export function getShadowPassVertexShader()
return `
IN vec3 vPosition;
IN vec2 attrTexCoord;
IN vec3 attrVertNormal;
IN float attrVertIndex;
IN vec3 attrTangent;
IN vec3 attrBiTangent;
UNI mat4 projMatrix;
UNI mat4 modelMatrix;
UNI mat4 viewMatrix;
OUT vec2 texCoord;
OUT vec3 norm;
${this.type === "point" ? "OUT vec3 modelPos;" : ""}
void main() {
texCoord.y = 1. - texCoord.y;
vec4 pos = vec4(vPosition, 1.0);
mat4 mMatrix=modelMatrix;
vec3 tangent = attrTangent;
vec3 bitangent = attrBiTangent;
mat4 mvMatrix=viewMatrix * mMatrix;
vec4 vPos = projMatrix * mvMatrix * pos;
${this.type === "point" ? "modelPos = (mMatrix * pos).xyz;" : ""}
gl_Position = vPos;
export function getShadowPassFragmentShader()
#define SQRT3 1.73205081
#define SQRT3DIV2 0.86602540378
#define SQRT12DIV9 -0.38490017946
const mat4 ENCODE_MATRIX = mat4(
vec4(1.5, 0., SQRT3DIV2, 0.),
vec4(0., 4., 0., 0.5),
vec4(-2., 0., SQRT12DIV9, 0.),
vec4(0., -4., 0., 0.5)
dot(x, x) = x*x
Finally, it is usually beneficial to clamp the partial derivative portion of M 2
to avoid an excessively high variance if an occluder is almost parallel to the light direction.
Hardware-generated partial derivatives become somewhat unstable in these cases
and a correspondingly unstable variance can produce random, flashing pixels of light
in regions that should be fully shadowed.
return `
${this.type === "point" ? "IN vec3 modelPos;" : ""}
${this.type === "point" ? "UNI vec3 inLightPosition;" : ""}
${this.type === "point" ? "UNI vec2 inNearFar;" : ""}
IN vec2 texCoord;
void main() {
vec4 col = vec4(1.);
outColor = vec4(1.);
${this.type === "point" ? "vec3 fromLightToFrag = (modelPos - inLightPosition);" : ""}
${this.type === "point" ? "float depth = (length(fromLightToFrag) - inNearFar.x) / (inNearFar.y - inNearFar.x);" : "float depth = gl_FragCoord.z;"}
float dx = dFdx(depth); // for biasing depth-per-pixel
float dy = dFdy(depth); // for biasing depth-per-pixel
float clampedDerivative = clamp(dot(dx, dx) + dot(dy, dy), 0., 1.);
float moment2 = dot(depth, depth) + 0.25 * clampedDerivative;
outColor.x = depth;
outColor.y = moment2;
outColor.z = depth;
export function getBlurPassVertexShader()
if (this.type === "point") return "";
return `
IN vec3 vPosition;
IN vec2 attrTexCoord;
OUT vec2 texCoord;
OUT vec2 coord0;
OUT vec2 coord1;
OUT vec2 coord2;
OUT vec2 coord3;
OUT vec2 coord4;
OUT vec2 coord5;
OUT vec2 coord6;
UNI mat4 projMatrix;
UNI mat4 mvMatrix;
UNI mat4 modelMatrix;
UNI vec2 inXY;
void main() {
vec4 pos = vec4(vPosition, 1.0);
coord3 = attrTexCoord;
coord0 = attrTexCoord + (-3.0368997744118595 * inXY);
coord0 = clamp(coord0, 0., 1.);
coord1 = attrTexCoord + (-2.089778445362373 * inXY);
coord1 = clamp(coord1, 0., 1.);
coord2 = attrTexCoord + (-1.2004366090034069 * inXY);
coord2 = clamp(coord2, 0., 1.);
coord4 = attrTexCoord + (1.2004366090034069 * inXY);
coord4 = clamp(coord4, 0., 1.);
coord5 = attrTexCoord + (2.089778445362373* inXY);
coord5 = clamp(coord5, 0., 1.);
coord6 = attrTexCoord + (3.0368997744118595 * inXY);
coord6 = clamp(coord6, 0., 1.);
gl_Position = projMatrix * mvMatrix * pos;
export function getBlurPassFragmentShader()
if (this.type === "point") return "";
return `
UNI sampler2D tex;
IN vec2 coord0;
IN vec2 coord1;
IN vec2 coord2;
IN vec2 coord3;
IN vec2 coord4;
IN vec2 coord5;
IN vec2 coord6;
void main() {
vec4 color = vec4(0.0); += texture(tex, coord0).xyz * 0.06927096443792478; // 1/64 += texture(tex, coord1).xyz * 0.1383328848652136; // 6/64 += texture(tex, coord2).xyz * 0.21920904690397863; // 15/64 += texture(tex, coord3).xyz * 0.14637421; // 20/64 += texture(tex, coord4).xyz * 0.21920904690397863; // 15/64 += texture(tex, coord5).xyz * 0.1383328848652136; // 6/64 += texture(tex, coord6).xyz * 0.06927096443795711; // 1/64
color.a = 1.;
outColor = color;