const text =
"save_screenshot": "## Save Screenshot\n\nDownload renderer output as an image file",
"toggle_sound": "## Toggle Sound\n\nTurn sound on or off",
"toggle_helper": "`o` Toggle the idsplay of overlays (helper outlines and bounding boxes)",
"canvas_lens": "## Pixel Magnifier\n\nMove over canvas to magnify pixels.\n\n[cmd_ctrl]`c` copy hovered color to clipboard",
"canvas_switch": "Switch between multiple canvasses",
"canvas_size": "## Canvas Size\n\nCanvas size in pixels\n\nclick to set the canvas manually",
"canvas_aspect": "## Canvas Aspect ratio\n\nclick to choose an aspect ratio",
"canvas_zoom": "## Website Zoom\n\nYour browser is zoomed in, use [cmd_ctrl] and +/- to change zoom",
"canvas_version": "## WebGl Version",
"canvas_fps": "## FPS\n\nCurrently number of rendered frames per second",
"canvas_ms": "## Miliseconds\n\nCurrent amount of time needed to render the mainloop",
"renderer_patchbg": "## Toggle Patch Background\n\n[cmd_ctrl][shift]`enter` Toggle patch nackground renderer",
"renderer_maximize": "## Maximize canvas\n\n[cmd_ctrl]`enter` Maximize canvas",
"renderer_setsize": "## Canvas Size \n\n* click to set canvas size",
"infoarea": "## Infoarea\n\nLook here for contextual information",
"nav_patch_new": "## New Patch\n\nCreates a new patch",
"nav_patch_open": "## Open Patch\n\nLoad an existing patch",
"linkAddCircle": "## Cable \n\n* [LMB] Insert op \n* [RMB] Remove cable \n* [DRAG_RMB] Move cable \n* [RMB]+`alt` Duplicate cable ",
"timeLineToggle": "Toggle timeline / keyframing panel",
"timeLineTime": "* Shows current frame/time in seconds\n\n * Click to enter frame to go to",
"portFloatInput": "* Use mousewheel or up/down keys to inc/decrement by 0.1",
"portFloatDrag": "* Hold left mouse button and drag to change value. \n\n* hold shift to for smaller increase.",
"portUnlink": "Click to unlink port",
"portCreateOp": "Create and connect new texture op",
"portAnimKeep": "Keep in keyframing view",
"portAnimToggle": "Toggle parameter animation. enable to keyframe parameter",
"portDirIn": "## Input Port ",
"portDirOut": "## Output Port",
"portMouseUnlink": "|| [RMB] Unlink port || [DRAG_RMB] Move cable || `DEL` Delete link || [alt]+[DRAG_RMB] Copy link",
"portMouseCreate": "|| [DRAG_LMB] Create and link new op",
"portObjectSnapshot": "See an object data snapshot",
"patchSelectedMultiOps": "## Selected Multiple Ops\n\n* `d` disable ops and their children\n* `a` align ops left\n* `c` center ops\n* [shift]`a` reduce vertical spacing\n* `DEL` delete selected ops\n* [cmd_ctrl]`c` copy selected op ",
"patchSelectedOp": "## Selected Single Op\n\n* `T` set op title\n* `D` disable op and children\n* `X` unlink op \n* `DEL` delete op\n* `page up/down` snap to parent/child op",
"projectSettingsPublic": "Make patch public - Everyone can see it",
"projectSettingsTitle": "## Patch Name \n\nIf this is your op, click to edit",
"projectSettingsExample": "ADMIN: Patch will be listed as example",
"projectExportNotSaved": "Patch not saved - Save patch before exporting",
"projectBackupNotSaved": "Patch not saved - Save patch before creating a backup",
"projectNotSaved": "Patch not saved - Save patch and try again",
"editorTab": "## Editor \n\n* [LMB] Activate tab [MMB] Close tab ",
"searchResult": "|| [LMB] Focus op || [shift][LMB] Show op params",
"dragfile": "## File \n\n* [DRAG_LMB] Drag this File to the patchfield to create a fitting operator",
"editor": "## Code editor \n\nHere you can edit the code of your ops, write op descriptions, as well as edit objects / arrays.",
"patch": "## Patchfield \n\n|| `ESC` Add ops || [DRAG_RMB] Pan || [cmd_ctrl]`s` Save patch || `c` center all op || `f` flow visualization || `+`/`-`[MW] Adjust zoom || [cmd_ctrl]`F` Search || [cmd_ctrl]`P` Command palette",
