summary | ||
public |
C Patch(cfg: PatchConfig) Patch class, contains all operators,values,links etc. |
public |
public |
public |
public |
C Profiler |
public |
C PatchVariable(name: String, value: String | Number): Object |
public |
F Anim(cfg: *) Keyframed interpolated animation. |
public |
F Key(obj: *) |
public |
F easeCubicIn(t: *): * |
public |
F easeCubicInOut(t: *): * |
public |
F easeCubicOut(t: *): * |
public |
F easeExpoIn(t: *): * |
public |
F easeExpoInOut(t: *): * |
public |
F easeExpoOut(t: *): * |
public |
F Link(scene: Object) |
public |
F Op(): * |
public |
F Port(___op: *, name: *, type: *, uiAttribs: *): * data is coming into and out of ops through input and output ports |
public |
F EventTarget() |
public |
F LoadingStatus(patch: *) LoadingStatus class, manages asynchronous loading jobs |
public |
F Variable() todo: old... |
public |
F Timer() Measuring time |
public |
F internalNow(): * |
public |
F now(): * current time in milliseconds |
public |
F ajax(url: *, cb: *, method: *, post: *, contenttype: *, jsonP: *, headers: *, options: *) make an ajax request |
public |
F ajaxSync(url: *, cb: *, method: *, post: *, contenttype: *) |
public |
F basename(url: String): String return the filename part of a url without extension |
public |
F cacheBust(url: String): String append a unique/random parameter to a url, so the browser is forced to reload the file, even if its cached |
public |
F clamp(value: Number, min: Number, max: Number): * clamp number / make sure its between min/max |
public |
F cleanJson(obj: *): * |
public |
F copyArray(src: Array, dst: Array): Array copy the content of an array |
public |
F filename(url: String): String return the filename part of a url |
public |
F getShortOpName(fullname: string): * get op shortname: only last part of fullname and without version |
public |
F keyCodeToName(keyCode: *): * |
public |
F logErrorConsole(initiator: *) |
public |
F logStack() output a stacktrace to the console |
public |
F map(x: Number, _oldMin: Number, _oldMax: Number, _newMin: Number, _newMax: Number, _easing: Number): Number map a value in a range to a value in another range |
public |
F request(options: *) |
public |
F shuffleArray(array: Array | Float32Array): Array | Float32Array randomize order of an array |
public |
F simpleId(): * |
public |
F smoothStep(perc: Number): Number smoothStep a value |
public |
F smootherStep(perc: Number): Number smootherstep a value |
public |
V ANIM: {"Key": *} |
public |
V CONSTANTS: {"ANIM": *, "OP": *, "PORT": *, "PACO": *} |
public |
V EMBED: {} |
public |
V UTILS: {} |
public |
V generateUUID: * |
public |
V prefixedHash: * |
public |
V shortId: * |
public |
V uuid: * |
public |
summary | ||
public |
C BoundingBox(geometry: Geometry) bounding box |
public |
C CgCanvas |
public |
C CgShader |
public |
C CGState |
public |
public |
public |
public |
F Geometry(name: String): * a geometry contains all information about a mesh, vertices, texturecoordinates etc. |
public |
F MatrixStack() |
public |
F preproc(str: *, vars: *): * |
public |
V CG: {"GAPI_WEBGL": *, "GAPI_WEBGPU": number, "DEPTH_COMPARE_NEVER": *, "DEPTH_COMPARE_LESS": number, "DEPTH_COMPARE_EQUAL": number, "DEPTH_COMPARE_LESSEQUAL": number, "DEPTH_COMPARE_GREATER": number, "DEPTH_COMPARE_NOTEQUAL": number, "DEPTH_COMPARE_GREATEREQUAL": number, "DEPTH_COMPARE_ALWAYS": number, "CULL_NONE": *, "CULL_BACK": number, "CULL_FRONT": number, "CULL_BOTH": number, "Geometry": *, "BoundingBox": *, "FpsCounter": *, "CgCanvas": *} |
summary | ||
public |
public |
C Shader(_cgl: *, _name: *, _op: *) |
public |
Shader uniforms |
public |
C Context cables gl context/state manager |
public |
A Texture |
public |
public |
F Framebuffer(_cgl: Context, _w: Number, _h: Number, options: Object) a framebuffer |
public |
F Framebuffer2(cgl: *, w: *, h: *, options: *): * |
public |
F Marker(_cgl: *) |
public |
F WireCube(cgl: *) |
public |
F WirePoint(cgl: *) |
public |
webgl renderable 3d object |
public |
F TextureEffect(cgl: *, options: *) |
public |
F escapeHTML(string: *): * |
public |
V MESH: {} |
public |
public |
V MESHES: {} |
public |
V BLENDS: {"BLEND_NONE": *, "BLEND_NORMAL": number, "BLEND_ADD": number, "BLEND_SUB": number, "BLEND_MUL": number} |
public |
V DEG2RAD: * multiply to get radians from degree, e.g. |
public |
V RAD2DEG: * to get degrees from radians, e.g. |
public |
V getWheelDelta: * |
public |
V getWheelSpeed: * |
public |
V isWindows(event: MouseEvent): Number: * get normalized mouse wheel delta (including browser specific adjustment) |
public |
public |
public |
V CGL: {"Framebuffer": *, "Framebuffer2": *, "Geometry": *, "BoundingBox": *, "Marker": *, "WirePoint": *, "WireCube": *, "MatrixStack": *, "Mesh": *, "MESH": *, "ShaderLibMods": *, "Shader": *, "Uniform": *, "MESHES": *, "Context": *, "Texture": *, "TextureEffect": *, "isWindows": *, "getWheelSpeed": *, "getWheelDelta": *, "onLoadingAssetsFinished": *, "ProfileData": *, "UniColorShader": *, ...undefined: Object} |
summary | ||
public |
summary | ||
public |
public |
summary | ||
public |
F extendMeshWithFeedback(Mesh: *) |
summary | ||
public |
F getBlurPassFragmentShader(): string |
public |
F getBlurPassVertexShader(): string |
public |
F getShadowPassFragmentShader(): string |
public |
F getShadowPassVertexShader(): string |
summary | ||
public |
summary | ||
public |
summary | ||
public |
public |
public |
summary | ||
public |
summary | ||
public |
summary | ||
public |
public |
summary | ||
public |