port.links[0].portOut.type === CABLES.CONSTANTS.OP.OP_PORT_TYPE_) { // value
    //       } else if(port.links[0].portOut.type === CABLES.CONSTANTS.OP.OP_PORT_TYPE_OBJECT) { // object
    //       }
    //   } else { // unlinked
    //   }
    // };

    port.onChange = function ()
        const audioInNode = port.get();
        const node = port.webAudio.audioNode;
        const audioCtx = WEBAUDIO.getAudioContext();

        if (audioInNode != undefined)
            if (typeof audioInNode === "object" && audioInNode.connect)
                catch (e)
                    op.log("Could not connect audio node: ", e);
                    if (e.printStackTrace)
                    throw e;
                port.webAudio.previousAudioInNode = audioInNode;
                // tone.js audio param
                if (node._param && node._param.minValue && node._param.maxValue)
                    if (audioInNode >= node._param.minValue && audioInNode <= node._param.maxValue)
                            if (node.setValueAtTime)
                                node.setValueAtTime(audioInNode, audioCtx.currentTime);
                                node.value = audioInNode;
                        catch (e)
                            op.log("Possible AudioParam problem with tone.js op: ", e);
                            if (e.printStackTrace)
                            throw e;
                        op.log("Warning: The value for an audio parameter is out of range!");
                } // native Web Audio param
                else if (node.minValue && node.maxValue)
                    if (audioInNode >= node.minValue && audioInNode <= node.maxValue)
                            if (node.setValueAtTime)
                                node.setValueAtTime(audioInNode, audioCtx.currentTime);
                                node.value = audioInNode;
                        catch (e)
                                "AudioParam has minValue / maxValue defined, and value is in range, but setting the value failed! ",
                            if (e.printStackTrace)
                            throw e;
                        op.log("Warning: The value for an audio parameter is out of range!");
                } // no min-max values, try anyway
                        if (node.setValueAtTime)
                            node.setValueAtTime(audioInNode, audioCtx.currentTime);
                            node.value = audioInNode;
                    catch (e)
                        op.log("Possible AudioParam problem (without minValue / maxValue): ", e);
                        if (e.printStackTrace)
                        throw e;

                if (port.webAudio.previousAudioInNode && port.webAudio.previousAudioInNode.disconnect)
                    catch (e)
                        op.log("Could not disconnect previous audio node: ", e);
                        throw e;
                    port.webAudio.previousAudioInNode = undefined;
            // disconnected
            if (port.webAudio.previousAudioInNode)
    return port;

 * Loads an audio file and updates the loading indicators when cables is run in the editor.
 * @param {CABLES.Patch} patch - The cables patch, when called from inside an op this is `op.patch`
 * @param {string} url - The url of the audio file to load
 * @param {function} onFinished - The callback to be called when the loading is finished, passes the AudioBuffer
 * @param {function} onError - The callback when there was an error loading the file, the rror message is passed
 * @param loadingTask
 * @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/de/docs/Web/API/AudioContext/decodeAudioData}
WEBAUDIO.loadAudioFile = function (patch, url, onFinished, onError, loadingTask)
    const audioContext = WEBAUDIO.createAudioContext();

    if (!audioContext) onError(new Error("No Audiocontext"));

    let loadingId = null;
    if (loadingTask || loadingTask === undefined)
        loadingId = patch.loading.start("audio", url);
        if (patch.isEditorMode()) gui.jobs().start({ "id": "loadaudio" + loadingId, "title": " loading audio (" + url + ")" });
    const request = new XMLHttpRequest();

    if (!url) return;

    request.open("GET", url, true);
    request.responseType = "arraybuffer";

    request.onload = function ()
        if (patch.isEditorMode()) gui.jobs().finish("loadaudio" + loadingId);

        audioContext.decodeAudioData(request.response, onFinished, onError).catch((e) =>

 * Checks if the passed time is a valid time to be used in any of the Tone.js ops.
 * @param {(string|number)} t - The time to check
 * @returns {boolean} - True if time is valid, false if not
WEBAUDIO.isValidToneTime = function (t)
        const time = new Tone.Time(t);
    catch (e)
        return false;
    return true;

 * Checks if the passed note is a valid note to be used with Tone.js
 * @param {string} note - The note to be checked, e.g. `"C4"`
 * @returns {boolean} - True if the note is a valid note, false otherwise
WEBAUDIO.isValidToneNote = function (note)
    catch (e)
        return false;
    return true;

export { WEBAUDIO };