"canvas": "## Canvas\n\n|| Visual output of your patch || [cmd_ctrl][enter] || Maximize canvas",
"projectFiles": "## Project Files \n\nOverview over your uploaded files",
"undevLogo": "## UNDEV \n\ncables is made by **UNDEV**, come visit us in our office in Berlin and have a coffee with us! ",
"minimize_tabpanel": "## Minimize Panel\n\n`ESC` - Minimize panel || [alt]`ESC` - Unminimize panel",
"tab_files": "## Files \n\nUpload and manage your files",
"tab_code": "## Code\n\nOperator code",
"tab_doc": "## Documentation\n\nOperator documentation",
"tab_preview": "## Preview\n\nPreview you generated textures",
"tab_op": "## Op Parameters\n\n",
"tab_history": "## History\n\n",
"tab_keyframes": "## Keyframes\n\n",
"tab_variables": "## Variables\n\n",
"tab_patchconnection": "## Patch Connection\n\n",
"tab_profiler": "## Profiler \n\nFind out which ops require most processing time",
"tab_bookmarks": "## Bookmarks \n\nBookmark ops in a big patch to easily locate them",
"tab_debug": "## Debug \n\n",
"tab_screen": "## Screen \n\n",
"download_screenshot": "## Download screenshot \n\nDownload a HD-image (1920 x 1080) of your patch",
"minimapContainer": "## Minimap \n\nShows an overview over your patch. Click inside the map to navigate.",
"timelineui": "## Timeline \n\nIn the timeline you can animate ports over time.",
"op_background": "## Op \n\n",
"op_title": "## Op Title \n\n* Click to edit title",
"bookmark_added": "Bookmark added!",
"bookmark_removed": "Bookmark removed!",
"timeline_overview": "## Timeline overview \n\nShows the current visible area\n\ndrag borders to resize\n\n* [DRAG_LMB] move area\n* [DRAG_RMB] move area and change time\n* `double click` toggle show full project length",
"timeline_frames": "## Timeline \n\n* [LMB] move cursor",
"timeline_time": "[LMB] Jump to frame",
"timeline_progress": "`click` Set project duration",
"timeline_keys": "## Timeline \n\n* [DRAG_RMB] Move visible area\n* [DRAG_LMB] Select keys\n* `h` Center all keys\n* `j` / `k` Jump to next/previous key\n* `DEL` Delete selected keys",
"usersettings": "## User Settings\n\nChange editor settings ",
"texpreview": "## Texture Preview\n\nShows result of last clicked texture outputing operator.\n\nClick to see focus operator\n\nClick patch background to hide",
"valueChangerHover": "## Number Input \n\n* [DRAG_LMB] change value \n* [alt] + [DRAG_LMB] change value fast\n* [shift] + [DRAG_LMB] change value slow",
"valueChangerInput": "## Number Input Focussed \n\n* [updown][MW] change value +/- 0.1 \n* [shift][updown][MW] change value +/- 0.01\n* [alt][updown][MW] change value +/- 1",
"open_new_window": "## View Patch\n\nopen patch viewer in new window",
"settings": "## Patch Settings\n\nrename,publish your patch\n\ninvite users to collaborate",
"working_connected_to": "To work, this op needs to be a child of: ",
"working_connected_needs_connections_to": "These ports should be connected: ",
"working_shouldNotBeChildOf": "Should not be a child of ",
"notOptimizedBrowser_title": "oops!",
"notOptimizedBrowser_text": "Cables is optimized for firefox and chrome, you are using something else<br/>feel free to continue, but be warned, it might behave strange",
"filemanager_delete_file": "Delete file",
"filemanager_file_search": "Search for ops that use this file",
"filemanager_file_open": "Open file in new window",
"filemanager_file_download": "Download file",
"filemanager_file_refresh": "Reload file list",
"filemanager_file_upload": "Upload new file",
"filemanager_file_add": "Add new file",
"filemanager_file_create": "Create a file",
"filemanager_reupload": "Replace contents of this file",
