summary | ||
public |
C Gui main singleton class for starting the editor |
public |
C Platform super class for platform implementations |
public |
platform implementation for community ( |
public |
platform for standalone / electron version |
public |
C UiConfig general settings for the user interface |
public |
F extendCoreOp() |
public |
F extendCorePatch() extending core classes for helper functions which will be only available in ui/editor mode |
public |
F startUi(cfg: *) manage the start of the ui/editor |
public |
V defaultOps: {"defaultOpNames": *, "converterOps": *, "jsonPathOps": *, "hideInOpSelect": *, "defaultMathOps": *, "getVizOpsForPortLink": *, "getOpsForPortLink": *, "getOpsForFilename": *, "getVarGetterOpNameByType": *, "getPortTypeClassHtml": *, "getPortTypeClass": *, "getVarClass": *, "getNamespaceClassName": *, "getNamespace": *, "getPatchOpsPrefix": *, "getPatchOpsNamespace": *, "getOpsPrefix": *, "getUserOpsPrefix": *, "getTeamOpsPrefix": *, "getExtensionOpsPrefix": *, "isDevOp": *, "isAdminOp": *, "isUserOp": *, "isCurrentUserOp": *, "isUserOpOfUser": *, "isDeprecatedOp": *, "isExtensionOp": *, "isCoreOp": *, "isNonCoreOp": *, "isPrivateOp": *, "isPatchOp": *, "isExtension": *, "isCollection": *, "isTeamOp": *, "isTeamNamespace": *, "isBlueprintOp": *, "isInBlueprint": *, "getRerouteOp": *} default ops structure for assets, ports, math operations etc. |
public |
V subPatchOpUtil: {} |
public |
V text: {"save_screenshot": string, "toggle_sound": string, "toggle_helper": string, "canvas_lens": string, "canvas_switch": string, "canvas_size": string, "canvas_aspect": string, "canvas_zoom": string, "canvas_version": string, "canvas_fps": string, "canvas_ms": string, "renderer_patchbg": string, "renderer_maximize": string, "renderer_setsize": string, "infoarea": string, "nav_patch_new": string, "nav_patch_open": string, "linkAddCircle": string, "timeLineToggle": string, "timeLineTime": string, "portFloatInput": string, "portFloatDrag": string, "portUnlink": string, "portCreateOp": string, "portAnimKeep": string, "portAnimToggle": string, "portDirIn": string, "portDirOut": string, "portMouseUnlink": string, "portMouseCreate": string, "portObjectSnapshot": string, "patchSelectedMultiOps": string, "patchSelectedOp": string, "projectSettingsPublic": string, "projectSettingsTitle": string, "projectSettingsExample": string, "projectExportNotSaved": string, "projectBackupNotSaved": string, "projectNotSaved": string, "editorTab": string, "searchResult": string, "dragfile": string, "editor": string, "patch": string, "canvas": string, "projectFiles": string, "undevLogo": string, "minimize_tabpanel": string, "tab_files": string, "tab_code": string, "tab_doc": string, "tab_preview": string, "tab_op": string, "tab_history": string, "tab_keyframes": string, "tab_variables": string, "tab_patchconnection": string, "tab_profiler": string, "tab_bookmarks": string, "tab_debug": string, "tab_screen": string, "download_screenshot": string, "minimapContainer": string, "timelineui": string, "op_background": string, "op_title": string, "bookmark_added": string, "bookmark_removed": string, "timeline_overview": string, "timeline_frames": string, "timeline_time": string, "timeline_progress": string, "timeline_keys": string, "usersettings": string, "texpreview": string, "valueChangerHover": string, "valueChangerInput": string, "open_new_window": string, "settings": string, "working_connected_to": string, "working_connected_needs_connections_to": string, "working_shouldNotBeChildOf": string, "notOptimizedBrowser_title": string, "notOptimizedBrowser_text": string, "filemanager_delete_file": string, "filemanager_file_search": string, "filemanager_file_open": string, "filemanager_file_download": string, "filemanager_file_refresh": string, "filemanager_file_upload": string, "filemanager_file_add": string, "filemanager_file_create": string, "filemanager_reupload": string, "filemanager_copy_file_url": string, "editorSaveButton": string, "editorFormatButton": string, "cmd_centerpatch": string, "cmd_zoomin": string, "cmd_zoomout": string, "cmd_savepatch": string, "cmd_addop": string, "cmd_patchsettings": string, "patch_hint_overlay_empty": string, "patch_hint_overlay_outofbounds": string, "guestHint": string, "opselect_intro": string, "opselect_typemore": string, "opselect_notfound": string, "opselect_addop": string, "summary_settings": string, "summary_analyze": string, "outline_filter_bookmarks": string, "outline_filter_subpatchops": string, "outline_filter_commented": string, "outline_filter_comments": string, "outline_filter_areas": string, "outline_filter_colored": string, "preferences": *, "tips": *} |
public |
summary | ||
public |
C Api |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
F bytesArrToBase64(arr: *): * |
summary | ||
public |
V debugCommands: {"commands": *, "functions": *} |
public |
V patchCommands: {"commands": *, "functions": *} |
public |
V rendererCommands: {"commands": *, "functions": *} |
public |
V timelineCommands: {"commands": *, "functions": *} |
public |
V uiCommands: {"commands": *, "functions": *} |
public |
V CMD: {} |
summary | ||
public |
Managing bookmarks of a patch. |
public |
public |
manage files/assets of the patch |
public |
edit text files directly from the filemanager |
public |
gui restrictions,e.g. |
public |
Show intro and explain gui elements |
public |
C Jobs |
public |
public |
public |
C OpDocs op documentation loading |
public |
public |
C OpSearch search through opdocs, e.g. |
public |
tree view for namespaces in op select dialog |
public |
public |
default panel when clicking into the pach background, shows patch summary and tree view |
public |
manage patch view and helper functions |
public |
saved state of patch and subpatches, set orange icon if unsaved |
public |
show suggestion dialog (rotary mouse select menu) |
public |
show suggestions for linking a port |
public |
texturepreview floating over the patchfield |
public |
C TreeView treeview, e.g. |
public |
public |
storing/loading user settings/ sending to the user and in localstorage etc. |
public |
F convertPorts(p1: *, p2: *, converter: *) |
public |
F getConverters(p1: *, p2: *): * |
public |
F DragNDrop() filemanager - dragging and dropping files handler/listener |
public |
handle global html events like uncaught exceptions, contextmenu, resize etc |
public |
public |
V Collapsable: {} |
public |
summary | ||
public |
public |
public |
C CanvasUi |
summary | ||
public |
op parameter panel |
public |
public |
public |
listen to user interactions with ports in OpParampanel |
public |
public |
public |
F valueChanger(eleId: *, focus: *, portName: *, opid: *) mouse and keyboard interactions with port parameters |
public |
V paramsHelper: {"valueChangerSetSliderCSS": *, "inputListenerMousewheel": *, "inputListenerCursorKeys": *, "inputIncrement": *, "checkDefaultValue": *, "togglePortValBool": *, "openParamSpreadSheetEditor": *, "updateLinkedColorBoxes": *, "setPortAnimated": *, "openParamStringEditor": *} |
summary | ||
public |
V helperMeshes: {} |
summary | ||
public |
public |
public |
tab panel analyze patch shows information and statistics about the current patch |
public |
C Chat |
public |
public |
tab panel for editing text and source code using the ace editor |
public |
C FindTab tab panel for searching through the patch |
public |
tab panel to debug patchfield gl Op rendering |
public |
tab panel to profile and analyze GPU performance |
public |
public |
C HtmlTab simple tab to just show html |
public |
public |
C JobsTab |
public |
C LogTab Tab panel to display logging of cables logger |
public |
public |
C ManageOp tab panel for managing ops: attachments,libs etc. |
public |
public |
debug: show current op in serialized form |
public |
public |
show user editor preferences, stored in UserSettings |
public |
