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import { utilProvider, SharedOpsUtil } from "cables-shared-api";
import path from "path";
import fs from "fs";
import projectsUtil from "./projects_util.js";
import filesUtil from "./files_util.js";

class OpsUtil extends SharedOpsUtil
        this.PREFIX_LOCAL_OPS = "Ops.Local.";

        return {
            "formatedCode": this._helperUtil.removeTrailingSpaces(code),
            "error": false,
            "message": null

        const opsDir = this._cables.getCoreOpsPath();
        const opDir = this.getOpSourceDir(opName);
        return opDir.startsWith(opsDir);

    addPermissionsToOps(opDocs, user, teams = [], project = null)
        if (!opDocs) return opDocs;
        opDocs.forEach((opDoc) =>
            const file = this.getOpAbsoluteFileName(opDoc.name);
            opDoc.allowEdit = true;
            if (file)
                    fs.accessSync(file, fs.constants.R_OK | fs.constants.W_OK);
                    opDoc.allowEdit = true;
                catch (e)
                    // not allowed to read/write
                    opDoc.allowEdit = false;
        return opDocs;

    userHasWriteRightsOp(user, opName, teams = [], project = null)
        if (!user) return false;
        if (!opName) return false;
        if (!opName.startsWith(this.PREFIX_OPS)) return false;
        if (opName.indexOf("..") > -1) return false;
        if (opName.indexOf(" ") > -1) return false;
        if (opName.startsWith(".")) return false;
        if (opName.endsWith(".")) return false;

        const validName = this.isOpNameValid(opName);
        if (!validName) return false;

        const file = this.getOpAbsoluteFileName(opName);
        if (file)
            if (fs.existsSync(file))
                    fs.accessSync(file, fs.constants.R_OK | fs.constants.W_OK);
                    return true;
                catch (e)
                    // not allowed to read/write
                    return false;
            else if (this._cables.isPackaged() && file.startsWith(this._cables.getOpsPath()))
                return false;
                return true;
        return true;

        return projectsUtil.getAbsoluteOpDirFromHierarchy(opName);

    getOpSourceDir(opName, relative = false)
        if (!opName) return null;
        if (relative) return super.getOpSourceDir(opName, relative);
        return projectsUtil.getAbsoluteOpDirFromHierarchy(opName);

    getOpTargetDir(opName, relative = false)
        let targetDir = "";
        if (relative)
            if (opName.endsWith(".")) opName = opName.substring(0, opName.length - 1);
            return path.join(opName, "/");
            targetDir = projectsUtil.getAbsoluteOpDirFromHierarchy(opName);
        return targetDir;

    getOpSourceNoHierarchy(opName, relative = false)
        return super.getOpSourceDir(opName, relative);

    getOpRenameConsequences(newName, oldName, targetDir = null)
        return [];

    getOpRenameProblems(newName, oldName, userObj, teams = [], newOpProject = null, oldOpProject = null, opUsages = [], checkUsages = true, targetDir = null)
        const problems = super.getOpRenameProblems(newName, oldName, userObj, teams, newOpProject, oldOpProject, opUsages, checkUsages);
        if (problems.no_rights_target && targetDir)
            if (fs.existsSync(targetDir))
                    fs.accessSync(targetDir, fs.constants.R_OK | fs.constants.W_OK);
                    delete problems.no_rights_target;
                catch (e)
                    // not allowed to read/write
        if (problems.target_exists && targetDir)
            const newOpDir = path.join(targetDir, this.getOpTargetDir(newName, true), this.getOpFileName(newName));
            if (!fs.existsSync(newOpDir))
                delete problems.target_exists;
                const existingOpDir = this.getOpSourceDir(newName);
                problems.overruled_by_other_op = "The new Op would conflict with the Op at:<br/> <a onclick=\"CABLESUILOADER.talkerAPI.send('openDir', { 'dir': '" + existingOpDir + "'});\">" + existingOpDir + "</a>";
        return problems;