"filemanager_copy_file_url": "Copy file URL",
"editorSaveButton": "Save",
"editorFormatButton": "Format",
"cmd_centerpatch": "`c` Center patch or selected ops",
"cmd_zoomin": "`+` Zoom In",
"cmd_zoomout": "`-` Zoom Out",
"cmd_savepatch": "[cmd_ctrl]`S` Save Patch",
"cmd_addop": "`esc` Add Operator",
"cmd_patchsettings": "## Open Patch settings",
"patch_hint_overlay_empty": "This patch is empty. press <code>escape</code> to add operators",
"patch_hint_overlay_outofbounds": "<i>got lost ?</i> press <code>[C]</code>to center the whole patch again",
"guestHint": "Cables is in Demo mode and has only limited functionality. Please register, it's free!",
"opselect_intro": "<br/><h2> Start typing!</h2><br/>You can search for multiple words at once, e.g.: \"interpolate array\"<br/><br/>Add spaces between words for better search results<br/><br/>Press <span class=\"icon icon-arrow-up\"></span> and <span class=\"icon icon-arrow-down\"></span> to navigate.<br/><br/>Finally press <span class=\"icon icon-corner-down-left\"></span> to create the selected op",
"opselect_typemore": "<h2> Type some more!</h2>",
"opselect_notfound": "<h2> 404 - Op not found</h2><br/><br/><a class=\"bluebutton\" onclick=\"gui._opselect.close();gui.serverOps.createDialog(document.getElementById('opsearch').value);\">Code a new op</a>",
"opselect_addop": "Add",
"summary_settings": "Patch settings",
"summary_analyze": "Analyze patch",
"outline_filter_bookmarks": "Show/hide bookmarks ops in patch outline",
"outline_filter_subpatchops": "Show/hide subpatchops ops in patch outline",
"outline_filter_commented": "Show/hide commented ops in patch outline",
"outline_filter_comments": "Show/hide comments ops in patch outline",
"outline_filter_areas": "Show/hide areas ops in patch outline",
"outline_filter_colored": "Show/hide colored ops in patch outline",
"title": "Preferences",
"subtitle_scroll_button": "Pan Button",
"subtitle_allow_cable_drag": "Allow dragging cables (right mouse button)",
"subtitle_glpatch_cursor": "use native cursor",
"subtitle_glpatch_showboundings": "draw patch bounding",
"subtitle_glpatch_linetype": "cables style",
"head_glpatch": "Patch Editor",
"title_snapToGrid": "Snap To Grid",
"subtitle_snapToGrid": "Ops snap to an invisible grid, makes patches look much cleaner",
"title_nobrowserWarning": "Hide Warning",
"subtitle_nobrowserWarning": "Hide that red \"unsupported browser\" warning notification",
"title_introCompleted": "Intro Tour",
"subtitle_introCompleted": "Show Intro tour again (needs reload)",
"title_randomizePatchName": "Random Patch Name",
"subtitle_randomizePatchName": "Pick a random name for new patches, instead of 'new project'",
"title_helperMode": "Show Helper Meshes",
"subtitle_helperMode": "Show helper, directions/boundaries etc, as in e.g. randomCluster",
// "title_forceWebGl1": "Force WebGL v1",
// "subtitle_forceWebGl1": "only if you know what you are doing!",
"title_devinfos": "Show developer information",
"subtitle_devinfos": "boring developer stuff",
"title_miniopselect": "Op Select Dialog Layout",
"subtitle_miniopselect": "",
"title_canvaspos": "Canvas Position",
"subtitle_canvaspos": "Patchfield Background Rendering or top-right corner",
"title_theme": "Theme",
"subtitle_theme": "Bright theme is better when you work outside.",
"title_hideCanvasUi": "Show Canvas Info Bar Ui",
"title_hideSizeBar": "Icon Side Bar",
"subtitle_hideSizeBar": "Shows a sidebar with icons of commands from command palette",
"title_texpreviewSize": "Texture Preview",
"subtitle_texpreviewSize": "After clicking an op that outputs an image/texture, it will be shown next to the canvas.",
"title_bgpattern": "Background Pattern",
