Constructor Summary
Public Constructor | ||
public |
Member Summary
Public Members | ||
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
displayType: number |
public get |
glPatch: * |
public get |
h: * |
public get |
id: * |
public get |
isDragging: boolean |
public |
minWidth: number |
public |
mouseButtonWheelDown: boolean |
public get |
objName: * |
public get |
op: * |
public |
opUiAttribs: {} |
public get |
selected: * |
public set |
public get |
title: * |
public get |
uiAttribs: * |
public set |
public get |
visible: * |
public get |
w: * |
public get |
x: number |
public get |
y: number |
Private Members | ||
private |
private |
_disposed: boolean |
private |
private |
private |
_glComment: * |
private |
_glDotError: * |
private |
_glDotHint: * |
private |
private |
private |
private |
_glPatch: * |
private |
_glPorts: *[] |
private |
_glRectArea: * |
private |
_glRectBg: * |
private |
private |
_glRectNames: *[] |
private |
private |
private |
_glTitle: * |
private |
_height: * |
private |
_hideBgRect: boolean |
private |
_hidePorts: boolean |
private |
_id: * |
private |
_instancer: * |
private |
_isHovering: * |
private |
_links: {} |
private |
_log: * |
private |
_needsUpdate: boolean |
private |
_objName: * |
private |
_oldPosx: * |
private |
_oldPosy: * |
private |
_op: * |
private |
_origPosZ: * |
private |
private |
private |
_rectBorder: number |
private |
_rectResize: * |
private |
private |
_textWriter: * |
private |
_titleExt: * |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
_transparent: boolean |
private |
_visPort: * |
private |
_visible: boolean |
private |
_wasInCurrentSubpatch: boolean |
private |
_wasInited: boolean |
private |
_width: * |
Method Summary
Public Methods | ||
public |
addLink(l: *) |
public |
dispose() |
public |
public |
getGlPort(name: *): * |
public |
getGlPortsLinkedToPort(opid: *, portname: *): * |
public |
getPortPos(id: *, center: boolean): * |
public |
getPosZ(): * |
public |
getSubPatch(): * |
public |
getUiAttribs(): * |
public |
isHovering(): * |
public |
isInCurrentSubPatch(): * |
public |
isPassiveDrag(): * |
public |
mouseMove(x: *, y: *) |
public |
public |
removeLink(linkId: *) |
public |
public |
setHover(h: *) |
public |
setPassiveDragOffset(x: *, y: *) |
public |
setTitle(title: *, textWriter: *) |
public |
setUiAttribs(newAttribs: *, attr: *) |
public |
public |
update(): * |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
updateVizFlowMode(m: *) |
Private Methods | ||
private |
private |
_getTitleExtPosition(): * |
private |
_getTitlePosition(): * |
private |
_getTitleWidth(): * |
private |
private |
_initGl() |
private |
private |
_onBgRectDrag(e: *) |
private |
_onBgRectDragEnd(rect: *) |
private |
_onMouseDown(e: *) |
private |
_onMouseUp(e: *) |
private |
_setPortIndexAttribs(ports: *): * |
private |
_setVisible(v: *) |
private |
_setupPort(i: *, p: *) |
private |
_setupPorts(ports: *) |
private |
_shortenExtTitle(str: *): * |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
Inherited Summary
From class Events | ||
public |
off: * |
public |
on: * |
private |
_eventCallbacks: {} |
private |
_listeners: {} |
private |
_log: * |
private |
_logEvents: boolean |
private |
_logName: string |
public |
addEventListener(which: *, cb: *, idPrefix: string): string add event listener |
public |
emitEvent(which: string, param1: *, param2: *, param3: *, param4: *, param5: *, param6: *) emit event |
public |
hasEventListener(id: *, cb: *): boolean check event listener registration |
public |
hasListenerForEventName(eventName: *): boolean check event listener by name |
public |
logEvents(enabled: boolean, logName: string) enable/disable logging of events for the class |
public |
removeEventListener(id: *, cb: *) rempve event listener registration |
Public Constructors
Public Members
public DISPLAY_COMMENT: number source
public DISPLAY_DEFAULT: number source
public DISPLAY_REROUTE_DOT: number source
public DISPLAY_SUBPATCH: number source
public DISPLAY_UI_AREA: number source
public DISPLAY_UI_AREA_INSTANCER: number source
public displayType: number source
public get glPatch: * source
public get h: * source
public get id: * source
public get isDragging: boolean source
public minWidth: number source
public mouseButtonWheelDown: boolean source
public get objName: * source
public get op: * source