    getOpAssetPorts(op, includeLibraryAssets = false)
        const assetPorts = [];
        if (!op) return assetPorts;
        if (!op.portsIn) return assetPorts;

        for (let i = 0; i < op.portsIn.length; i++)
            const port = op.portsIn[i];
            if (
                port.value &&
                typeof port.value == "string" &&
                port.name &&
                port.value.length &&
                (port.display === "file" ||
                    port.name.toLowerCase().indexOf("file") > -1 ||
                    port.name.toLowerCase().indexOf("url") > -1 ||
                    // port names in cubemapfromtextures !
                    port.name.toLowerCase().indexOf("posx") > -1 ||
                    port.name.toLowerCase().indexOf("posy") > -1 ||
                    port.name.toLowerCase().indexOf("posz") > -1 ||
                    port.name.toLowerCase().indexOf("negx") > -1 ||
                    port.name.toLowerCase().indexOf("negy") > -1 ||
                    port.name.toLowerCase().indexOf("negz") > -1)
                if (!port.value.toLowerCase().startsWith("/assets/library"))
                else if (includeLibraryAssets)
        return assetPorts;

        if (!fileName) return "";
        const parts = path.parse(fileName);
        if (parts && parts.name) return parts.name;
        return "";

    updateOpCode(opName, author, code)
        const newCode = super.updateOpCode(opName, author, code);
        setTimeout(() =>
        }, 1000);
        return newCode;

        let toInstall = [];
        const opDoc = this._docsUtil.getDocForOp(opName);
        if (opDoc && opDoc.hasOwnProperty("dependencies"))
            const npmDeps = opDoc.dependencies.filter((dep) => { return dep.type === "npm"; });
            npmDeps.forEach((npmDep) =>
                const version = npmDep.version || "";
                if (npmDep.src)
                    npmDep.src.forEach((src) =>
                        if (version)
                            src = src + "@" + version;
                            if (npmDep.name.includes("@")) src = npmDep.name;
                        if (!toInstall.includes(src))
        return toInstall;

    renameToCoreOp(oldName, newName, currentUser, removeOld, cb = null)
        let oldOpDir = this.getOpSourceDir(oldName);
        let newOpDir = oldOpDir.replace(oldName, newName);
        return this._renameOp(oldName, newName, currentUser, true, removeOld, false, oldOpDir, newOpDir, cb);

    renameToExtensionOp(oldName, newName, currentUser, removeOld, cb = null)
        let oldOpDir = this.getOpSourceDir(oldName);
        let newOpDir = oldOpDir.replace(oldName, newName);
        return this._renameOp(oldName, newName, currentUser, true, removeOld, false, oldOpDir, newOpDir, cb);

    renameToTeamOp(oldName, newName, currentUser, removeOld, cb = null)
        let oldOpDir = this.getOpSourceDir(oldName);
        let newOpDir = oldOpDir.replace(oldName, newName);
        return this._renameOp(oldName, newName, currentUser, false, removeOld, false, oldOpDir, newOpDir, cb);

    renameToUserOp(oldName, newName, currentUser, removeOld, cb = null)
        let oldOpDir = this.getOpSourceDir(oldName);
        let newOpDir = oldOpDir.replace(oldName, newName);
        return this._renameOp(oldName, newName, currentUser, false, removeOld, false, oldOpDir, newOpDir, cb);

    renameToPatchOp(oldName, newName, currentUser, removeOld, newId, cb = null)
        let oldOpDir = this.getOpSourceDir(oldName);
        let newOpDir = oldOpDir.replace(oldName, newName);
        return this._renameOp(oldName, newName, currentUser, false, removeOld, newId, oldOpDir, newOpDir, cb);

        return this.getNamespace(opName);

        return this.PREFIX_LOCAL_OPS;
export default new OpsUtil(utilProvider);