- import path from "path";
- import fs from "fs";
- import mkdirp from "mkdirp";
- import { app } from "electron";
- import jsonfile from "jsonfile";
- import helper from "../utils/helper_util.js";
- import logger from "../utils/logger.js";
- import projectsUtil from "../utils/projects_util.js";
- import cables from "../cables.js";
- import electronApp from "./main.js";
- class ElectronSettings
- {
- constructor(storageDir)
- {
- this._log = logger;
- this.SESSION_PARTITION = "persist:cables:standalone";
- if (storageDir && !fs.existsSync(storageDir))
- {
- mkdirp.sync(storageDir);
- }
- this.MAIN_CONFIG_NAME = "cables-electron-preferences";
- this.PATCHID_FIELD = "patchId";
- this.PROJECTFILE_FIELD = "patchFile";
- this.CURRENTPROJECTDIR_FIELD = "currentPatchDir";
- this.STORAGEDIR_FIELD = "storageDir";
- this.USER_SETTINGS_FIELD = "userSettings";
- this.RECENT_PROJECTS_FIELD = "recentProjects";
- this.OPEN_DEV_TOOLS_FIELD = "openDevTools";
- this.WINDOW_ZOOM_FACTOR = "windowZoomFactor";
- this.WINDOW_BOUNDS = "windowBounds";
- this.DOWNLOAD_PATH = "downloadPath";
- this.opts = {};
- this.opts.defaults = {};
- this.opts.configName = this.MAIN_CONFIG_NAME;
- this.opts.defaults[this.USER_SETTINGS_FIELD] = {};
- this.opts.defaults[this.PATCHID_FIELD] = null;
- this.opts.defaults[this.PROJECTFILE_FIELD] = null;
- this.opts.defaults[this.CURRENTPROJECTDIR_FIELD] = null;
- this.opts.defaults[this.STORAGEDIR_FIELD] = storageDir;
- this.opts.defaults[this.RECENT_PROJECTS_FIELD] = {};
- this.opts.defaults[this.OPEN_DEV_TOOLS_FIELD] = false;
- this.opts.defaults[this.DOWNLOAD_PATH] = app.getPath("downloads");
- = this.opts.defaults;
- mkdirp([this.STORAGEDIR_FIELD]);
- this.refresh();
- this.set("currentUser", this.getCurrentUser(), true);
- }
- refresh()
- {
- if ( && &&[this.STORAGEDIR_FIELD])
- {
- const userDataPath = path.join([this.STORAGEDIR_FIELD], this.opts.configName + ".json");
- const storedData = this._parseDataFile(userDataPath, this.opts.defaults);
- Object.keys(this.opts.defaults).forEach((key) =>
- {
- if (!storedData.hasOwnProperty(key)) storedData[key] = this.opts.defaults[key];
- });
- = storedData;
- = {
- "home": app.getPath("home"),
- "appData": app.getPath("appData"),
- "userData": app.getPath("userData"),
- "sessionData": app.getPath("sessionData"),
- "temp": app.getPath("temp"),
- "exe": app.getPath("exe"),
- "module": app.getPath("module"),
- "desktop": app.getPath("desktop"),
- "documents": app.getPath("documents"),
- "downloads": app.getPath("downloads"),
- "music": app.getPath("music"),
- "pictures": app.getPath("pictures"),
- "videos": app.getPath("videos"),
- "logs": app.getPath("logs"),
- "crashDumps": app.getPath("crashDumps"),
- };
- const dir = this.get(this.CURRENTPROJECTDIR_FIELD);
- const id = this.get(this.PATCHID_FIELD);
- if (dir && id)
- {
- = path.join(dir, "assets", id, "/");
- }
- else if (id)
- {
- = path.join(".", "assets", id, "/");
- }
- if (process.platform === "win32")
- {
- = app.getPath("recent");
- }
- }
- }
- get(key)
- {
- if (!
- {
- return null;
- }
- return[key];
- }
- set(key, val, silent)
- {
-[key] = val;
- let configFileName = path.join([this.STORAGEDIR_FIELD], this.opts.configName + ".json");
- if (!silent)
- {
- fs.writeFileSync(configFileName, JSON.stringify(;
- this.refresh();
- }
- }
- getCurrentProjectDir()
- {
- let value = this.get(this.CURRENTPROJECTDIR_FIELD);
- if (value && !value.endsWith("/")) value = path.join(value, "/");
- return value;
- }
- getCurrentProject()
- {
- return this._currentProject;
- }
- setProject(projectFile, newProject)
- {
- let projectDir = null;
- if (projectFile) projectDir = path.dirname(projectFile);
- this._setCurrentProjectFile(projectFile);
- this._setCurrentProjectDir(projectDir);
- this._setCurrentProject(projectFile, newProject);
- this.addToRecentProjects(projectFile, newProject);
- }
- getCurrentUser()
- {
- let username = this.getUserSetting("authorName", "") || "";
- return {
- "username": username,
- "_id": helper.generateRandomId(),
- "profile_theme": "dark",
- "isStaff": false,
- "usernameLowercase": username.toLowerCase(),
- "isAdmin": false,
- "theme": "dark",
- "created":
- };
- }
- setUserSettings(value)
- {
- this.set(this.USER_SETTINGS_FIELD, value);
- }
- getUserSetting(key, defaultValue = null)
- {
- const userSettings = this.get(this.USER_SETTINGS_FIELD);
- if (!userSettings) return defaultValue;
- if (!userSettings.hasOwnProperty(key)) return defaultValue;
- return userSettings[key];
- }
- getCurrentProjectFile()
- {
- const projectFile = this.get(this.PROJECTFILE_FIELD);
- if (projectFile && projectFile.endsWith(projectsUtil.CABLES_PROJECT_FILE_EXTENSION)) return projectFile;
- return null;
- }
- getBuildInfo()
- {