C Profiler cpu profile the running patch, what is most expensive? |
public |
public |
public |
debug: showing uiattribs of currently selected op |
public |
debug: show content of an array in a tab |
public |
public |
tab panel to welcome users of the standalone editor |
summary | ||
public |
F extendCoreAnim() |
public |
F TimeLineGui() |
summary | ||
public |
show a toast when cables changelog is new |
public |
show a searchable command palette (cmd/ctrl+p) |
public |
C Exporter |
public |
gradient editor dialog |
public |
C ModalDialog(options: ModalDialogOptions) open a modal dialog |
public |
C ModalError(option: Object) Opens a modal dialog and shows info about given exception |
public |
C ModalIframe(title: String) Opens a modal dialog and shows a loading indicator animation |
public |
C ModalLoading(title: String) Opens a modal dialog and shows a loading indicator animation |
public |
C ModalSourceCode(title: String) Opens a modal dialog and shows a loading indicator animation |
public |
C OpSelect |
public |
C Tips tips and tricks dialog with animated tips |
public |
file upload dialog |
public |
V oldModalWrap: {"show": *, "showError": *, "prompt": *} |
public |
T ModalDialogOptions: Object configuration object for a modal dialog |
summary | ||
public |
info bar at the bottom of the window, showing context sensitive shortcuts etc. |
public |
public |
C IconBar |
public |
public |
F hideNotificaton(toastId: *) |
public |
F notify(title: *, text: *, options: NotificationDisplayOptions): * notify displays a toast-notification |
public |
F notifyError(title: *, text: *, options: NotificationDisplayOptions): * notifyError displays an error as a toast-notification |
public |
F notifyWarn(title: *, text: *, options: {}): * |
public |
F initSplitPanes() |
public |
F hideInfo() |
public |
F hideToolTip() |
public |
F showInfo(txt: *, param: *) |
public |
F showToolTip(e: *, txt: *, nopadding: *) |
public |
F updateHoverToolTip(event: *, port: *, overlink: *) |
public |
T NotificationDisplayOptions: Object configuration object for loading a patch |
summary | ||
public |
public |
public |
C Gizmo |
public |
public |
summary | ||
public |
draw lines on the patchfield |
public |
C GlRect rectangle data structure for GlRectInstancer |
public |
draw many rectangles quickly using GPU instancing (e.g. |
public |
draw splines, e.g. |
public |
C GlText draw text using msdf font texture, using GlRectInstancer |
public |
draw text using msdf font texture, using GlRectInstancer |
summary | ||
public |
public |
C GlArea |
public |
C GlCable rendering cables for links |
public |
C GlCursor |
public |
simple line e.g. |
public |
public |
C GlGraph |
public |
C GlLink drawing gl links GlCable |
public |
C GlOp rendering of ops on the patchfield GlPatch |
public |
C GlPatch rendering the patchfield |
public |
C GlPort |
public |
selection area, when dragging the mouse on the patchfield |
public |
canvas for the patchfield GlPatch |
public |
public |
Viewbox of current patch |
public |
managing mouse states buttons/position/dragging etc |
public |
public |
detect shaking of ops to disconnect |
public |
C Snap snapping of ops/ports etc to an invisible grid |
public |
C VizLayer managing data vizualizations on the patchfield (e.g. |
public |
F GlGuiFull() |
public |
F GlGuiTab(tabs: *) |
public |
summary | ||
public |
C ScClient |
public |
public |
public |
C ScState |
public |
public |
F PatchConnectionReceiver(patch: *, options: *, connector: *) |
public |
F PatchConnectionSender(patch: *) |
public |
summary | ||
public |
C Tracking |
summary | ||
public |
manage keybindings for hotkeys/shortcuts |
public |
public |
F getHandleBarHtml(name: *, obj: *): * |
public |
F escapeHTML(string: *): * |
public |
F uniqueArray(arr: *): * |
summary | ||
public |
C Events |
public |
public |
C Logger |
public |
public |
public |
C ele |
public |
C helper |
public |
V CablesConstants: {} |