public opUiAttribs: {} source
public get selected: * source
public set selected source
public get title: * source
public get uiAttribs: * source
public set visible source
public get visible: * source
public get w: * source
public get x: number source
public get y: number source
Private Members
private _OpNameSpaceColor: * source
private _disposed: boolean source
private _dragOldUiAttribs: * source
private _glColorIndicator: * source
private _glComment: * source
private _glDotError: * source
private _glDotHint: * source
private _glDotWarning: * source
private _glLoadingIndicator: * source
private _glNotWorkingCross: * source
private _glPatch: * source
private _glPorts: *[] source
private _glRectArea: * source
private _glRectBg: * source
private _glRectContent: * source
private _glRectNames: *[] source
private _glRectSelected: * source
private _glRerouteDot: * source
private _glTitle: * source
private _height: * source
private _hideBgRect: boolean source
private _hidePorts: boolean source
private _id: * source
private _instancer: * source
private _isHovering: * source
private _links: {} source
private _needsUpdate: boolean source
private _objName: * source
private _oldPosx: * source
private _oldPosy: * source
private _op: * source
private _origPosZ: * source
private _passiveDragStartX: * source
private _passiveDragStartY: * source
private _rectBorder: number source
private _rectResize: * source
private _resizableArea: * source
private _textWriter: * source
private _titleExt: * source
private _titleExtPort: * source
private _titleExtPortLastTime: * source
private _titleExtPortListener: * source
private _titleExtPortTimeout: * source
private _titleExtPortlister: * source
private _transparent: boolean source
private _visPort: * source
private _visible: boolean source
private _wasInCurrentSubpatch: boolean source
private _wasInited: boolean source
private _width: * source
Public Methods
public addLink(l: *) source
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
l | * |
public dispose() source
public endPassiveDrag() source
public getGlPortsLinkedToPort(opid: *, portname: *): * source
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
opid | * | ||
portname | * |
* |
public getPortPos(id: *, center: boolean): * source
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
id | * | ||
center | boolean |
* |
public mouseMove(x: *, y: *) source
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
x | * | ||
y | * |
public refreshPorts() source
public removeLink(linkId: *) source
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
linkId | * |
public sendNetPos() source
public setHover(h: *) source
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
h | * |
public setPassiveDragOffset(x: *, y: *) source
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
x | * | ||
y | * |
public setTitle(title: *, textWriter: *) source
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
title | * | ||
textWriter | * |
public setUiAttribs(newAttribs: *, attr: *) source
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
newAttribs | * | ||
attr | * |
public startPassiveDrag() source
public updateIfNeeded() source
public updatePosition() source
public updateSize() source
public updateTheme() source
public updateVisible() source
public updateVizFlowMode(m: *) source
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
m | * |
Private Methods
private _disposeDots() source
private _initColorIndicators() source
private _initGl() source
private _initWhenFirstInCurrentSubpatch() source
private _onBgRectDrag(e: *) source
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
e | * |
private _onBgRectDragEnd(rect: *) source
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
rect | * |
private _onMouseDown(e: *) source
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
e | * |
private _onMouseUp(e: *) source
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
e | * |
private _setPortIndexAttribs(ports: *): * source
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
ports | * |
* |
private _setVisible(v: *) source
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
v | * |
private _setupPort(i: *, p: *) source
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
i | * | ||
p | * |
private _setupPorts(ports: *) source
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
ports | * |