"subtitle_bgpattern": "Background Pattern for transparent canvas/textures.",
"subtitle_wheelmultiplier": "Mouse scrollwheel speed",
"title_quickLinkLongPress": "Long Press Quick Link",
"subtitle_quickLinkLongPress": "Long press an op and drag a line to another, helps with pen inputs or touchpads",
"title_quickLinkMiddleMouse": "Middle Mouse Quick Link",
"subtitle_quickLinkMiddleMouse": "Middle mouse click an op and drag a line to another",
"title_noidlemode": "Idle Mode",
"subtitle_noidlemode": "go into idle mode after some time (to save energy and less fan activity)",
"title_tipps": "Tips",
"subtitle_tipps": "Show tips when opening editor (needs reload)",
"title_presentationmode": "Presentation Mode",
"subtitle_presentationmode": "Show all key presses on the screen",
"title_fadeOutCables": "Fade Cables",
"subtitle_fadeOutCables": "Fade out long cables",
"title_fontsize": "Text Size",
"subtitle_fontsize": "Size Of Text and Icons in cables",
"subtitle_fontsize_ace": "Font size in Text editor",
"subtitle_wrapmode_ace": "Wrap Mode in Text editor",
"subtitle_formatcode": "Format code after saving",
"subtitle_notlocalizeNumberformat": "Localize output port number format",
"title_openlastproject": "Open the last saved patch on start",
"subtitle_openlastproject": "",
"title_authorName": "Author name for created ops",
"subtitle_authorName": "",
"title_downloadPath": "Custom download folder",
"subtitle_downloadPath": "",
"subtitle_wheelmode": "How scrolling events are interpreted:<br/>- Zoom: mousewheel<br/>- pan: for tablets and touchpads",
"subtitle_panspeed": "Pan speed",
" To **add an op** press the `Esc`-key. In the popup you can now enter any text which is part of the op’s namespace (e.g. `MainLoop`). You can now navigate through the result-set using your arrow keys (`↓` and `↑`). \n\nWhen you press `Enter` the selected op will be added to the editor.descr:",
"img": "a_add_op_new.gif"
"descr": " To **add another op and connect it** to the one we just added you can now drag out a cable from one of the ports. ",
"img": "b_add_op_and_connect_it_new.gif"
"descr": " To **add an op in between two ops** just press the circle in the middle of the cable (one of the existing ops must be highlighted for this). ",
"img": "c_add_op_between_other_ops.gif"
"descr": " To **change one of the op-parameters** first select the op by clicking on it, then you will see the op-settings in the pane on the right. To change one of the number value inputs click and drag up or down.",
"img": "d_change_op_parameter.gif"
"descr": " To **access an op’s example patch** first select the op, then click **view example patches**.",
"img": "e_view_example_patch.gif"
"title": "Delete Links",
"descr": " To **delete a cable** just press the `right mouse button` on one of the connected ports.",
"img": "f_delete_link.gif"
"descr": " To **reconnect a cable to another port** press and drag with the `right mouse button`.",
"img": "g_reconnect_link.gif"
"title": "Copy Paste",
"descr": " Ops can be duplicated by making a selection with your `left mouse button`, pressing `CMD + c` or `CTRL + c` to copy, followed by `CMD + v` or `CTRL + v` to paste. ",
"img": "h_copy_paste_op.gif"
"title": "Align Ops",
"descr": " To bring some order into your patch you can align ops by making a selection with your `left mouse button` and pressing `a` to **horizontally align** or `SHIFT + a` to **vertically align**. ",
"img": "i_align_ops.gif"
"descr": " To **unlink an op** hold it with the `left mouse button` and shake it. ",
"img": "j_disconnect_by_shaking.gif"
"descr": " You can also **unlink ops** by selecting them and pressing `x`",
"img": "k_disconnect_with_x_key.gif"