- const coreFile = path.join(cables.getUiDistPath(), "js", "buildinfo.json");
- const uiFile = path.join(cables.getUiDistPath(), "buildinfo.json");
- const standaloneFile = path.join(cables.getStandaloneDistPath(), "public", "js", "buildinfo.json");
- let core = {};
- if (fs.existsSync(coreFile))
- {
- try
- {
- core = jsonfile.readFileSync(coreFile);
- }
- catch (e)
- {
-"failed to parse buildinfo from", coreFile);
- }
- }
- let ui = {};
- if (fs.existsSync(uiFile))
- {
- try
- {
- ui = jsonfile.readFileSync(uiFile);
- }
- catch (e)
- {
-"failed to parse buildinfo from", uiFile);
- }
- }
- let api = {};
- if (fs.existsSync(standaloneFile))
- {
- try
- {
- api = jsonfile.readFileSync(standaloneFile);
- }
- catch (e)
- {
-"failed to parse buildinfo from", standaloneFile);
- }
- }
- return {
- "updateWarning": false,
- "core": core,
- "ui": ui,
- "api": api
- };
- }
- // helper methods
- _parseDataFile(filePath, defaults)
- {
- try
- {
- let jsonContent = fs.readFileSync(filePath);
- return JSON.parse(jsonContent);
- }
- catch (error)
- {
- return defaults;
- }
- }
- getRecentProjects()
- {
- const recentProjects = this.get(this.RECENT_PROJECTS_FIELD) || {};
- return Object.values(recentProjects);
- }
- getRecentProjectFile(projectId)
- {
- const recentProjects = this.get(this.RECENT_PROJECTS_FIELD) || {};
- for (const file in recentProjects)
- {
- const recent = recentProjects[file];
- if (recent && (recent._id === projectId || recent.shortId === projectId))
- {
- if (fs.existsSync(file)) return file;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- setRecentProjects(recents)
- {
- if (!recents) recents = {};
- return this.set(this.RECENT_PROJECTS_FIELD, recents);
- }
- replaceInRecentProjects(oldFile, newFile, newProject)
- {
- const recents = this.get(this.RECENT_PROJECTS_FIELD) || {};
- recents[newFile] = this._toRecentProjectInfo(newProject);
- delete recents[oldFile];
- this._updateRecentProjects();
- return this.getRecentProjects();
- }
- _updateRecentProjects()
- {
- const recents = this.get(this.RECENT_PROJECTS_FIELD) || {};
- let files = Object.keys(recents);
- files = files.filter((f) => { return fs.existsSync(f); });
- files = files.sort((f1, f2) =>
- {
- const p1 = recents[f1];
- const p2 = recents[f2];
- if (!p1 || !p1.updated) return 1;
- if (!p2 || !p2.updated) return -1;
- return p2.updated - p1.updated;
- });
- files = helper.uniqueArray(files);
- const newRecents = {};
- for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++)
- {
- if (i > files.length) break;
- const key = files[i];
- if (key)
- {
- try
- {
- const project = jsonfile.readFileSync(key);
- newRecents[key] = this._toRecentProjectInfo(project);
- }
- catch (e)
- {
-"failed to parse project file for recent projects, ignoring", key);
- }
- }
- }
- this.setRecentProjects(newRecents);
- }
- _setCurrentProjectFile(value)
- {
- this.set(this.PROJECTFILE_FIELD, value);
- }
- _toRecentProjectInfo(project)
- {
- if (!project) return null;
- return {
- "_id": project._id,
- "shortId": project.shortId,
- "name":,
- "screenshot": project.screenshot,
- "created": project.created,
- "updated": project.updated
- };
- }
- _setCurrentProjectDir(value)
- {
- if (value) value = path.join(value, "/");
- this.set(this.CURRENTPROJECTDIR_FIELD, value);
- }
- _setCurrentProject(projectFile, project)
- {
- this._currentProject = project;
- projectsUtil.invalidateProjectCaches();
- if (project)
- {
- this.set(this.PATCHID_FIELD, project._id);
- }
- if (projectFile && project)
- {
- const projectName = path.basename(projectFile, "." + projectsUtil.CABLES_PROJECT_FILE_EXTENSION);
- if ( !== projectName)
- {
- = projectName;
- project.summary = project.summary || {};
- project.summary.title =;
- projectsUtil.writeProjectToFile(projectFile, project);
- }
- this._updateRecentProjects();
- }
- electronApp.updateTitle();
- }
- addToRecentProjects(projectFile, project)
- {
- if (!projectFile || !project) return;
- app.addRecentDocument(projectFile);
- const recentProjects = this.get(this.RECENT_PROJECTS_FIELD) || {};
- const recent = this._toRecentProjectInfo(project);
- if (recent) recentProjects[projectFile] = recent;
- this.setRecentProjects(recentProjects);
- this._updateRecentProjects();
- }
- getProjectFromFile(projectFile)
- {
- if (!projectFile || !fs.existsSync(projectFile)) return null;
- const project = fs.readFileSync(projectFile);
- try
- {
- return JSON.parse(project.toString("utf-8"));
- }
- catch (e)
- {
- this._log.error("failed to parse project from projectfile", projectFile, e);
- }
- return null;
- }
- getDownloadPath()
- {
- const customDownloadPath = this.get(this.DOWNLOAD_PATH);
- return customDownloadPath || app.getPath("downloads");
- }
- }
- export default new ElectronSettings(path.join(app.getPath("userData")));