"descr": " Drag a cable to the center of an op to **see suggestions** of fitting ports. if there is only one the link will be connected automatically.",
"img": "l_connect_with_drag_to_center.gif"
"descr": " To **add an existing op between two other ops**, click and hold 'left mouse button' and drag the op to the middle of the cable and release.",
"img": "m_add_existing_op_between.gif"
"title": "Duplicating Links",
"descr": " You can **duplicate a link** by pressing [alt] and the `right mouse button` and dragging the cable to another port",
"img": "n_duplicate_link.gif"
"title": "Flow Mode",
"descr": " See data and function flow by pressing `f`",
"img": "o_op_flow_with_f_key.gif"
"descr": " Disable ops and its children by pressing `d`",
"img": "p_disable_ops_with_d_key.gif"
"descr": " You can **upload files** by dragging them into the window",
"img": "r_add_file_drag_and_drop.gif"
"descr": " access the **command palette** by pressing `CMD + p` or `CTRL + p`. ",
"img": "s_command_palette_ctrl_and_p.gif"
"descr": " You can **set a custom title to an op** by clicking the title in the parameter panel (you can also select an op and press `t`)",
"img": "t_change_op_title.gif"
"descr": " organize huge patches by putting ops into subpatches",
"img": "u_create_subpatch.gif"
"descr": " to find **documentation and examples for an op**, click on the op and then click the link",
"img": "v_op_documentation_link.gif"
"descr": " set colors for ops for easier identification",
"img": "colormarker.gif"
"descr": " create and link new op by clicking parameter",
"img": "linkparameter.gif"
"descr": " use snap to grid for cleaner looking patches",
"img": "snaptogrid.gif"
"descr": " `Right mouse button` click while holding [alt] key and drag a cable from a port or the cable itself, to **copy the connection**.",
"img": "rightclickdrag.gif"
"descr": " To move a cable connection to another port, hold `alt` keyboard keys and `right mouse button` while over either end of the cable.",
"img": "right_shift_alt.gif"
"descr": " You can drag a cable from an operator port directly to a parameter name in a parameter panel of another op.",
"img": "dragtoport.gif"
"descr": " Press `CTRL + f` or `CMD + f` on your keyboard to **find operators in your project by name or by tag** - for example, unconnected or bookmarked.",
"img": "ctrl_f.gif"
"descr": " Click `left mouse button` on the patch preview and select the gizmo icon to enable or disable helpers and transforms. **Show All transforms** will show all moveable objects in your scene, click `left mouse button` on the circle to enable the object's gizmo.",
"img": "gizmo.gif"
"descr": " To **select DIV elements directly from the patch preview**, hover over your DIV elements while holding `CTRL` or `CMD` on your keyboard and clicking `left mouse button` on the DIV element.",
"img": "inspecthtml.gif"
"descr": " You can **jump to a connected operator** in the parameter panel by clicking `left mouse button` on it's name next to the parameter it is connected to.",
"img": "jump_connected_op.gif"
"descr": " Quickly **find your sidebar operators** in a patch by clicking `left mouse button` on a sidebar element while holding the `CTRL` or `CMD` key on your keyboard.",
"img": "inspect_sidebar.gif"
"descr": " You can **organize** your operators into colorful Area groups by selecting multiple ops and clicking Create Area. Move operators out of an area to separate them, group groups into groups, hold down [alt]to drag Area without ops!",
"img": "area_create.gif"
"descr": " You can click `left mouse button` on an output field in any operator's parameter panel to **copy it to your clipboard**. Great for saving arrays or generated outputs.",
"img": "copyoutput.gif"
export default text;